The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1558: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (128)

   Chapter 1558 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (128)

  Although today is a weekend, there are many majors with elective courses on the weekend of the a big one, and many students will soon come down from the teaching floor of the Chinese Department.

   The little fox has gained a lot of popularity because of the last cultural performance, and now he is arguing with Su's father here, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.


   Facing the gossipy eyes of his classmates, the little fox was neither frightened nor afraid, and even continued to tease Father Su with a smile on his face.

   "Last time at the door of the apartment my mother left for me, you already said you were going to cut ties with me."

   "Since it's said to be done, you will only have Su Xier as a daughter from now on. As for me, I'm just an outsider."

   Father Su never thought that the little fox had such a strong personality. Last time, he thought about waiting for the little fox to be left out for a while, maybe in a few days he will know the disadvantages of being betrayed and separated.

   Who would have thought that the little fox not only doesn't feel lonely, but is even determined to cut off the father-daughter relationship with himself!

   Father Su was so angry that his face turned red and white, and he almost cursed in anger.

   "How can there be a daughter like you in the world? If you don't cherish this younger sister, even if you don't want to abandon your biological father now?"

   "Who abandoned who? When you betrayed my mother and got involved with that woman Liu Meiyu, did you ever think that you still have a poor wife with hair?"

   "Su Xier and I are one year apart in age. If you really have a sense of responsibility as a man, a father, and a husband, how could you have such a ridiculous illegitimate child?"

   "Even when my mother suffers from depression, you still insist on interacting with Liu Meiyu's mother and daughter. Have you ever thought about my mother's feelings? Wasn't it your first decision to abandon your wife and daughter?"

   "My mother jumped into the sea in a hurry and ended her life hastily. At that time, not only did you not repent, but you also took over Liu Meiyu's mother and daughter, and received the certificate from the little three!"

   "Have you ever thought about what it's like to be provoked by my stepmother and stepsister after I just lost my mother?"

   The little fox's volume was neither too high nor too low, but at this moment, compared to Father Su's hysterical appearance, the girl's expression was too calm, but the sadness and contempt in her eyes couldn't deceive anyone.

   These are all the emotions left by the original owner at work, how can the pain of so many years be smoothed out by a momentary enlightenment?

  The original owner had a deep-rooted love for a man like Li Moyao, and he was infatuated with him to the point where he couldn't be more infatuated.

  Because Father Su was too bad to be a father, a husband, and a man, that's why the original owner was so infatuated with Li Moyao, projecting an unreal fantasy of the perfect opposite **** on Li Moyao.

   As long as Father Su cared more about the original owner, was loyal to the family, and was loyal to the original owner’s mother, the original owner would not be so lacking in love.

   After the mask of Li Moyao's perfect idol was shattered, the original owner was almost at a loss, and he didn't know how to get up.

  Because of Li Moyao's fantasy, it has supported the original owner for many, many years.

   If it is said that Li Moyao watched the original owner sink soberly and calmly, and thought that foolish people who lost themselves were to blame for themselves, then Father Su did not pay any attention to the original owner's feelings at all.

   In Father Su's eyes, the original owner was just a transparent person who came and went.

  It wasn't until the original owner was divorced by the Li family that Father Su discovered that the original owner's daughter had made the family lose so much face.


  Many students of A University were all heartbroken when they heard the little fox's condemnation of Su's father.

  Although they heard about Su Xier's identity and background as early as half a month ago, they also knew that the school beauty had such a miserable life.

   But the gossip I heard from the forum is still different from the feeling of watching the little fox face off with Father Su with my own eyes.

   "...I can't believe that there are still men in this world who can be so scumbag."

   "I've always heard that the chairman of the Su Group is a philanthropist who loves his family, and he trumpets the image of a good man. Who would have thought that there are so many bad things behind it?"

   "School beauty is really too miserable. Who can accept that the little three and the little three's daughter entered the room shortly after his mother was buried."

   "I used to want to apply for the Su Group's resume after graduation, but now it seems that it is not necessary at all."

   "Weibo said two days ago that the Su Group's cash flow is very tight now, and the capital chain may be broken. Is this the price of the chairman for so many years of abandoning his wife and daughter?"

   Father Su only felt that the eyes of those classmates made him feel like a light on his back!

   He never thought that he was so old, and always a respected entrepreneur, that he would be condemned in a school like A University!


   Father Su glanced at the little fox angrily, almost exasperated.

   "What nonsense are you talking about, how have I treated you badly for so many years?"

   "I didn't end your mother's life. She was the one who jumped into the sea with depression. Could it be that I'm to blame?"

   "Yes, she deserves her depression because you have a mistress, right?"

  Su Qinghuan's lips curled up coldly.

   The girl was clearly smiling, but the smile contained too much meaning, which seemed ironic and dismissive.

   "My mother's fault is my mother's fault. Who made her so small and hard to think about."

   "Isn't it in your heart that even you and Liu Meiyu were forced by my mother to hang out together?!"


   The little fox ripped off the mask of hypocrisy in front of the public. Father Su finally couldn't bear it any longer, so he just picked up the patriarch and slapped the little fox in the face.

   "Reverse girl, I'm your father anyway! Who allowed you to talk to me like this!"

   "No matter how bad the parents do in the world, there is no reason for you to criticize them!"

   Father Su thought the little fox was a soft persimmon, but Su Qinghuan reached out and grabbed Father Su's wrist.

   She squeezed Father Su's palm twice, neither too lightly nor too hard. It was obvious that the force was not too heavy, but Father Su only felt that the middle of his palm was bitten by a poisonous insect, and the pain made him almost cry!

   Outsiders still don't understand what happened, but the little fox gently let go of Su's father's hand, her smile was calm and elegant.

   "University is a place for teaching and educating people. How can you be rough in such a sacred place?"


   Father Su is really suffering now and can't tell, he rubbed his palm so hard, he almost wanted to go to the hospital to register.

   The middle-aged man looked at the little fox with extreme resentment.

   "Su Qinghuan, you wait, this matter is not over today! I will report it to your school now, you don't even have the basic bottom line of being a human being, and you don't even recognize your biological father!"

   "If you don't drop out, I'll call you dad!"

   (end of this chapter)

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