The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1545: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (115)

   Chapter 1545 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (115)

  Su Xi'er has changed into a daily dress, but the makeup on her face has not been removed. At this moment, Chu Chu looks at Mu Hanting pitifully, I really feel pity.

   "Brother Mu, you have only been paying attention to my sister since you entered the door. Have you ever thought about my feelings?"

   "Last time I was at the Mus Group Company, I was worried that you specially sent soup to you, but you didn't accept my kindness at all, and even threw me out!"

   "Last time you were at the company, you kept checking WeChat and chatting. Obviously, that person was talking about my sister, right? In your heart, isn't the relationship between the two of us better than my sister?"

  Su Xi'er bit the corner of her lips and tried to show weakness to Mu Hanting very unwillingly.

   From the performance of the three men, Li Zihao, Li Moyao and Mu Hanting to the little fox just now, Su Xier realized that she had lost everything at an unknown time.

   But she is really not reconciled, why?

  Much more than a month ago, Mu Hanting still listened to himself in everything, even the more than 20 million white jade piano was borrowed.

  Su Xi'er doesn't believe that Mu Hanting has no feelings for her!

  The two brothers of the Li family didn't have much affection for her, but Mu Hanting was different.

   Didn't this man always regard himself as a savior?

   Couldn't the attitude towards the benefactor be a little better and more tolerant?


   In fact, Mu Hanting originally focused on the little fox today, and he was eager to verify something.

   But at this moment, Su Xier insisted on ramming the muzzle, the man's eyes that were slightly sullen, instantly sharpened like a falcon.

  The man gave Su Xi'er a cold look, his thin lips were pressed together like a straight line, and the whole person was shrouded in a cloudy aura.

   "Su Xi'er, now that you have the face to tell me these things?"

   "I tell you, if it wasn't for your sister, you probably wouldn't be able to stand here and talk to me at all."

   "But it doesn't matter, I'm busy today, and I don't have time to care about you, but many things will be settled in the autumn, and I will find you sooner or later."

   After these cruel words, Mu Hanting turned and left without hesitation, and ran directly to the rooftop.

   And Su Xier was instantly stunned by Mu Hanting's gloomy eyes just now.

   If Su Xier just wanted Pear Blossom to show Yubo some sympathy, then her heart is really beating wildly at this moment!

   A kind of soul-grabbing fear hit her heart.

   What did Mu Hanting mean by that sentence just now?

  What is the post-autumn settlement?

  Su Xier was terrified for a moment and couldn't understand.

   But the dark eyes of the man just now had bloodthirsty killing intent, that kind of ferocity, not like cheating at all.

  Su Xier was afraid and spun around in a frantic circle in the background for a long time, but the girl didn't think of a good plan.

   At this moment, a quaint guqin suddenly appeared in Su Xier's eyes.

   It was a Zhongni-style guqin. The whole body was black. The body of the qin was beautifully covered with tortoise backs, small streams of water, and cattle hair. It looked like it was a few years old, but it was extremely well preserved.

  Su Xi'er didn't know much about the guqin, and she didn't know that it was a Yuelu bosom friend that was once collected in the Danai Palace, and the auction price was much more expensive than the white jade piano she borrowed.

   But when she felt resentment in her heart, Su Xier still recognized it at a glance, this should be the guqin that Li Zihao and Little Fox used to perform before.

Thinking that the show of Little Fox and Li Zihao stole too much of her limelight, plus the fear of being threatened by Mu Hanting just now, Su Xier didn't stop doing it, she put all her negative emotions on this. On the guqin!

   It happened that there was no one backstage at the moment, everyone stayed in the locker room, and Su Xier didn't dare to kick the guqin directly with her feet.

   just took out a pair of scissors that had been placed on the table, and cut the strings several times.

After    cut all the strings of the guqin, Su Xier felt that it was not enough, and immediately used the sharp scissors to cut many horrific marks on the guqin's body.

   A poor rare and famous qin was directly damaged because of Su Xier's momentary anger.


   After doing all this, Su Xier's heart was much happier.

   She tiptoed to look around, and after confirming that there were no other bystanders, she quickly ran out of the backstage.

Before    ran out, he was too panicked and bumped into a classmate from the art department.

   "Xi'er, what's wrong with you? Your face looks so bad? Is it because your heart is not feeling well? Do you want to ask someone from the school infirmary to show you?"

   The concerned classmate was kind, but Su Xier was in a panic at the moment, and she had no time to talk to the other party about these things.

  The girl reluctantly tugged at the corners of her lips, laughing more ugly than crying

   "I'm fine, I'm probably just too stuffy here, I'm going out to get some air."

  Su Xier said that her heart was beating wildly, and when she just cut the strings, Su Xier almost didn't hesitate.

   Now that the moon dew bosom friend has been destroyed, Su Xier's hands are shaking, and she begins to wonder if the things that the second young master of the Li family uses are very expensive?

   recalled that there seemed to be a line of small characters engraved on the guqin just now.

   Because it is an ancient font, Su Xier, who is learning Simplified, can't understand it very well, except for the exposed character of a dewdrop that is very clear.

  Su Xi'er's hands trembled and she immediately began to search to see if there was any ancient famous qin with dew in its name.

  Su Xier turned two or three pages and found Yuelu Bosom friend.

   And what scares the girl the most is that the auction picture shown above is almost identical to the guqin she just saw.

   When the girl looked up and saw the price of more than 30 million displayed at the auction, Su Xier's face was pale, and her blood was gone.


   is just a broken piano, why is it so expensive?

   And seeing that Li Zihao used such a simple cloth bag to carry the piano in and out, and then left it casually in the backstage of the school so carelessly, who would have thought that this number would be so expensive? !

   The more Su Xier thought about it, the more frightened she became.

   She couldn't care about anything else, she immediately reached out her hand tremblingly, and got through a series of phone numbers.

   "Hello? Are you from the cattery? Immediately send the puppet I ordered!"

   She must not panic, no one in the backstage saw what she was doing.

  The big deal is to create an alibi, pretending that because he admires Li Moyao, after Li Moyao delivered his speech, he waited wholeheartedly to deliver a cat to Li Moyao.

  ——She originally planned to give Li Moyao a puppet cat, which was very close, but now it's just a little bit earlier.


  Thinking of this, Su Xier finally sat down in the corner of the venue reluctantly.

   Li Moyao's speech on the stage was not over yet, and Su Xier had read the information several times because of her panic, and kept urging the people in the cat house to hurry up.

   (end of this chapter)

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