The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1572: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (142)

   Chapter 1572 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (142)

   Seeing that Li Moyao extracted the key information, Mu Hanting snorted coldly.

   "My people took a photo of what looks like Qinghuan's side face. The place is in the northwest. As the saying goes, strong dragons don't overwhelm the snakes. I have very little power there, otherwise I wouldn't invite you to find them together."


  Li Moyao's eyes lit up when he heard the words. He was about to say something when Li Zihao, who was beside him, rushed over with a look of excitement.

   "Show me the photo! I'm sure I can tell if it's her!"

   "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

   Li Moyao reprimanded Li Zihao, and soon nodded slightly to Mu Hanting.

   "I know a few friends in the northwest, and some distant relatives. Since my cousin wants us to find Qinghuan together, it's disrespectful."

   "Huh, if I wasn't in a hurry to find someone, I wouldn't want to form an alliance with you two brothers."

   Mu Hanting felt unhappy. Since the little fox disappeared, Mu Hanting became more and more unhappy with Li Moyao and Li Zihao.

  Although the man also knew that Su Qinghuan had blocked all of Li Moyao's contact information on the night he disappeared, but in the eyes of the jealous man, blocking it was a proof of his love.

   She had never had such a clear mood swing towards him.

   Mu Hanting's eyes showed a trace of sadness.

   The man felt a little lonely, but he still quickly turned on his mobile phone, connected to the bluetooth projected in the living room, and released the photo.

   I saw that there was indeed only a silhouette of a girl in the projection, wearing a simple white shirt and light blue jeans, and there was a young man who was a head taller than her. The two seemed to be hanging out in the market.


   Although the size of the photo is large, the pixels are quite blurry. Li Zihao, who had always promised to recognize Su Qinghuan immediately, was silent for a moment.

  Youth dissatisfied with the authentic.

   "Is this picture too blurry? How did you infer that it was from Qinghuan?"

   "Of course I have my own way."

   On this point, Mu Hanting has confidence in his subordinates.

   "The vendor nearby said that he had never seen such a good-looking young man and woman, which proves that the girl in the picture is very good-looking, and I vaguely heard that the boy next to the girl called her Junior Sister Su..."

   "It's just a pity that the vendor at the back said that they had never seen the couple traveling, otherwise they would have been able to identify them more accurately."

   "Sister Su?"

   Hearing this title, Li Moyao frowned instantly.

   "A university has no male students who have left the A university campus and went to the northwest recently, right?"

   "Maybe they met later, not necessarily, after all, it's been so long..."

  Li Zihao's lips pursed slightly, thinking that Su Qinghuan had a "flower protector" by his side so soon, and it was said that his appearance was quite good, the alarm bell in the young man's heart rang immediately.

   He had always thought that his biggest competitor would be his twin brother Li Moyao, but now it seems that he is really too naive.

   "In the northwest, are there any good schools or programs?"

  Li Zihao put forward a direction that is very close to the truth.

  Li Moyao's heart skipped a beat, thinking of the little fox's real-name report on the Li Group, the Mu Group, and the Su Group, he didn't believe that the little fox didn't find any backing.

   Otherwise, how could she dare to do such a vigorous thing?

   When the little fox left, he never left any trace, unless someone deliberately erased it for her.

  It is hard not to suspect that it was the official instigation to do this in front of the Li family and the Mu family.


   Li Moyao's voice was astringent.

   "I heard the principal of University A once said that the school was in the desert in the northwest. Under the instigation of the superior, a high-tech laboratory was built, and it was also studying major confidential projects."

   "If I hadn't chosen to go to the Li Group to take over my father's business, I would probably have gone there."

   After all, with Li Moyao's talent, it is very possible to achieve amazing results in academia.

   But the past cannot be traced back, so he finally chose to go into business.

  Li Zihao subconsciously denied the words.

   "It can't have anything to do with this, right? Qing Huan is an out-and-out liberal arts student. She has excellent academic performance, but a Chinese student, how could she suddenly abandon literature and focus on rationality and do experiments?"

"Even if she wants to change to such a major and start working in the laboratory, she has to prepare for a few months to a year and a half, but in the past, she has been rehearsing "Mountain" with me. Ghost' dance."

   And they have known each other since childhood. Of course, they know that Su Qinghuan is not a genius with an extremely high IQ like Li Moyao. Su Qinghuan can be as good as he is today, and he can still rank among the top in the Chinese series of A University. More depends on the accumulation of step by step.


   "It's probably just me thinking too much."

  Li Moyao also felt that his guesses were too wild, he shook his head and said firmly to Mu Hanting.

   "As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will definitely be willing to find Qinghuan. I will start preparing for the trip to the northwest today."



  Three days later, Li Moyao, Mu Hanting, and Li Zihao flew a private plane, put aside all the company and school affairs, and temporarily came to this border town in the northwest.

  Because there is a desert not far away, there are not many aborigines in this town, that is, the tourism development in recent years has made it more popular.

Li Moyao and the other three have extraordinary looks and bearing. At first glance, they are not local people. Originally, the appearance of a handsome guy was enough to make people in the whole street look at them. At this moment, there are three of them, and one of them is a pair of twins. gimmick.

   A girl dared to take a photo secretly as a souvenir, but was quickly stopped by the bodyguard who was secretly protecting her.

   There is a lot of wind and sand here, and the air is extremely dry. Li Zihao, who is used to the coastal city of City A, frowned immediately.

   "Will Qing Huan really hide in such a place? The climate is too different from Jiangnan's climate, and there is not even a movie theater or department store. How can she get used to such a boring life?"

   "We're here to find people, not to let you go on vacation. I said Li Zihao, just take your temper."

   Mu Hanting gave Li Zihao a white look, but he couldn't help but worry about the little fox's daily life.

   I really fell in love with a person, and even couldn't bear her to suffer a little bit in food, clothing, housing and transportation.


   The three of them searched in this small town for a week, but they didn't see Su Qinghuan's shadow, nor did they see any young man who could brighten their eyes.

   So I couldn't help but wonder if the owner of the street vendor had too low a vision, so it was so easy to be amazed by the looks of young men and women.

   Just when Li Moyao and others were anxious, the little fox and Gu Yan were finally released to buy things.

   (end of this chapter)

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