The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1561: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (131)

   Chapter 1561 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (131)

  In the hearts of countless people, Li Moyao has always been like an aloof and omnipotent god.

   Neither the students from A University who have not yet experienced social experience, nor the Su Father who is in charge of the entire Su Group, can't imagine the scene in front of him.

  ——Li Moyao, the proud man of the sky who turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands into rain in the business world, would one day humbly beg for forgiveness in such a large audience for a woman.

   Even if this incident happened in private between Little Fox and Li Moyao, it is unbelievable, not to mention that there are so many people watching at the moment.


  Father Su is a good person. He realized right away that maybe his investment in Su Xier was wrong. Who would have thought that his eldest daughter would be so scheming and skillful!

  When Su Qinghuan was divorced by Li Moyao, Father Su wished that the little fox could be removed from the family. At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly realized the role of the little fox!

  Let's not mention that Su Xi'er is in the detention center now, waiting for 30 million emergency help, and now the entire Su Group is also in turmoil. If the Li family can lend a helping hand, won't all problems be solved?

   Originally, Father Su felt ashamed when he heard that the little fox was hooking up with Li Zihao.

  Because Li Zihao's reputation has been very poor after so many years outside, Father Su doesn't think that even if a **** has restrained his temperament, he can bring much benefits to his family.

   But Li Moyao is different. Who doesn't know that Li Moyao is a genius in the business world. He not only manages the Li Group in an orderly manner, but even doubles its performance.

  If Su Qinghuan could obediently marry into the Li family and become the eldest young mistress of the Li family, wouldn't the Su family be able to take advantage of this nepotism in the future as well?


   Father Su had a good plan in mind, he immediately stopped insulting the little fox, and even opened his mouth to Li Moyao and Su Qinghuan with a smile, as if he was an elder who pretended to be Li Moyao's father-in-law.

   "Master Li, don't force our family Qinghuan to accept your apology."

   "Qinghuan in our family is a girl. She has a thin skin since she was a child. You are so embarrassed that you let people admit that the past has passed in front of everyone's eyes."

   "Fortunately, everyone has known each other for so many years, and there is no need to do so many hypocritical things. There is nothing better than sincere love."

   "Since you still like our family Qinghuan, and Qinghuan has been in love with you for so many years, why don't you let me, my elder, make the decision to reschedule your marriage?"


  Li Moyao knew in his heart how much Su Qinghuan hated her father, so at this moment, when Su Qinghuan took the opportunity to match himself with the little fox, the man was not overwhelmed by joy.

   It was only Li Moyao's long-cherished request to be able to re-determine the marriage through the words of his elders. Even if he no longer looked down on Su Chenggang's character, Li Moyao hesitated at this moment.

   Only the little fox sneered.

   "I said Su Chenggang, don't forget, you have already told me to cut off the relationship between father and daughter, why do you want to be my master now, and you want to arbitrarily settle my marriage with someone else?"


   Hearing that the little fox defined Li Moyao as someone else, Father Su immediately cursed inwardly as a rebellious girl.

  Which man can accept that his sweetheart is so anxious to distance himself from him?

   When you see a little fox, you won't be sweet to please men!

  If it was Su Xier who was standing here today, if she could be proposed by Li Moyao, I am afraid that Su Xier would have agreed happily!


   Father Su was dissatisfied with the disobedience with the little fox, he glanced at Li Moyao anxiously, and wanted to pack the little fox and send it out in a hurry.

   "Young Master Li, don't listen to my eldest daughter's nonsense. How can blood and family relationships be so easily cut off?"

   "And since ancient times, parents' orders and matchmakers' words, girls' marriages must be decided by our parents."

   "But now there are some problems with the Su Group's capital chain. My youngest daughter Su Xi'er is also locked in the detention center because of a little conflict with your brother..."

   "I think a reasonable person like Young Master Li should not embarrass future husband-in-law and sister-in-law, right?"


   Seeing that Father Su could be so shameless and high-sounding as Li Moyao's father-in-law, and said so many words to ask Li Moyao to help, the onlookers were shocked.

   Even if the little fox is well-informed, his three views have been refreshed by Father Su at this moment.

   "I've heard of so many people who sell their daughters, but I never thought that there would be those who would ignore the happiness of the eldest daughter for the sake of illegitimate daughters."

   The little fox glanced at Father Su coldly, and then said to Li Moyao with an indifferent expression.

   "Brother Li, I believe you are someone with discernment. Your previous apology is not because I don't want to accept it, but the past is gone, there is no need to mention it again."

   "If you also want to mess around with Su Chenggang, I don't think there's any need for us to waste time today. The way is different, we don't plan for each other, and say goodbye."

   "Qing Huan!"

   Seeing that the little fox turned around and was about to leave, Li Moyao, in a hurry, pulled the little fox's sleeve again.

   "I don't mean what you think. I am happy with you, but I will never force you to do anything, and I will never use the name of an elder to shamelessly force a marriage."

   "You promised to see me today. I have something to show you. Now, will you leave with me?"

  The man looked at the little fox anxiously, the humility and sincerity in his eyes almost spread.

  The students of University A who were watching were a little unbearable. Who has ever seen Li Moyao so humble.

  In their eyes, Li Moyao has always been the most favored man in the sky, how could he bow down for a woman?

   Even the male classmate who was jealous of Li Moyao's ability to get close to the goddess could not help but sigh in his heart at this moment, the little fox is really hard-hearted.


   In the eyes of everyone's gossip, the little fox finally nodded lightly.

   "Okay, I will do what I say, but I also hope that you can ask the media and the like not to write about the relationship between the two of us, we are just ordinary friends."

"of course!"

   Li Moyao's lips overflowed with unspeakable bitterness, he forced himself to smile, and looked at the little fox pretending to be calm.

   "I know, I'm just unrequited love. Before you agree to be my girlfriend, I will always be your suitor, and I will never cross the line."

  The man realizes only now that unrequited love is so painful.

  ——I love you, and you are like the free wind.

   The loved one does not respond, and a little neglect can bring no additional pain.

  How could Su Qinghuan endure being ignored by him for so long?

   (end of this chapter)

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