The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1794: The female cannon fodder who married a wealthy family (46)

   Chapter 1794 Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (46)

   When Su Yurou saw Ji Hanchuan at first glance, she couldn't help but wonder, what kind of person can melt the ice between the young man's eyebrows and make him smile?

   Such a stern man like an immortal, will he also smile for the person he likes?


  Su Yurou was like a little girl who was in love, her heart was pounding, and her eyes couldn't be more stuck on Ji Hanchuan.

   But when her eyes are so madly happy, they don't look so happy when they fall in the eyes of the person being noticed.

   Ji Hanchuan gave Su Yurou and Ji Yunhao a cold look.

   "Yunhao, you are just an adult, have you already learned to fool around outside?"


   Ji Yunhao was looked at by Ji Hanchuan with those eyes, and his face suddenly turned pale, but he still defended in disapproval.

   "Brother, that's not the case... I'm not fooling around, and you said I'm an adult, why do you care about me?"

   And Su Yurou, who was called out of nowhere, was so stiff that she didn't know where to put her hands.


   She almost thought that Ji Hanchuan knew her identity and that she was Pei Tianyou's fiancée. Because of this, Ji Hanchuan looked at her with such disgust.

But Su Yurou didn't expect that, in fact, it was far more tragic than she imagined. She didn't even guess that Ji Hanchuan didn't know her at all, and even thought she was the kind of person who could easily betray herself for one or two thousand yuan in the wind and moon field. woman.


   Could it be that the person she sees as the perfect partner in her dreams thinks she is such an illegal professional?

  Su Yurou's brain was like being struck by lightning, and her ears were buzzing.

She lowered her head in panic, when she saw her thin and wide hotel nightgown, and the little scarlet color exposed on her neck, I was afraid that even if Ji Hanchuan was not standing here today, others would misunderstand. right?

  Su Yurou felt extremely resentful in her heart. If Ji Yunhao didn't have to bring her to the Galaxy Hotel today, or if Ji Yunhao didn't insist on taking her to get a room card alone, how could she have ended up in this field?

  The most important thing is, why Ji Yunhao never told her that his brother is so handsome, not only young and promising, but also has a face that women will never forget when they see it?

   At this moment, Su Yurou has completely forgotten how she made good friends with Ji Yunhao, and how to use Xu Xiurong to trap Su Qinghuan at the Galaxy Hotel, but instead shied all the responsibilities on Ji Yunhao.


   Ji Yunhao saw that Su Yurou's slender shoulders were shaking. He couldn't guess how embarrassed Su Yurou was at the moment. He still liked Su Yurou. Although he was afraid of his brother Ji Hanchuan, he still murmured to Ji Hanchuan.

   "Brother, what you said earlier was too much. Yurou is my girlfriend... not the kind of person you say is indifferent. Don't say it again, or Yurou will be sad."

   "Yurou, don't you think so?"


   Seeing Ji Yunhao openly claiming to be his girlfriend in front of Ji Hanchuan, Su Yurou could hardly hide her resentment any longer.

   But she thought about it, the first face of herself and Ji Hanchuan was so tragic, I'm afraid it would be difficult to reverse Ji Hanchuan's impression of herself in a short period of time.

  If you recognize Ji Yunhao's boyfriend and girlfriend first, you will have more reasons to go to Ji's old house in the future, and then slowly make plans to change Ji Hanchuan's impression of himself.

   Thinking like this, Su Yurou had no choice but to force a smile. She pinched her palm almost violently, so she barely managed to not lose her temper in front of Ji Hanchuan and Ji Yunhao.

  Su Yurou looked straight at Ji Hanchuan.

   "Hello, you are brother Yunhao's brother, right? Yurou can take the liberty to call you the same as Yunhao, call you brother Hanchuan?"

  Su Yurou said, and subconsciously bent her neck slightly, trying to show an extremely soft arc in front of the young man, and even the career line in front of her stiffened with more force.

Under the guidance of her mother Wu Chunfang over the years, at a young age, Su Yurou is very good at taking advantage of her beautiful female appearance. Compared with girls of the same age, she has an excellent figure, pure and lustful, and many men can't resist it. .

   Maybe she has been staying at Ji's house for a long time, and she can take the opportunity to pay more attention to Ji Hanchuan, such as stewing a soup, sending a dessert or something.

   A man like Ji Hanchuan, whose temperament is colder than Bingbing, must have no friends around him. In the future, her warm care will definitely melt each other.

   At that time, in the eyes of the other party, her identity was no longer a sister-in-law, but a future wife!


  The wife of the only heir of the Ji Group!

   What's more, Ji Hanchuan is not only excellent, but also so handsome that people can't close their legs!

   Thinking of this, Su Yurou's heart accelerated uncontrollably.


  Su Yurou's dreams are beautiful.

  Unfortunately, Ji Hanchuan saw a lot of women like this who wanted to give him a hug in front of his "boyfriend".

   Ji Hanchuan didn't even answer Su Yurou's question, but glanced at Ji Yunhao indifferently.

   "This is the person you are looking for? Yun Hao, it seems that you can improve the taste of people."

   The young man's tone was indifferent and unwavering, and his cold and slightly magnetic voice was as touching as jade.

   But no one will ignore the sarcasm in Ji Hanchuan's mouth.

   "Brother Hanchuan, what do you mean?"

  Su Yurou has never failed to flatter a boy for so many years. Often, when she hooks her finger lightly, the other party easily falls under her pomegranate skirt.

   On the surface, some boys say they don't care or don't like it, but they are actually different in their hearts. Even if they say so, their eyes are still very consciously looking at her beautiful face or exquisite figure.

   But Ji Hanchuan is too insulting!

   He has already taken the initiative to show his favor, but he has not even opened his eyes to look at himself!


  Su Yurou looked at Ji Hanchuan in disbelief, and her eyes turned red in disbelief.

   "Brother Hanchuan, Yunhao and I have already explained it to you, why don't you believe it? Besides, Brother Yunhao and I came to the Galaxy Hotel, and it wasn't what you imagined."

"We want to come to my sister's grandmother, and want her to accept our kindness and give her more money. It was too hot on the way and we were sweating, so we got a room card to take a shower. Have you been misunderstood?"

   However, Ji Hanchuan was not interested in listening to her explanation at all. Just when Ji Hanchuan was a little impatient, he suddenly realized something.

   Yurou...sister...grandmother...Galaxy Hotel...

   All these are connected together, making the young man with mild facial blindness frown slightly.

   He looked at Su Yurou coldly.

   "You said your name was Yurou? Then what's your surname, Su?"

   (end of this chapter)

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