The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1632: The last woman whose gold finger was taken away (23)

   Chapter 1632 The Woman of the End of the World whose Gold Finger Was Taken (23)

   Shen Juhan's thin lips pursed slightly, and there was a hint of loneliness in his eyes.

   "But there are about 30 people in the research institute, but in the end, only me and Xiaolei were left."

   The young man said, and smiled at the little fox in a self-deprecating manner.

   "If you didn't show up in time in your SUV, maybe Xiaolei and I would have died in the zombie tide."

   "Don't say such depressing words, aren't you all doing well now?"

   The little fox said, holding Shen Juhan's hand comfortingly.

   "Then let's go to City C together. Since you still remember the original materials, there is hope for the end of the apocalypse."

   "I heard that the base in City C has been established, and there are still many scientists who are researching ways to solve the apocalypse. If you go there, you will definitely be able to help them solve many problems."

   The little fox said the promise, the girl's eyes are bright, like the most dazzling stars in the night sky, that kind of confident light is extremely rare in the end times.

  Even though Xu Yanran and Jiang Zhe were well protected by the little fox, they were still a little bit self-doubt and melancholy in the face of the devastated scene.

   But Su Qinghuan was completely different, as if in the eyes of a girl, nothing could not be solved.


   An indescribable look flashed across Shen Juhan's long and narrow phoenix eyes.

   The man's eyelashes were drooping, his eyes fixed on the little fox's hand holding his palm.

  A temperature that did not belong to him was transmitted through his skin. Shen Juhan clearly didn't like being so close to others, but at this moment he subconsciously clasped the little fox's fingers tighter.

   The young man looked at Su Qinghuan for a moment.

   "You just believe that I can definitely end this end of the world?"

   "Of course, you are someone I like at a glance."

  The little fox looked detached and cheerful, that kind of unthinking trust made Shen Juhan's heart feel more and more warm.

   "Okay, then let's cheer together."

   The young man said, and suddenly thought of something.

   "Does your sister have a space that can produce a spiritual spring? According to you, the spiritual spring seems to be able to treat people who are infected with the zombie virus in a short period of time?"

   "Although we haven't conducted experiments with people infected with zombie viruses, but we have scratched wounds, the spring water does have healing power, and I believe it can also have a certain resistance to zombie viruses."

  Little fox is as smart as Shen Juhan, she instantly understood.

   "Do you want to use Yanran's Space Spirit Spring to promote the research and development of vaccines against zombie viruses?"


   Shen Juhan nodded.

   "Although I still don't know the principle of saving people in your sister's spiritual spring, if there are enough research and development equipment in the C city base, I believe that you can analyze the components of your sister's spiritual spring."

   "If energy production is the best, after all, Yanran can only take out three glasses of water each time, and that water seems to consume her mental strength."

   The little fox said, and there was a little more in his heart that he could end the longing for the end of the world.


   Seeing the young man's calm and indifferent expression, the little fox couldn't help but raised his eyebrows playfully.

   "Why are you so calm? Aren't you excited to have the chance to get powers? If you and Xiaolei had powers back then, maybe you wouldn't be able to fight back against those zombies."

"Life or death," Shen Juhan said to the little fox earnestly, "If I didn't activate my abilities, it would be normal, and now the most important task of my mission is to meet in City C first and see if I can continue to do research. "


   On the second day, Xu Yanran each handed Shen Juhan and Wang Xiaolei a cup of spiritual spring water. Everyone was a little excited. After all, having two more teammates with abilities means that the force value can be increased by a few points.

   But perhaps it was Shen Juhan's prophecy. In the eyes of everyone's expectations, the handsome and deserted young man frowned slightly.

   "As if I didn't feel anything."

   Jiang Zhe and the others had already described to Shen Juhan that if he had supernatural powers, he would most likely feel something strange in his body, such as burning fire, or freezing his bones to tremble.

   These are all precursors to activating abilities.

   But Shen Juhan didn't show anything.

"Oh no……"

   Jiang Zhe lowered his head towards Shen Juhan in disappointment.

   And the situation on Wang Xiaolei's side is not very good.

   "Xiao Lei, don't you have it either?"

  Su Qinghuan looked at Wang Xiaolei, who also scratched the back of his head embarrassingly.

   "Maybe I don't have this opportunity either. After all, if everyone has the ability, it wouldn't be so rare."

   Jiang Zhe couldn't help muttering.

   "Han Shen, I was expecting you and Xiao Lei to become important officers of our squad together, but now I can't count on it."

   Seeing Jiang Zhe saying such depressing words, the little fox patted Jiang Zhe on the head.

   "What nonsense are you talking about, Hanshen and Xiaolei are the backbone of the research institute, and the hope of all mankind's salvation is pinned on them. The mere abilities are just trivial things. If we don't have abilities, we will stop working?"

   "...Oops, classmate Su, that's not what I meant."

   Jiang Zhe smiled embarrassedly.

  Identities like Shen Juhan and Wang Xiaolei were indeed out of reach for them in the past, but now it is not bad to have a hope of ending the end of the world.

   Even if it really didn’t work out in the end, at least it’s not too depressing now.

  When a person loses energy, it is not much different from those walking dead on the street.


  Xu Yanran saw that Jiang Zhe said something wrong, and Shen Juhan looked calm, but Wang Xiaolei was a little disappointed, and she also quickly stood up to round up the scene.

   "Sister, maybe the quality of the spiritual spring I'm taking out isn't as good as it used to be? Before Hanshen and Xiaolei activate their abilities, I'll give them a bottle each day."

   "Not necessary."

   Shen Ju coldly shook his head.

   "Since you are all motivated at one time, maybe Xiaolei and I really don't have this fate."

   Su Qing was happy to see that Shen Juhan insisted on doing this, so he simply followed the young man's wishes.

"Yanran, you should store those things every day in the future. After all, we have to study how to end the apocalypse, and maybe it can be of greater use. Even if not, if one of us is bitten by a zombie, it will be very troublesome. "

   "Okay, sister, then I will bottle the spiritual spring that I collect every day and store it in the space."


   The group discussed the plan for the past few days, and soon walked towards City C.

  While passing through a village and town at the junction of City A and City C, Su Qinghuan's SUV ran out of gas, and the little fox thought about it before going to the gas station to try his luck.

   If they were on foot, it would take at least five hours to walk to City C without sleep. They didn’t want to suffer this kind of crime.

   The little fox thought for a moment and then ordered.

   "Jiang Zhe, why don't you go with Xiaolei to explore the road, where can you cheer?"

   (end of this chapter)

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