The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1801: The female cannon fodder who married a wealthy family (53)

   Chapter 1801 The female cannon fodder married to a wealthy family (53)

  The girl's beautiful and delicate face was suddenly stained with a faint wickedness.

   It's just that Ji Yunhao didn't have time to take a closer look when he saw tears flickering in Su Yurou's eyes.

  Su Yurou stretched out her fist and slapped Ji Yunhao twice while crying.

   "It's all your fault. Now your eldest brother is afraid that he will really misunderstand me and think that I am the kind of woman with a bad style."

   Ji Yunhao felt very distressed when he saw his sweetheart crying like pear blossoms and rain. His urgency was true, but his love for Su Yurou was also true.

   Ji Yunhao managed to chase the goddess into his hands, how could he be willing to make Su Yurou sad.

   The young man hurriedly hugged Su Yurou in his arms at a loss.

"...No, Yurou, I will marry you, I promise, I will definitely marry you! And you are so good-looking, all the boys in the school like you, how could you be that kind of woman with a bad style? If you say that again, my heart will break."

   Seeing Ji Yunhao's fidgeting appearance, Su Yurou heaved a sigh of relief, and became more and more certain that Ji Yunhao should be sincere towards her.

   Just thinking of Ji Yunhao's brother Ji Hanchuan, Su Yurou felt a strong sense of unwillingness in her heart.

  If...if the person who was fascinated by her was Ji Hanchuan.

  Not only are they more handsome than Ji Yunhao, but their IQ is higher than that of Ji Yunhao, and most of the Ji family's property is also inherited by Ji Hanchuan!

   Even if she marries Ji Yunhao in the future, I'm afraid they can only live by looking at this brother's face.

   And a coward like Ji Yunhao probably doesn't dare to go against Ji Hanchuan's decision, right?


   The more Su Yurou thought about it, the more she felt like a stinger in her throat, especially when she saw Ji Hanchuan covering Su Qinghuan's eyes with a caring look, Su Yurou could already see that Ji Hanchuan probably liked Su Qinghuan.

   Otherwise, who would care so much about a cook?

  Su Yurou thought so in her heart, but couldn't help but speak sourly.

"Yunhao, is your brother so greedy for a few bites? You have to come to a four-star hotel like Xinghe at night, and I really doubt my sister how delicious she can cook at such a young age... …”

"Although my sister has lost a bit of weight... but seriously, she looks pretty good, do you think your brother likes this kind of school girl? Isn't it bad for the two of them to be like this? Others You know, you will definitely think there is something wrong with your brother or my sister's style, right?"

  Su Yurou actually wanted to imply that Su Qinghuan ran out at a young age to hook up with a handsome, rich and handsome like Ji Hanchuan. She must be a scheming girl.


   The result was not what he expected, but Ji Yunhao shook his head with a just face when he heard the words.

"No, Yurou, where did you go, you have no idea how much my brother loves food, the private chef that my family hired, his ancestor was still a royal chef in the palace, although he doesn't have any Michelin Interstellar credentials, but cooking is delicious!"

"This cook is very arrogant, and many other families hired him to be a private cook with a lot of money, but he was unwilling. Until my brother found out that the other party liked expensive inkstones, my brother sent a few squares of antique inkstones. , Now people will come to Ji's house to cook."


   Su Yurou was shocked when she heard this.

   "Antique inkstone? It's worth at least a million, right?! Just to hire a cook? Brother Yunhao, don't you think your brother is burning too much money for one bite?!"

   "What's the matter, the Ji family is not short of money anyway."

   Ji Yunhao himself was used to living a life of pleasure, so when he heard Su Yurou's words, he directly pouted.

"After all, my brother has no hobbies for anything else, except for food. Although I also think that my brother loves this hobby to an outrageous level, our family enjoys it with him, and it's nothing wrong. OK."


  Su Yurou's face suddenly turned blue and white.

  Su Yaohua's total assets are over 100 million yuan, so when Su Yaohua bought the new 2 million Maybach, Su Yaohua still had some pain.

  Su Yurou also knows it, but after all, after Mercedes-Benz acquired the Maybach, the price of the Maybach has plummeted. Su Yaohua is driving a new model, and she is also very proud of being her daughter.

   So after Su Yurou and Pei Tianyou agreed to get engaged, the jade necklace sent by the Pei family would cost more than one million yuan. At that time, Su Yurou was complacent for a while.

   I think the Pei family must be serious about her future daughter-in-law. After all, the price of this chain is not much different from that of a Maybach.

  As a result, Ji Yunhao actually told her that Ji Hanchuan could throw millions to a cook without hesitation for his appetite? !

  How about delicious cooking?

   That's just a cook after all!

   is not the hostess of the house!


  The main business of the Pei family is in the financial sector. Although the business has not been as good as the Ji family in recent years, it is definitely an old-fashioned wealthy family.

  Su Yurou used to think that such a wealthy family paid enough attention to her, but now that she thinks about it, it's just a joke!

   If the Pei family really valued her, shouldn't they be wearing red makeup for ten miles?

  The most important thing is that Ji Hanchuan can spend a lot of money for a cook whose ancestors were imperial chefs. What if he likes someone? !

  Su Yurou recalled the unique tenderness that Ji Hanchuan had when she saw Su Qinghuan, and her heart suddenly felt as if it was eaten by poisonous insects, with a sharp pain.

   Jealousy had already overwhelmed Su Yurou's mind, Su Yurou immediately grabbed Ji Yunhao's arm with a twisted expression on her face.

   "Yun Hao, this way your brother is really particular about what he eats, but the more this is the case, the more you should remind your brother to be more cautious. After all, there are girls now who will do whatever they can to get the upper hand."


   Even if Ji Yunhao was stunned, seeing Su Yurou's obviously jealous face, he suddenly felt that the girl in front of him was a little strange.

   Ji Yunhao stared at Su Yurou blankly.

"Yurou... Could it be that you've said so much to accuse your elder sister of swaying the dragon and the phoenix? Isn't she the same age as the two of us? Besides, although my brother has entered the society, he is actually in his early twenties. Isn't the age difference too much?"

"How can a person as smart as my brother not see a scheming girl? What do you mean by this now? Or is it because you fell in love at first sight when you saw my brother, so you can't stand her cooking skills being swayed by my brother now? appreciate?"


  Su Yurou never thought that Ji Yunhao would be so keen in this regard because of his inferiority in the face of Ji Hanchuan.

   Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly pulled Ji Yunhao's hand softly and weakly.

   "Brother Yunhao, what nonsense are you talking about, of course I like you the most! In front of me is my choice of words, don't take it to heart, okay?"

   (end of this chapter)

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