The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1566: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (136)

   Chapter 1566 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (136)

   Even if System 233 is an artificial intelligence, he can't help but feel a deep pain in his teeth at this moment.

   "This is the most famous amusement park in country A. It can accommodate tens of thousands of people a day on average. The cheapest ticket is close to 1,000 yuan. Li Moyao must have planned it for a long time, right?"

   Even if you don’t count other human and material resources, just refusing tourists to enter the park today will lose an unknown amount of income.

   It's no wonder that Father Su would like to sell the little fox to Li Moyao immediately like an item. If this great **** makes a capital injection, it is not a problem for the Su Group to come back to life.

   From a certain point of view, what the Su Group lacks most now is not just money, but time and confidence.

   It is a big challenge for Su's father to pull out huge investment in a short period of time, but if Li Moyao is the backer, Su's father will not have to worry about these things.


   The little fox also understood the emotion of System 233. A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of the girl's lips, but the point was deviated from System 233.

   "In the past, everyone thought that Li Zihao was a sea king and was very good at chasing girls, but Li Moyao didn't understand anything and refused to be a thousand miles away from girls."

   "But look at Tonger, if a man really takes you to heart, even if he goes through the secrets of love to teach himself, he can learn without a teacher."

   The most sad thing for the little fox is that time has changed and things are different.

  The former owner also wanted to come to this amusement park on a date with Li Moyao.

  The original owner didn't dare to think that Li Moyao would clear the scene for her. For the original owner, it was good to be alone with Li Moyao for a day and to sit on the Ferris wheel.

  In the legend, people who have ever made a Ferris wheel together will break up, but when the Ferris wheel reaches its highest point, if you kiss your beloved, this kiss will bring you deep happiness and go on for a lifetime.

   The original owner was a little girl, and she was still obsessed with such love legends.

   And the original owner also looked forward to a date with the male **** Li Moyao alone. Obviously they have been engaged for so many years, but they have never enjoyed the time alone.

   No matter how busy Li Moyao was doing academic work at the time, he wouldn't be so busy all year round that he didn't even have time to meet girls on weekends.

   is nothing more than the difference between whether you have a heart or not.


   Just as the little fox was sighing, Li Moyao came towards her with an affectionate expression.

   "Do you like this place? I've been preparing for today's date for a long time, and I want no one to disturb us."


   The little fox laughed at himself, feeling deeply worthless for the original owner.

   Little Fox took a deep breath.

   "Do you remember this place? Just two years ago during the Qixi Festival, I invited you to come here and ride the Ferris wheel with me."

   At that time, the original owner and Li Moyao were still unmarried couples.

   Now it's Li Moyao's turn to be stuck in his throat.

   When the man saw the excited look of the little fox, his heart suddenly panicked.

  Li Moyao explained anxiously.

   "It wasn't that I didn't want to come to the playground with you at that time, but there were too many things at that time."

  This is of course a lie, and Li Moyao knew it in his heart, but at this moment, the man really didn't know what to say, so that he could clean up his past behavior.

   At this moment, Li Moyao felt a deep powerlessness in his heart.

  What happened once happened, just like a moat in the heart of myself and the little fox.

   He can let go completely, as long as he can be with the little fox, but the little fox is not ready to let go.

  Is this the punishment from God for failing Su Qinghuan?

  The girl used to be so deeply infatuated with herself.

   And now he is also deeply in love with the little fox.

   But these two feelings do not overlap at all in time.


   Hearing Li Moyao's disobedient explanation, the little fox did not reveal that it was a lie.

   And at the moment when the atmosphere was a little dull, suddenly a burst of fireworks broke out in the sky.

   The little fox let out a small hum.

   "Why are there fireworks at this point?"

   Gorgeous fireworks rushed to the sky, and the whole sky was full of gorgeous colors.

  The moonlight was originally clear and bright, but at this moment it is completely incomparable to the dazzling fireworks.

   The whole weather was illuminated, and the girl's indifferent eyes seemed to be moistened and softened.

  Li Moyao turned his head and stared at the little fox's face obsessively.

   "Do you like it? These fireworks are specially customized for you."

   As if to prove Li Moyao's answer, the fire tree silver flower in the sky suddenly changed into three letters.

   - SQH.

   The little fox also turned his head and nodded to Li Moyao with a faint smile.

   "It's really nice, thank you."

  The man stared at the smiling girl under the fireworks, and his heart seemed to collapse.

   Even knowing that Su Qinghuan's smile is not for him, but for this gorgeous fireworks.

   But the girl's eyes were so clear and ethereal, the man suddenly felt that even if he gave everything to change her smile, it was worth it.

   When Li Moyao was a child, he read about the ancient people playing beacon fire with princes, just for Bao Si's smile. At that time, Li Moyao thought that King You of Zhou was absurd.

  Now, he understands this intention.

  The mountains and rivers handed over, but it was just a smile for the Qing.


   The man's heart was a little sore, and the fireworks in the sky finally ended.

   Just when the little fox thought everything was over, the originally dark lawn suddenly became bright as day.

  All kinds of gifts wrapped in silk satin and tied with delicate bows were presented to the little fox one by one.

   In the surprised eyes of the little fox, Li Moyao gave a doting smile.

   "There are a total of 21 gifts, one of which is a thank you gift for saving Xiaobai last time, and all other gifts are your birthday gifts."

   "Qing Huan, I have missed every birthday of yours, can I make up for it all now?"

  The man looked at the little fox with burning eyes, and the always calm and cold peach blossom eyes were filled with unknowing affection.

  The little fox stepped forward in a daze, and opened the delicately wrapped gifts one by one.

  From the crystal hairpins that little girls like, to the priceless diamond crowns, or the pictures of ancient ladies who once sold hundreds of millions of dollars at the auction of antique dealers, they are all displayed one by one...

   These gifts all silently expressed Li Moyao's feelings for her.

   What surprised System 233 the most was the portrait of a lady.

   "Host, this gongbi painting is invaluable. The most important thing is that the characters actually look a little like you. The person in the painting is walking through the peony bushes with a snow-white lion cat. You really look like you."


  The little fox pondered and picked up the fine brushwork painting to take a closer look, but the giant Ferris wheel in front of her suddenly turned...

   The bright light like the Milky Way seems to make people fall into a dream.

   "Beautiful lady, can I invite you to ride the Ferris wheel with me?"

   (end of this chapter)

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