The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1583: Fiance Bewitched by Goblin (4)

   Chapter 1583 The fiance who was bewitched by the goblin (4)

  Fu Yunhao felt that his eyes were dark before, but now he saw the little fox complimenting him on how good he was wearing the broken male ring, and his scalp started to go numb.

   And the novice shopping guide over there heard that the little fox wanted to pay the bill, how could they say that Fu Yunhao was a sissy.

   "Yeah, Miss Su, I think Master Fu wears this men's ring really well. It complements the one you have in your hand. You can see at a glance that you two are a loving couple."

   The little fox winked at Fu Yunhao pretending to be embarrassed, and then reached out and poked the corner of Fu Yunhao's clothes lightly.

   "Look, people say that we both look good with this ring. How can you not like it? It's normal for boys to wear rings these days, and no one will think it's inappropriate."


  Fu Yunhao used to see Su Qinghuan's shy and shy look and still be arrogant and proud of his charm, but now, seeing the little fox's determination to buy these so-called global limited edition rings, he would vomit out a mouthful of old blood.

   I'm afraid that the cost of this pair of male and female rings is less than 8,000 yuan. How could Su Qinghuan make him bleed a lot and spend 200,000 yuan to buy this kind of shit!

   And the little fox over there saw that Fu Yunhao was still struggling, so he stomped his feet pretending to be angry.

   "What's the point of this? I'm a girl, I'm sure you're better at aesthetics, okay, don't worry about it, go to the front desk to pay."

   The novice shopping guide lit up, and immediately surrounded him with a look of attentiveness.

   "Master Fu... Are you transferring money by mobile phone or directly swiping your card?"


   Seeing that the little fox made his little temperament directly make himself pay the bill, Fu Yunhao really had a hard time riding a tiger.

   He can't say that his budget for a diamond ring is only that much, right?

Originally, Fu Yunhao saw that the most common one-carat round white diamonds on the market can be bought for 200,000 yuan and the quality that this young lady can get. After all, the carat is not too big, and the global production of white diamonds is also extremely rich. .

   But who would have thought that Su Qinghuan would be such a loser as soon as he made a move, and even the platinum pair ring would be embarrassed to let him take advantage of it!


  Fu Yunhao was sweating coldly on his forehead. He subconsciously wanted to refuse, and the shopping guide over there had already started to write a shopping list under the instruction of the little fox.

   Now, it's too late for Fu Yunhao to make excuses.

  Fu Yunhao had a bitter face, moved his steps reluctantly, and said to the shopping guide against his will.

   "Let's swipe your card."

   "Okay, please sign your name in the lower right corner."


   When he saw the swipe of the credit card in the swipe machine, Fu Yunhao only felt that his heart was dripping with blood, and the little fox over there was still smiling and looked at Fu Yunhao's signature.

   I saw three big characters written on the credit card slip.

  —Fu Yunhao.

  It turns out that this fellow's full name is this, and the little fox immediately felt amused when he saw Fu Yunhao's heartache and forced a smile.

   She just glanced at the original owner's outfit today. The bracelet in her hand is a custom-made luxury item, which is estimated to be several times more expensive than this pair of rings.

   If this guy didn't have diamonds, how could he greedily want to take the porcelain work of this rich girl.


   The little fox was able to determine almost immediately that Fu Yunhao was probably a Phoenix man who was plotting the original owner's property, but the little fox did not reveal it, but continued to shake his left hand with a pair of rings with a smile, and placed it side by side with Fu Yunhao.

   "Yun Hao, look at the two of us wearing the same pair of rings on our hands now, how much we love each other. In the future, no one will know that we are a couple even if we don't say it."

   "Yes... yes."

  Fu Yunhao smiled against his will, he is now a mute eating berberine, and he can't tell if he is suffering.


   Just when Fu Yunhao was in pain, the black and white suit shopping guide who used to search for the global diamond inventory for the little fox came out.

   The other party said to the little fox with a look of joy.

"Miss Su, in our store's global chain inventory, there happens to be a one-carat collection-grade red diamond, but the clarity is not pure and flawless, but VS2 grade, with slight fluorescence, but basically all colored diamonds are There's this little problem."

   "And the flaws do not hide the flaws. Among the red diamonds found in the world, none of them have exceeded the VS2 clarity, so I think your diamond can be considered."

  Fu Yunhao jumped in his heart and immediately asked without thinking.

   "What about the price?"

"It's not expensive, because Miss Su is our big customer. Just now I saw that Miss Su also bought a new limited-edition pair of rings from our store, so I can give Miss Su a discount, plus the ring setting, probably just A little over two million."

   "Two million... a little bit early?"


  Fu Yunhao is really dumbfounded now, two million, not twenty thousand!

   The shopping guide saw Fu Yunhao's face hesitant, and subconsciously made a mistake again, she hesitated.

   "Master Fu thinks that this red diamond is not good enough? In fact, clarity and fluorescence are indeed a problem, but colored diamonds are too rare, and red diamonds are the most among them. We are also very embarrassed."

   Seeing that the little fox has not yet denied it, the shopping guide suddenly handed over the tablet and recommended it to the little fox.

   "By the way, Miss Su, did you know you like purple diamonds?"

   "Purple diamonds are even rarer than red diamonds, and I just saw a very bright and beautiful purple diamond, which is just over a carat, with a clarity of VS1, and the price is similar, only 2.3 million."

   The little fox saw Fu Yunhao angrily and wanted to refuse immediately, so she quickly took the lead in taking the tablet handed over by the shopping guide, and said happily.

   "Okay, maybe it's still purple diamonds. Purple diamonds are also special, they look noble and elegant, Yun Hao, now you are not afraid that I will wear a large carat white diamond and it will be earthy and vulgar, right?"

   The little fox deliberately gave Fu Yunhao a patch, and Fu Yunhao was already extremely reluctant to smile. He gritted his back molars secretly, and angrily hoped that the little fox would give up this terrible idea.

   "Qing Huan, are you sure you want a fancy coloured diamond? The clarity of this fancy coloured diamond is far worse than that of a white diamond, and there are still small particles in it. If you wear it, will others not know the product?"

   In order to promote business, the shopping guide explained it in a serious manner without the little fox speaking.

"Master Fu, you are wrong, VS1 grade can't see the particles with the naked eye at all, but you can detect small clouds and mists in this enlarged picture, and this diamond has no black spots, and the fluorescence is also very slight. ."

   "And at the level of Miss Su's friends, how can you not see the nobility of this purple diamond?"

   The little fox nodded approvingly.

   "Yeah, Yun Hao, don't worry, there are professional jewelry appraisers in this shop who must know more than us."


   Seeing that he couldn't escape, Fu Yunhao hurriedly covered his stomach, ready to take the opportunity to urinate.

   "Ouch, Qing Huan, my stomach suddenly hurts, you guys talk first, I'll go to the toilet..."

   (end of this chapter)

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