The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1589: Fiance Bewitched by Goblin (10)

   Chapter 1589 The fiance who was bewitched by the goblin (10)

   From the original owner's point of view, if Fu Yunhao didn't pay attention to himself, how could he prepare this weekend date so seriously?

   Sure enough, after dinner, Fu Yunhao gracefully extended his hand and invited the original owner to dance on the terrace of the western restaurant.

   "Beautiful lady, can I invite you to a ballroom dance?"

The original owner was born in a big company like the Su Group. Naturally, he knew a lot of things since he was a child, and he has seen many big scenes. At this moment, when he saw Fu Yunhao asking him to dance, he also pursed his lips and smiled, and shyly stretched out his slender hand and put it on him. Fu Yunhao's palm.

   "Okay, I may not dance very well. Senior Fu, just don't laugh at me."

   "Call me Yunhao."

  Fu Yunhao pulled the original owner over. As the two got closer, the original owner looked at Fu Yunhao's gentle and handsome face, and he couldn't find the south, east, north and west for a while.

   She looked at the handsome face in front of her fascinatedly, a ballroom dance came down, and her love for Fu Yunhao deepened in her heart.

  The original owner blurted out without thinking.

   "Yunhao, are you willing to be my boyfriend?"

   This is the second time the original owner has asked Fu Yunhao, and she is still a little apprehensive.

   To the original owner's surprise, this time, Fu Yunhao actually agreed.

  The man also looked at her affectionately.

   "Qing Huan, in fact, I fell in love with you as early as the first time I met you. It is my luck for three lifetimes to be your boyfriend."

   If it is like a dream, the original owner will stand there blankly.

   On the other hand, Fu Yunhao raised his hand, made a rose out of his sleeve out of thin air, and handed it directly into the original owner's hand.

   "From now on, we are a couple."

  For any girl who is more alert, seeing the thoughtful and romantic operation of a gentleman like Fu Yunhao, I'm afraid they have to think carefully whether Fu Yunhao is a "perfect boyfriend" or a scum who is too virtuous.

   After all, at the same age in his twenties, Fu Yunhao seems to be not angry at all. Everything seems to be tolerant of the original owner, and all kinds of emotional values ​​are spared.

   And 99% of straight men can't be so temperamental.

If the original owner had multiple hearts, she would not have fallen deeper and deeper into the love network, and she herself was too rich. Since she was not short of money since she was a child, after becoming boyfriend and girlfriend with Fu Yunhao, she did not carefully settle the two with Fu Yunhao. material sacrifices.

   As long as Fu Yunhao coaxed herself a few more words, she would be confused. As for things like money, what is it?

   Less than two months after graduating with Fu Yunhao, the original owner spent millions for Fu Yunhao like flowing water.

   And Fu Yunhao is very green tea every time. On the surface, he says no. Every time he goes shopping, he tells the original owner something that he likes very much.

   After the original owner gave it to him, Fu Yunhao pushed it back and forth hypocritically, and finally accepted it, and these luxury goods were all exchanged for cash by Fu Yunhao backhandedly to find a channel dealer.

   As for what equivalent gift did he send to the original owner?

Sorry, no.

   Needless to say, millions of dollars, not even tens of thousands of dollars.

  Fu Yunhao always likes to write love letters and buy so-called handmade products online to pretend that he made them by himself, find a beautiful packaging box and give them to the original owner.

   The original owner loved Fu Yunhao too much, so he would naturally excuse Fu Yunhao subconsciously.

   Even by accident, the original owner realized that the things Fu Yunhao gave were too incapable of being an adult. When she wanted to ask Fu Yunhao a few words, Fu Yunhao would prevaricate it, and she would even be counter-brainwashed and blame herself for being too materialistic.


  After just three months of dating, Fu Yunhao was anxious to join the Su family. He immediately forced the original owner to marry him under the pretext that love that was not for the purpose of marriage was not serious. Otherwise, he would break up.

  The original owner, this silly white sweet, never thought of what Fu Yunhao's real purpose was.

   She loves Fu Yunhao, how could she let Fu Yunhao be sad! ?

   Even the original owner even called Fu Yunhao's eagerness to get married, euphemistically saying that Fu Yunhao loved her too much, so he was reluctant to lose himself, and used the name of the law to become her justifiable family.

  The original owner immediately took Fu Yunhao to meet his parents, and Su's father and Su's mother, who had seen many storms, naturally saw that Fu Yunhao was not a good match and wanted to let his daughter break up.

  However, the original owner was a love-minded person, so he was reluctant to part with Fu Yunhao, and even went on a hunger strike at every turn.

The original owner's parents were old enough to have a daughter, and the pain was like eyeballs. Naturally, they were reluctant to make their daughter sad. In the end, they took a step back and let the original owner and Fu Yunhao get engaged first. After the engagement, observe for half a year. If the original owner still wants to marry Fu Yunhao, they will not. be opposed to.

  The original owner was overjoyed, but Fu Yunhao only felt very aggrieved.

  Why did Su's father and Su's mother investigate himself?

   As long as he is engaged to the original owner, he will cook the original owner's silly white sweet raw rice, and record a few more indescribable videos. He wants to see how the Su family will regret their marriage!


   And the node that the little fox just crossed over happened not long after Fu Yunhao proposed to the original owner. The engagement of the two has been put on the agenda, and the diamond ring is imminent.

   It's just that if the little fox didn't come, the original owner actually broke up with Fu Yunhao in that diamond ring shop. In the end, the original owner could only swipe the card himself in grievance, and Fu Yunhao didn't even let Fu Yunhao pay for the 200,000 diamond ring.

   What makes him sad and angry is that after returning home, the original owner was coaxed a few more times by Fu Yunhao, and the original owner was no longer angry.

   Anyway, the two are going to get engaged next month, and the original owner doesn't want to care too much.

   It’s just that the original owner didn’t expect that his concession would only be exchanged for greater wolf ambitions.


Fu Yunhao knew that the original owner had a little grudge against him because of the incident in the diamond ring shop. In order to coax the original owner, Fu Yunhao thought that the original owner liked the kind of small snow-white animals, so he wondered whether to buy a cat or dog for the original owner. It doesn't cost much anyway.

   Because of the generosity of the original owner, Fu Yunhao has already lost several million in half a year.

   He just planned to spend a few thousand to buy a pet for the original owner, so that the diamond ring would be exposed.

   In fact, he has never liked small animals. The tabby cat at home was also bought for the sake of a little girl. It was used to pretend that he was a big loving boy, and to coax the girl into the house, and then take the opportunity to be indescribable.

  Fu Yunhao has used this method successfully several times.

  Who told the current girls to eat this set?


  In the pet market, Fu Yunhao accidentally saw a ferret with clear hair like snow. The poor little one was looking at him with tears in his eyes, as if he could understand human nature and was asking him for help.

   When Fu Yunhao saw the ferret, he subconsciously moved in his heart. He immediately felt that the original owner would like it.

   "Boss, how do you sell this ferret? Can you sell it for 3,000 yuan?"

   (end of this chapter)

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