The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1587: Fiance Bewitched by Goblin (8)

   Chapter 1587 The fiance who was bewitched by the goblin (8)

  If it really is the age of the end of the Dharma, how can you be a person with such merit and virtue, but still can't condense spiritual energy?

   This is a puzzled little fox.

   And System 233 quickly gave the little fox answer.

   "You don't have to worry too much about the host. According to my current observations, this plane still has no spiritual energy, but it seems that within a week, nine stars will come into the world in a series, which will stimulate the spiritual energy."

   "As for the specific aura activation mechanism, I don't quite understand it, and whether your body, host, can participate in the practice may also be unknown."


   The little fox was speechless when he heard this.

   "No way, I don't see the original owner's body rejecting me at all. Logically, the Heavenly Dao here should also appreciate the power of my merits. Let me participate in the practice."

   "If the plane has aura but I can't practice, wouldn't it be impossible to fight back against some strange creatures?"

   "Cough, it really doesn't work, you can ask other practitioners for help, and the hot weapons of this era are also very advanced. It's just that country A prohibits individuals from wearing guns."

   "Of course it is better to rely on yourself than others. If someone is gifted with extraordinary talent, who cultivates an indestructible body, or even does some sorcery to take home, then even if I borrow an advanced weapon, I'm afraid I will be saddened."

  Little fox has always been a very cautious person. After thinking for a while, he immediately bewitched System 233.

   "Tong'er, we are all comrades-in-arms who have worked together for so many years, why don't we have a discussion?"

   "In case my body is really mortal, and there is no way to cultivate through the border, can you help me temper this body?"

  Su Qinghuan blinked his long eyelashes at System 233 as he spoke. The girl's agile and beautiful face made System 233's little heart thump up.

   Ah, no, it is an artificial intelligence, how can it be moved by a fox?

   System 233 quickly suppressed his throbbing and spoke to the little fox very rudely.

   "It's not impossible, but the brothers still have to settle the account. If the host is really unable to cultivate, let me help you change your life against the sky, at least you need this number of points."

   System 233 said, the transformed Q version image showed a number to the little fox.

   "1000 points, why don't you grab it?"

   When the little fox saw the sky-high asking price of System 233, he felt a pain in his heart.

   "You're just giving me a chance to inhale qi into my body, not suddenly turning me into a peerless master. I'll have to practice on my own for the rest."

   Seeing the stingy appearance of the little fox, System 233 couldn't help but roll his eyes.

   "As for it? Host, you have so many points now that I can't count them. 1000 points is only a small matter for you."

   "Anyway, it's also the host. You said that people are swordsmen, and I'm fish. It's a big deal that the King Kong is not bad. You are still here to beat people's hearts with your little fists. You can think of the specific force gap."


  The man was under the eaves and had to bow his head. The little fox thought that he was probably really powerless to fight back, and finally nodded his head despite the pain.

   "Okay, if I really can't cultivate, then I will give you 1000 points to help me improve my body."

   "But let's discuss it first. If the body itself can be practiced, this deal will be void."

"make a deal!"

   Seeing System 233's completely unable to hide his smile, the little fox snorted coldly.

   "I don't know if you can make this money, don't be too proud."

   "Oh, it's a half-and-a-half probability anyway, I'll just wait to collect the money."


The   One Fox One System has been joking here for a long time, and then the little fox finally received the memory of the original owner given by System 233.

   The situation is the same as in the previous worlds. The original owner of this body is still named Su Qinghuan with the same name as the little fox.

   The original owner is the daughter of the famous Su Group boss in Jiangcheng, and she is also the son of Su's father and Su's mother.

  Because there is such a beloved daughter under his knees, Su's father and Su's mother even hurt the original owner like an eyeball.

  The original owner has been spoiled since childhood, almost like being soaked in honey, and all kinds of rare things are sent into her hands like running water.

   When the other girls were still in middle school, the original owner already owned a house of luxury goods. .

  In addition to having a very wealthy family, the original owner is also very beautiful, and there is never a shortage of friends who please her. It can be said that the original owner is a real silly white and sweet little princess.

   Parents have never allowed the original owner to fall in love early, and the original owner never really fell in love before graduating from high school.

   Finally, when the university was able to let go of himself, a handsome and handsome man appeared indifferent to the original owner.

   That is Fu Yunhao.

  Before meeting Fu Yunhao, the original owner had never suffered such a big loss in the opposite sex.

  Because he was so well protected by his original family, the original owner was a little spoiled, but she was still a very kind and innocent girl, and she was very longing for love.

  Fu Yunhao is the school grassroots in the school, and he is also a rare handsome gentleman like jade. He has countless fans in the school.

   At a club activity, the original owner's aunt came suddenly, and the blood directly stained the white dress.

   Just when the original owner was at a loss, Fu Yunhao suddenly came over, took off his coat, and put it on the original owner.

   This share carries the warmth of romanticism. The original owner, a silly and sweet little girl, regardless of the 3721, immediately has some hearts sprouting.

   However, the original owner did not know that this time, Fu Yunhao deliberately approached the original owner because he knew that the original owner was the only daughter of the boss of the Su Group.

   It's just that Fu Yunhao didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. God is also helping him, and the original owner will come to his aunt suddenly, which makes his approach more natural.


   In order to deepen the impression in the original owner's mind, Fu Yunhao deliberately showed the fluctuating hot and cold, as if at odds with the original owner, as if he had only one opposite **** to the original owner, and seemed to be just an illusion of the original owner.

   The original owner, who first tasted love, how could he stand such a battle, and he took the initiative to confess within two months.

In order to show his sincerity, the original owner also specially bought a watch of more than 700,000 yuan for Fu Yunhao, just because Fu Yunhao said that he liked that watch very much when he was shopping, but it is a pity that his parents have restricted his consumption recently. .

   Looking at the luxury watch that is very valuable to ordinary people, Fu Yunhao was moved, and he became more and more sure that the original owner was a big fish that he must hold tightly.

   But in order to show a bit more lofty, Fu Yunhao did not accept the men's watch, but said to the original owner angrily.

   "Qing Huan, who do you take me for? Are you chasing boys with money?"

   (end of this chapter)

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