The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1594: Fiance Bewitched by Goblin (15)

   Chapter 1594 The Fiance Bewitched by the Goblin (15)

   The little fox saw the WeChat message sent by Fu Yunhao, but she still didn't care.

  In the past, the original owner found that Fu Yunhao was looking for her in such a hurry, I was afraid that he would feel sweetly that this was proof that a man cared about her.

But no one knows better than the little fox, if he loses the identity of the eldest Miss Su family, and is just a girl with a little beauty, if Fu Yunhao still pays attention to her, it is at most for short-term choices, but it is impossible. Describe it.

After    is indescribable, it can be thrown away.


  Fu Yunhao was thinking that it was time for the little fox to get up, but until now he had not waited for the little fox's reply, and the man was even more flustered.

   He no longer stopped at WeChat, but made a phone call immediately.

  Su Qinghuan glanced at the time, so she also chose to connect, but she didn't make a sound like the original owner, she was silent for a while.

  Fu Yunhao who was on the other end of the phone didn't expect that there was still no voice after the call, the man was so angry that his heart was blocked, but he had to flatter himself.

   "Qing Huan, is the signal on your side bad? Why can't I hear you?"

   "Oh, the signal is good now."


Hearing the girl's indifferent tone, Fu Yunhao's throat choked, and he was a little suspicious of life. He thought that he had been paid more than 2 million by the little fox yesterday. Although the money has not been paid yet, he has already made that big mistake. !

  If you really want to pay the final payment for the purple diamond to the little fox, according to Fu Yunhao's current savings, it is simply not enough.

   Unless he sells some of the luxury goods that Su Qinghuan once gave him, and has to coax Su Qinghuan to continue paying him.


  Fu Yunhao felt unlucky in his heart, but felt that Su Qinghuan was too difficult to serve. He suppressed his displeasure and coaxed to the little fox.

"Qing Huan, don't talk to me with this attitude, I admit that I shouldn't have left you to go to the toilet yesterday, but I really didn't take the opportunity to urinate like you thought, I really feel sick in my stomach. "

   "Oh? So your stomach is only sick in that jewelry store?"


  Fu Yunhao was speechless for a while, and he didn't dare to reply to Su Qinghuan directly, so he had to change the subject embarrassingly.

   "Oh, I bought a diamond ring now. The purple diamonds are worth 2.3 million. Isn't that enough to make you happy?"

   Mentioned the price of the purple diamond, and the little fox was no longer sleepy.

   The original owner is Baozi, but the little fox is not.

"Oh? My parents still think that the diamond ring is too small and not worthy of me. Didn't you hear what my mother said? When my father asked to marry my mother, it was very beautiful, and people still used imperial green. The rough stone has polished a whole set of jewelry, how about you?"

   "Oh, people can't be compared, my father-in-law is indeed better than me, I admit it."

   "The two of us haven't received the certificate yet, so don't talk to your father-in-law."

   "Qing Huan...why are you like this? It's fine if your dad targets me, now even you think I'm not worthy of being your fiancé?"

"I didn't mean that. You insisted that I swiped your money. Why don't you think about it yourself? The men's watch I bought for you last month was worth more than three million? It's more expensive than my diamond ring, right? ."

"If you really want to think about it carefully, in the short half year we have been dating, I have spent seven or eight million if not ten million, but what about you? When we get engaged, you will have to Embarrassing me in front of my parents."


   Hearing Su Qinghuan's words, Fu Yunhao's headache became more and more, and he finally scolded somewhat unbearably.

   "Enough! I said Su Qinghuan, have you done enough? You used to spend all the money voluntarily for me, did I force you?"

   "We're a couple, not a superior-subordinate relationship. It's vulgar to talk about money, I..."

   Before Fu Yunhao could continue speaking, a busy tone came from the other end of the phone.


   Fu Yunhao's eyes suddenly widened, this **** actually has the courage to hang up his phone? !

   Even when they were in the most violent conflict before, Su Qinghuan would cry and criticize him over there, but he lost his arrogance within two or three times, and obeyed him obediently.

   Now this woman is really going to turn the world upside down! ?


  Fu Yunhao was angry, so he made a phone call immediately.

  Who would have thought that the other end of the phone was cut off again.

  Fu Yunhao didn't believe in evil and wanted to keep trying, but only then did he make a second call, and a very standard and clear female voice came from the other end of the phone.

   "Hello, the number you dialed is currently on the phone, please wait."


   No matter how stupid Fu Yunhao is, he realizes that he has been blocked by Su Qinghuan now!

   This lady is really not served by anyone!

   Didn't he just say a few more words in exasperation? And he hasn't said the extremely ugly dirty words in his heart, who would have thought that Su Qinghuan would have come this far!


   Fu Yunhao was both angry and depressed. After making more than a dozen calls with the same result, Fu Yunhao had no choice but to admit it.

   He sat at home with a gloomy face, only feeling that everything was bad luck.

   Just happened to see the tabby cat curled up in the corner of the sofa sleeping soundly, and even made a sound of purring. Fu Yunhao was so angry that he picked up a plastic cup in front of him and smashed it.

   "Let you sleep! You are a pig! You are still snoring here in the daytime, are you trying to disturb the people?!"

   The tabby cat jumped up in fright. It was afraid of Fu Yunhao, and the plastic cup hit its tail, and the cat howled wildly.

   This heart-piercing voice made Fu Yunhao even more dissatisfied. He walked over angrily, like catching a tabby cat, but fortunately Fu Yunhao didn't close the door at the entrance today.

  The tabby cat finally couldn't bear the owner of this den at home any longer, and dragged its injured tail and ran outside.

   It runs extremely fast and even takes the elevator.

  Fu Yunhao wanted to catch up, but he missed a shift. When he got to the garden downstairs, he missed the tabby cat.

  Fu Yunhao glanced around reluctantly, and realized that the tabby cat probably wouldn't take the initiative to come out. He used to be very bad to this cat, but he didn't expect this fellow to escape!

  Although the area of ​​this community is not very large, it is adjacent to several colleges and universities. There are many loving little girls nearby. It is estimated that some people will take the conscienceless little beast away in a short time.


   And because Fu Yunhao didn't like the cat, he didn't even give it a name. In his opinion, all tabby cats are similar in appearance. If you look for it later, you may not be able to find it.

  The man felt unlucky in his heart. He originally wanted to use the reason that the cat was sick to get Su Qinghuan to come over and make peace. Who would have thought that the cat would run away!

   So what should he do now?

   Buy another obedient pet? !

   (end of this chapter)

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