The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1548: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (118)

   Chapter 1548 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (118)

   Even if the puppet cat was not sent out, Su Xier did not forget the little black fox.

   She pursued Li Moyao unwillingly, with pain and confusion in her eyes.

   "Brother Li, I have always treated you and Brother Zihao as my relatives. I really don't understand. Can't you see that my sister has changed at all?"

   "She is no longer the girl who was chasing you wholeheartedly before, why are you obsessed now?!"

   "If she really still loves you, it is impossible for her to rehearse a show with Brother Zihao for so long without avoiding suspicion, and it is even more impossible to have a tryst on the rooftop with Brother Mu who is divorced!

   "Lonely men and widows, it is inevitable that right and wrong will come!"

   Hearing Su Xier choreographing the little fox's words, Li Moyao's eyes sank.

Although there are some things Su Xi'er said is right, such as the little fox who doesn't love her at all now, but seeing Su Xi'er with a strong slander at the moment, she can't wait to say that Su Qinghuan is a watery girl, Li Moyao frowned. got tighter.

   He turned his head subconsciously, his voice almost wrapped in a layer of ice slag.

   "Why do you say that about your sister? She is single now, and it is her freedom to date and rehearse with anyone!"

   "It's you, you said you treat me and Zihao as relatives, so what about your sister?!"

   "Su Xi'er, I warn you, no matter whether you treat Su Qinghuan as your biological sister or not, you still have to think over some words, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face and being ruthless in the future."

   The man's eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and like a long sword, almost piercing Su Xier's heart.

  Su Xi'er's heart skipped a beat, she never thought that Li Moyao, who had always been very proud of himself and was arrogant and cold, would defend again and again for a little fox wandering among the crowd!

  Su Xier was so angry that her face almost turned blue.

   "Brother Li, my sister doesn't deserve you at all! Don't you really care that there are so many people around her chasing her?!"

   "So what? It's not her fault that the flowers are chased by wild bees and butterflies."

  It's just weird, those bees and butterflies are too sloppy.

  I didn't see clearly, that flower already had its own belonging.


  Li Moyao's eyes flashed with determination to win, he coldly stabbed Su Xier with a knife, until Su Xier saw that the whole person began to tremble, and he turned to leave.

   Seeing that Li Moyao's figure deviates from the direction he left the school, but turns to walk towards the rooftop, Su Xier covered her heart, although she was afraid, she knew that what she just said still had an impact on the man.

  ——If Li Moyao really didn't care, then why did he go to Su Qinghuan again? !


  It's a pity, for his own sake, Li Moyao still thinks about that **** Su Qinghuan.

   Su Xi'er thought so, her eyes flashing a hint of yin.

   She walked back and picked up the cat bag, opened the zipper and saw the ignorant snow-white dumpling inside, Su Xier almost wanted to reach out and pinch the puppet cat that cost her a lot of money but didn't come in handy.

  ——I originally spent a lot of money to buy such a puppet cat with a competition-level appearance just to please Li Moyao, but now Li Moyao didn't please, this cat should be damned naturally.


   Small animals are the most spiritual ones. Feeling the anger and anger that Su Xier couldn't hide, the puppet cat immediately shivered and curled up in the cat bag, almost trying to escape.

   Su Xier was even more angry when she saw this scene.

  ——Why! Even a beast who doesn't understand anything looks down on her!


  Su Xi'er quickly grabbed the back of the cat's neck, and just as her palm was about to exert force, the cat, which was said to be tame, suddenly opened her mouth and bit her wrist fiercely!

   "Ah! My hand!"

   This ignorant little beast - raw!

   Su Xier was in pain so much that tears came out, and the cat ran so fast that it burrowed into the grass of A-size and escaped Su Xier's sight.

  Su Xier gritted her teeth and had to call to find the spare tire in her address book to catch the cat.

  ——Now that Li Moyao is not there, the cat naturally has no value to stay with her. She is short of money now, and mosquito legs are also meat.

   Although this puppet is far from worth the price of the Moon Dew Friend I broke, but now I have no choice, I should return the cat to the cattery for a refund.

  The reasons are all ready-made. This cat is not at all as docile and amiable as the people in the cattery said, and it will bite people on the first day of coming here!


   Little Fox still didn't know that after she left the backstage of A, Su Xi'er had done so many crimes behind her back.

   She replaced the solemn stage costume with the original simple white T and washed jeans. She also removed the classical makeup on her face, and went to the rooftop to find Mu Hanting refreshingly.

  Mu Hanting had arrived long ago, and he was a little anxious waiting for the little fox.

   It is not because of irritability, but because of guilt and fear, and even "closer to nostalgia is more timid".

   Why did the person he likes suddenly become the little girl who helped him in childhood? !

  Mu Hanting was in a trance for a while, and when he heard the steady footsteps behind him, he finally drew a wry smile on his lips.

   "Qing Huan, you are here."

   The man's name for the little fox was no longer Su Qinghuan who was named by his first name, nor who he was, but Qinghuan.

   It should have been a sweet and sweet title, but now it brings out a faint bitter taste.


  Mu Hanting didn't even dare to look up and face the little fox's face.

   When watching the little fox dancing, the man stared at the stage almost for a split second, dazzled by Su Qinghuan's turning around and looking back.

   But at this moment, the real person was close at hand, but he was timid.

   Coward, cowardice, how could this label belong to him who was born in the dark?


   Mu Hanting was puzzled, he suppressed the pain in his heart, and his eyes were a little off.

   On the other hand, the little fox looked at Mu Hanting fixedly, his eyes were clear and clean.

   "Young Master Mu, you're obviously looking for me, but now that I'm here, you don't dare to look at me, isn't it a bit ridiculous?"

   "If you have nothing to do, I'll leave."

   "Qing Huan, don't go!"

   Hearing the little fox's ruthless words, Mu Hanting's heart shrank for a while, almost without thinking, he stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the little fox's wrist.

   The two were obviously closer before.

   But at this moment, the girl's thin wrist made Mu Hanting feel an inexplicable heat that almost burned him.

  —that was a fire of doubt burning in his heart.

  The man hesitated, and finally opened his lips.

   "Qing Huan, is it you who rescued me in the snow before?"

   He was about to be driven crazy by this possibility.

  The man desperately needs an answer.

   (end of this chapter)

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