The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1616: The last woman whose golden finger was taken away (7)

   Chapter 1616 The Woman of the End of the World whose Gold Finger Was Taken (7)

  The original owner was still depressed because of the pain of his father's death. Who would have expected that the end of the world would invade everyone's life without warning!

   It is said that the end of the world was caused by the fall of a meteor and scattered an unknown virus on the earth.

   At the beginning of the end of the world, the original owner was still taking classes in the university. Because of this sudden disaster, the original owner was stunned.

  The monitor of the university is still maintaining order, organizing the students who are still alive to gather at the gas station and go to City C next door together.

   After all, the three stooges outperformed Zhuge Liang. They were a bit more people, and they were all classmates, so acquaintances were safer and more reliable.

   But the original owner was a little hesitant when she thought of her step-sister Xu Yanran who was temporarily suspended from school because of her disability. She even made a phone call to ask about Xu Yanran's situation. After knowing that Xu Yanran was still alive, she planned to take Xu Yanran with her.

   The original owner can't say that there are many mothers, but she is essentially a normal little girl, but her temper is a little spoiled by the family. Before her death, Father Su told her to take care of Xu Yanran as much as possible, and the original owner did the same.

   At that time, Ye Xiner knew that the original owner went home to find Xu Yanran, but she only thought that the original owner was crazy, so what would she do to find a disabled person at this time?

   The original owner was really a foolish white sweet who was spoiled by his parents so much that his brain was broken.


   At that time, Ye Xiner refused to go home with the original owner, and the original owner thought it was understandable. After all, it is too dangerous for zombies to besiege the city now.

   At that time, the original owner went to Xu Yanran alone, and also encountered the scene of the housekeeping aunt turning into a zombie. At that time, the original owner was frightened, but Xu Yanran tried her best to protect the original owner.

  Xu Yanran died, and the original owner knew that her cheap stepsister had always respected her sister in her heart.

  The original owner completely lost her home in this world. She was crying bitterly at that time. By coincidence, the tears dripped onto the red jade bracelet she bought, which actually inspired a space!

The space is not large, about a dozen square meters, but there is not only a tree that can bear fruit, but also a spiritual spring, which can not only cure various chronic diseases of people, but also reduce the virus infection of people who have just been bitten by zombies. Probability, it can also wash the essence and cut the marrow, and enhance people's physique!

   The original owner never thought that she would encounter such a good thing. She took a sip of the spiritual spring water carefully. After a while of dizziness, she suddenly awakened the water-type ability.

   The original owner's water-type ability is not too strong, but combined with her plug-in in the spiritual spring space, the original owner claimed to be a dual-type water-type and space-type ability, and soon found a fairly strong team to take him in.


   Two months later, after the original owner met Ye Xiner in City C, because he felt that all the relatives around him had passed away, and only Ye Xiner was a good friend, the original owner was almost in tears.

  The original owner secretly told Ye Xiner about the space bracelet, and gave Ye Xiner a lot of materials for self-defense.

At that time, Ye Xiner was still an ordinary person without any abilities. Even if he stayed at the base of City C, he could only live in the last area of ​​the safe zone, without even cold water, and had to dig trenches for three meals a day. , Earn Merit Points.

   But even so, it is an existence that is "envious" in the last days.

  Because Ye Xiner didn't have to fight zombies, she did the most ordinary jobs, which could save her life.


   Even thinking with his toes, he knew that in this apocalyptic world where the order is collapsing, a woman with a little beauty is still in danger of being coveted at any time.

   Ye Xin'er was able to come to the safe zone because of her qualifications by selling her body.

She has been here for the past two months without being a ghost or a ghost. She went to the monitor of the university. Who would have thought that she would meet a bunch of bad people who inspired her supernatural powers, and Ye Xiner was given by several savage gangsters. indescribable.

   Such a humiliating day, Ye Xiner will never forget.

After she forbeared and survived, she simply broke the jar and smashed it. She went to a search team leader with a wife in the city of C. With this man who was a dozen years older than her, she could barely manage to eat three meals a day. Wash in hot water occasionally throughout the week.

   But Ye Xiner didn't expect that two months after the end of the world, the original owner not only did not look haggard, but also because of the irrigation and nourishment of the spiritual spring, the whole person's skin was delicate and transparent, and the small appearance became more watery.

  Because the original owner has a spiritual spring, it is equivalent to having a disguised healing ability. Even if her water-type ability is not strong, as long as she drinks the spiritual spring in time when fighting against zombies, she is not afraid of being infected by the zombie virus.


   When Ye Xiner knew this, her face was distorted.

  ——Why did the original owner used to be the eldest lady of the Su Group, and now that it is the end of the world, money is useless, Su Qinghuan can still live such a dashing life in his death, and there are even many admirers around the original owner!

   Ye Xin'er stared at the original owner's red jade bracelet, the imbalance in her heart was growing day by day.

   That bracelet was the first thing she saw at first sight. It was the original owner who preemptively swiped the card and took over her things because he was rich!

   Su Qinghuan's enviable life should belong to her!

   Moreover, when Su Qinghuan's stepsister died, when the space bracelet ability was activated, he could have come to find him at the gas station that the squad leader said, but Su Qinghuan didn't come!

  If Su Qinghuan hadn't been so heartless, she wouldn't have been bullied by those disgusting gangsters, and she wouldn't have given up on herself to fool around with a married man so much older than her!


   Ye Xiner distorted the facts because of jealousy.

  Under such evil thoughts, Ye Xiner almost wanted to take the initiative to attack the original owner. After all, the original owner did not have much defense against her, and the probability of success while the original owner was asleep is not low.

   But just before Ye Xiner was ready to start, suddenly, she was reborn, back to the beginning of the apocalypse!


   At that time, the original owner had already bought the red jade bracelet and was about to take Xu Yanran to run along.

   After realizing that she was reborn, Ye Xiner gave up the squad leader and chose to keep up with the original owner.

In the Su family villa, Ye Xiner secretly took the original owner's red jade bracelet, and deliberately blocked the bedroom door when the Su family's housekeeping aunt turned into a zombie, just to send the original owner and Xu Yan Ran goes to the west!

   In Ye Xin'er's opinion, she is already very kind!

  The original owner, such a high-ranking Bai Fumei, didn't understand the grief of ordinary people at all. He grabbed the bracelet by himself, but only let the original owner be bitten to death by zombies. It's so kind!

   She didn't even throw the original owner into the pile of disgusting gangsters, and let her experience the pain of being bullied in turn!

   As for Xu Yanran's crippled person, she is not good enough to do anything, so what's the use of living in the last days?

  Since he will die sooner or later, it is better to be buried with Su Qinghuan!

   (end of this chapter)

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