The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1805: Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (57)

   Chapter 1805 The female cannon fodder married to a wealthy family (57)

   Ji Yunhao was stinged by Ji Hanchuan's mocking expression before, because his brother mocked the girl he liked, and he was worried, but on second thought, this may also be a manifestation of Ji Hanchuan caring about him.

   Ji Yunhao's eyes widened in shock, and he was as curious as scratching his head.

   "Who can make a thousand-year-old ice cube like my brother worry about it?"

   Is it true that Su Yurou said that Ji Hanchuan really liked her sister Su Qinghuan?

   Not so much, right?

   In terms of appearance and figure, they are not earth-shattering and stunning, they are almost skinny, how can they meet the aesthetics of normal men?

  Uh...Is it really delicious to stir-fry?

   In order to eat in one bite, from now on, you can even choose your own life events?


   Ji Yunhao was very terrified in his heart, he tapped his head and sighed directly.

   "Forget it, my brother is not going to obstruct my marriage with Yurou anyway. If my brother really intends to marry that Su Qinghuan back home, I will definitely not be a stumbling block."

   Ji Yunhao's feelings for Ji Hanchuan are very complicated, jealousy and envy are inevitable, but he is always happy, maybe it is because he has such an excellent brother, so he can be a wealthy idler without any worries.

  Management of the company, he is not good at it.

   It's too hard to make money.

   But spending money, he is good at it!

  Ji Yunhao also has the share dividend in his family. As long as Ji Hanchuan manages the company well, he will have nothing to worry about.

   Oh, apart from how to deal with Ji's parents and Ji's mother, marrying Su Yurou home.

  Ji Yunhao tapped his head, but he couldn't help but look forward to it. Let's take one step at a time. Anyway, Su Yurou has promised him that she will completely hand over herself to him after the college entrance examination.

  Thinking of this, the corners of Ji Yunhao's lips twitched, looking forward to the day of the college entrance examination.

   Ji Yunhao is not worried about his college entrance examination results.

   Compared with ordinary people, he is not a real scumbag, but in the background of a peerless genius like Ji Hanchuan, it is inevitable that he will lose his luster.

   The last ordinary book is still ok.

   In addition, Ji's family has money, and he has already selected various extra points for Ji Yunhao. In addition, Ji's family can also donate buildings to Ji Yunhao. Ji Yunhao has made up his mind to go to the Imperial Capital University, which is the same as his brother.

   Money can make ghosts run the mill, this sentence is really true.

   Even if you don’t stay in country A to go to school, just spend money to choose a famous foreign school for gold plating, and then come back again.


   In a blink of an eye, it was the night before the college entrance examination.

   Unlike other students who either stay up all night to study questions or simply worry about insomnia, Su Qinghuan is still diligently cooking for Ji Hanchuan.

   This time it was the dish that Su Qinghuan personally sent to Ji Hanchuan.

   "Chief Executive Officer Ji, this is the last time I work at the Galaxy Hotel. Maybe you won't be able to eat it in the future. Why don't you try my dish to see if the flavor is up to the previous level?"

  Ji Hanchuan didn't wear a suit and leather shoes as usual today, just a simple casual shirt. He looked at Su Qinghuan calmly, with an uncomfortable doting smile in his eyes.

   "Okay, the dishes you make are always delicious."

   said, Ji Hanchuan opened the lid.

  I saw a four-hite ball, a cola chicken wing, and a ginseng stewed black bone.

   is not a very novel dish, but it smells like a soul-sucking meal. Ji Hanchuan looked at it, rarely using his chopsticks, but staring at her for a moment.

   "Aren't you going to sit down and eat together?"

   "No way."

  Su Qinghuan shook his head, polite and estranged.

   "I ate it before."


   Seeing the girl with the bud and ball head always standing one meter away from him, Ji Hanchuan felt an indescribable astringency in his heart.

   It seems like it's been so long, and he hasn't been able to get closer to the little fox.

In fact, Ji Hanchuan never felt that he had a unique and handsome face before, but when he thought of the day when he first met, Su Qinghuan's eyes were surprised at that moment, and Ji Hanchuan subconsciously felt that this face was still a bit good. of.

  It's a pity that others looked at his face and stared at him unconsciously, but Su Qinghuan was only amazed for a few seconds, and soon returned to normal, as if he couldn't be shaken by male sex.


   Ji Hanchuan thought that Su Qinghuan was about to end his part-time work at the Galaxy Hotel, and his heart suddenly became anxious, but he knew that it was unlikely that he would hire Su Qinghuan as his private chef.

   After all, Su Qinghuan is about to go to college. She is a bird who wants to fly high. She can't be so selfish and tie her to his side.

   "Student Su, have you thought about what major you want to apply for? The exam is coming tomorrow, and you don't seem to be worried at all."

   After saying that, Ji Hanchuan stared straight at Su Qinghuan, as if the food in front of him was not a dish, but the girl in his eyes was the only food he could enjoy.


  Su Qinghuan was a little embarrassed by Ji Hanchuan's bright and focused eyes, mainly because Ji Hanchuan looked like a man. As a face control, she had to deviate from her eyes hastily.

   She was frank and authentic.

   "What's there to worry about? Isn't the college entrance exam just about those things? Usually, in school, there is a small test every three days and a big test every seven days. I'm used to it. Believe it or not, I'll be able to take the top spot for you to see?"


   Hearing the confident tone of the little fox, Ji Hanchuan suddenly burst into laughter.

   He looked narrowly at the little fox, his face that was always as cold as ice, but at this moment it seemed like a spring breeze was blowing, thousands of scenery in the world piled up on the corners of his eyes and brows, making people feel intoxicated by it.

   "I believe, I have seen your test results this time, they are perfect."

   It's not that Ji Hanchuan has never seen a genius, he is himself, and he has hired champions from various provinces over the years, but no one has ever been able to tug at his heartstrings like this.

   Originally watching Su Qinghuan taking the exam, Ji Hanchuan instructed the Galaxy Hotel to stop work before the exam and focus on studying.

   In the end, Su Qinghuan said that everything must have a beginning and an end, but he had to come to the hotel to finish this last meal.


   When he first heard the information about the hotel, Ji Hanchuan still had some indescribable joy, thinking that Su Qinghuan was just like himself and could not bear the other party, so he insisted on finishing the meal on the eve of the college entrance examination.

   Just seeing the little fox so carefree and so far away from him now, Ji Hanchuan's expression is a little gloomy.

   The young man felt some indescribable grievance in his heart. He lowered his head slightly, and his long eyelashes cast a melancholy light and shadow on his eyelids.

   "Student Su, your career as a chef at the Galaxy Hotel is coming to an end. If you don't mind, let's leave a phone number, okay?"

   Having said that, Ji Hanchuan looked at Su Qinghuan earnestly—

   (end of this chapter)

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