The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1574: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (144)

   Chapter 1574 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (144)

  Li Zihao murmured in his heart, they have been wandering around this small town for several days in the past few days, and they haven't seen a little fox, let alone any young men and women who are so outstanding that they can enter the entertainment industry.

   Until Gu Yan with two bottles of mineral water appeared——

   The young man stood under the lamp sign, wearing a white shirt and black trousers. The buttons on the white shirt were even more rigorously tied to the top one, and there was a bit of abstinence in the coldness.

   In addition, Gu Yan's eyebrows are very high, and his temperament is extremely noble and alienated. At first glance, he is not an ordinary person.


  Li Moyao stared at the two bottles of mineral water in Gu Yan's hand, and felt that there was a high probability that it was the young man who was with the little fox as mentioned by the stall owner.

   It is said that caring is messy, and even Mu Hanting, who has been unpleasant with everything these days, nodded subconsciously.

   "Should we go over and ask first?"

   Having not seen the little fox for such a long time, Mu Hanting felt extremely bitter in his heart. Only now did he realize how ridiculous it was that he was so opposed to Su Qinghuan's idea of ​​marrying into the Li family.

   He even thought that if the little fox could stay in city A, it would be good even if he married a ruthless man like Li Moyao, at least he could see her from time to time.

   When Su Qinghuan gave up on Li Moyao, he would have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

   It's just that Mu Hanting didn't expect the little fox to be so ruthless, even Bai Yueguang, who had been in love with him for more than ten years, could just give up if he gave up.


   "Don't startle the snake."

  Li Moyao always felt that Gu Yan's appearance looked a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while.

  Li Moyao has always had an excellent memory. If a handsome guy with a unique single eyelid like Gu Yan appeared, he would not be able to forget it.

   Just when Li Moyao wanted to follow quietly, he suddenly saw a young man with a very indifferent and aloof temperament, as if he had found a surprise, and quickly ran towards a small stall.

  Because the stall has no street lights, only the small light-emitting lights brought by the stall owner, so it is not eye-catching in the night.

   Who is that young man looking at?

  Li Moyao and the others were startled for a while, and when they were still a little confused, the little fox who was half-squatting on the ground suddenly stood up.

   And when the little fox got up, Gu Yan smiled at her with a smile on her lips, and there was unknowing doting in his eyes.

   "Here, the water is ready."

  The man said, and was about to unscrew the bottle cap for the little fox.


   was originally an extremely pleasing picture, almost as beautiful as an idol drama.

  Gu Yan's appearance was already outstanding, but between the moonlight and the breeze, the girl who suddenly stood up was even more eye-catching.

   The girl was dressed very plainly, but her impeccable oval face, eyebrows like a distant mountain, and eyes like apricots made her look forward to it and overwhelm all living beings.

  The girl was wearing a loose black coat that was obviously that young man's shoulders, so everyone would think they were very close.

   The little fox took the mineral water handed over by the young man very comfortably. The girl drank the water while looking at Gu Yan. Those black apricot eyes were like obsidian soaked in mist, with pure joy.

   "This water is so sweet, I don't seem to have drunk this brand before."

   "This is a local brand in the northwest. You can try it next time. The minerals are much higher than that of Nongfu Spring, and the price is cheaper than that of Evian."

  Gu Yan explained to the little fox seriously.

   And Su Qinghuan looked up at Gu Yan, his smile was pure and sweet, and there was even an unknown attachment in it.

   "Okay, then we'll buy this brand in the future, maybe it hasn't been sold in other cities."

   The little fox said not "I", but "we".


   These words made Gu Yan's heart beat faster.

   And the three men on the other side were injured in an instant.

   They had never seen the little fox looking at a person of the opposite **** so reliantly. Even the blind could tell that the little fox had a good impression of the young man.

   Obviously, the young man who bought the water also likes her.


  Li Zihao clasped his hands tightly, staring at this scene almost with a splitting eye. In the peach blossom eyes of the young man, anger and jealousy almost burst out.

   He was the first to be unable to restrain his emotions and rushed out almost without thinking.

   "Qing Huan! Who is this man?! What is his relationship to you?"

   "Do you know how long my brother and I have been looking for you? Do you know how much we care about you?! But you're here every day flirting with a strange man? Are you worthy of us?"

  When the Li Group was almost crushed by those scandals, Li Zihao saw with his own eyes that Li Moyao, the eldest brother who had always been omnipotent in his eyes, would also have anxiety, and Li Zihao was suddenly forced to grow up.

  Many things at home and in the company were also taken over by Li Zihao, because the mess was thrown over one by one, even if Li Moyao was a god, he needed time to breathe.

   But even so, they never blamed the little fox.

   Even if the Li Group chose to break the arm to survive, it would not be able to sway the market as before for a long time, and its market share was also shrinking. Neither Li Zihao nor Li Moyao felt that there was any problem.

   But when he saw the little fox talking and laughing with a strange man and taking the mineral water handed over by the other party, Li Zihao realized that when his heart hurts, it can really make people feel unbearable.


  Li Zihao was suddenly like Mu Hanting, he would rather lose to his twin brother, Li Moyao, than to lose to a stranger whom he has never met!

  How long has it been since the little fox left City A!

  The Li family and the Su family are family friends, and Li Zihao also grew up with the little fox since he was a child. Naturally, he understands that there is no such a person around Su Qinghuan, so who is this man? !


   Li Zihao roared furiously, then stretched out his hand and pressed the little fox's shoulder firmly.

  Su Qinghuan and Gu Yan did not expect that someone would suddenly rush out from the street.

   Gu Yan's words to Li Zihao were hazy. He was a typical science man. He devoted himself to the laboratory. He didn't pay attention to the recent gossip on Weibo, and he didn't know Li Zihao and others.

   Even for the little fox who got along with each other day and night, he only knew that Su Qinghuan came from A major and was a very capable junior sister.


  Su Qinghuan stared at Li Zihao who was holding his shoulders, his eyes were already red.

   The girl looked slightly startled and blurted out subconsciously.

   "Zihao, why are you here?"


   All the angry emotions were defeated by the little fox's surprised question.

   Li Zihao had a strong hatred in his heart, and he stared at the little fox.

   "You're missing, we'll come to you, can't we?"

   (end of this chapter)

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