The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1592: Fiance Bewitched by Goblin (13)

   Chapter 1592 The fiance who was bewitched by the goblin (13)

  Bai Xianxian's arm, which was as smooth as jade, was instantly scratched with two bloodstains by the tabby cat.

   The beautiful girl with a light and holy face, but now her face is slightly distorted.

   She has always loved beauty, even though she knew that she moved the tabby cat out of thin air to make the cat stressed, but Bai Xiaoxiao still glanced at the tabby cat with extreme resentment.

   "What an uncivilized little beast!"


  Bai Xianxian swears swearing with such a beautiful and innocent face, the picture is really indescribable, but these details, to Fu Yunhao, are far less shocking than Bai Xianxian's just taking things out of thin air!


   Recalling the scene that violated basic common sense just now, Fu Yunhao's mouth could hardly close for a while!

  The man finally believed that Bai Xianxian was really the ferret he bought in the pet market. Looking at Bai Xianxian's simple appearance wrapped in a men's nightgown, Fu Yunhao felt a little bit of confusion in his heart.

  ——In order to catch the big fish Su Qinghuan, he cut off contact with Yingyingyanyan before, and he has been vegetarian for a long time!

  Fu Yunhao swept across Bai Xianxian's bare slender legs stepping on the floor. After swallowing for a while, he hurriedly approached Bai Xianxian with a distressed face, and directly held the girl's arm that was scratched by the tabby cat.

   "Xianxian, are you alright? Cough, you're right, it's all because the dead cat is so ignorant. You are also bullied by a beautiful beauty like you. I don't want to teach him a good lesson when I look back!"

   Fu Yunhao said, and kicked the tabby cat.

   The tabby cat, who was so frightened by Bai Xianxian's abruptness and frightened that he took things out of thin air, was kicked by the owner like this, and immediately howled twice in pain.

   And in front of Fu Yunhao, there is only Bai Xianxian, a beautiful girl, how can he care about the life and death of his former pet.

   Oh, unless the tabby cat turns into a beautiful woman too.

   No, this is a neutered male cat. No matter how good-looking the father-in-law is, he doesn't want it. After all, Fu Yunhao's aesthetic has always been that of a genuine girl.


The tabby cat panted mournfully, seeing that Fu Yunhao was not willing to stand up for himself at all, and even bullied himself so much for this woman who appeared out of nowhere, the tabby cat finally lowered his head weakly, and ran out along the wall in despair. .

   And Bai Xianxian saw that Fu Yunhao just let the tabby cat go, but he was not very happy.

   Now that the nine stars have come into the world in series, if any animal or plant absorbs enough spiritual energy, it is possible to transform into shape. Bai Xianxian doesn't want that tabby cat to come out to compete with him one day.

  The reason why Bai Xianxian took a fancy to Fu Yunhao in the pet market was also because there was a faint purple lingering around this man, and he seemed to be a person with great luck.

   Change to be the aunt in the pet market, so she shouldn't be around ordinary people like that, and it's good that she doesn't get bad luck.

   Bai Xianxian wants to practice until immortality, so naturally, staying with a man with a good life is the easiest way to get benefits.

   At present, she has not seen anyone with such good luck as Fu Yunhao.


  Bai Xianxian knows how to take advantage of her appearance. Seeing that Fu Yunhao's guard is slowly declining, replaced by a strong obsession, the girl's eyes can't help showing a hint of color.

   She quickly snuggled into Fu Yunhao's arms.

   "Brother Yunhao, I knew you were the best for me."

   While Fu Yunhao was not paying attention, Bai Xianxian quickly made a gesture behind his back, and the dejected tabby cat ran to the windowsill as if it had lost its soul.

  Fu Yunhao lives on the 30th floor of a high-rise. The poor cat's mind is controlled by Bai Xianxian. Even if he doesn't want to, he still climbs up the window in fear, jumps directly into the sky, and falls into a smash.

   And all of this, Fu Yunhao didn't know about it, and he didn't know that the girl in front of him had a strong sense of revenge and he had a match.

   After all, with such a stunning beauty in his arms, Fu Yunhao's reason is almost gone.

He hugged Bai Xianxian, and the two of them quickly made a good thing with the situation that the thunder caused the fire. The next day, Fu Yunhao saw the tabby cat disappear and didn't care. When he found the tabby cat climbing the window and falling high, he also I just thought that the dead cat had a bad life.

   Similarly, in his opinion, the original owner was similar to the tabby cat, and his life was not good, so he was destined to be a stepping stone for himself.

  Fu Yunhao quickly forgot about other things and stayed in the apartment every day to have fun with Bai Xianxian.

   Poor original owner, the hat on his head is almost glowing green.

   As the time for the engagement ceremony was approaching day by day, when Fu Yunhao was nowhere to be seen every day, the original owner who had been waiting for Fu Yunhao to coax him finally couldn't sit still.

  The original owner angrily ran to Fu Yunhao's apartment to find him, but he came all the way and heard the security guard talking.

   "Hey, Miss Su, are you and Master Fu still a couple? Why did I see him haunting the community with a super beautiful girl recently? You two haven't broken up yet?"

   Hearing the security guard's words, the original owner only felt a bang in his head.

  ——During this time, Fu Yunhao didn't come to see her, but he had a good time with a beautiful girl?

  Sleep under one roof every day?

   Who can stand this?


  The original owner ran to the unit where Fu Yunhao was in a rage. She thought she came without knowing it. After all, Fu Yunhao had also entered the unit access control for her before.

   But the original owner never thought that his rival in love would be a ferret turned fairy.

  The original owner just arrived in this community, Bai Xianxian and Fu Yunhao knew about it.

   "Xianxian, why don't you hide first? That tigress is so scary, if she knew you were with me, she would definitely overturn me!"

   "I haven't officially won the Su Group yet. I'll be patient for a while. I'll definitely give you a legitimate Mrs. Fu status in the future."

  Fu Yunhao, who was doing something indescribable with Bai Xianxian, lifted up the quilt unwillingly, thinking that Su Qinghuan would really spoil him.

   But who would have expected, Bai Xianxian stretched out her slender and beautiful fingers and touched his forehead.

   "Brother Yunhao, what are you afraid of? She is an ordinary person, how can she fight with us?"

   "Brother Yunhao, haven't you always wanted to join the Su Group? What if I replace Su Qinghuan and become the daughter of the Su family? Can't we be together in the future?"

  Fu Yunhao was stunned for a moment, and before he could sort out what Bai Xianxian meant, the original owner rushed upstairs angrily.

  The original owner opened the door of the apartment, and when she saw the beautiful girl huddled in her fiance, her internal organs burned!

   "Fu Yunhao! Are you worthy of me?! You—"

   Before the original owner's words were finished, she felt that her whole person was frozen, she couldn't move, and then her consciousness slowly dissipated!

   And the pair of scumbags and scumbags stood in front of her with clever smiles, discussing how to replace her and lie to her parents!

   (end of this chapter)

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