The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1815: Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (67)

   Chapter 1815 Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (67)

  Mother Pei is dressed in a long black silk embroidered dress, her hair is meticulously pulled behind her head, and her skin is white and lustrous. At first glance, she looks like a standard noble lady in the upper class.

Although Mother Pei is now over forty-five years old, she was a well-known beauty in China when she was young. Second, because the Pei family is rich, all kinds of expensive medical and aesthetic methods are willing to smash her body, so it looks like at the moment, about Just early thirties.

   Seeing Mother Pei who suddenly came out, Su Yurou immediately grabbed Ji Yunhao's wrist in a panic. She had actually seen Mother Pei three times.

   The first two times were before Pei Tianyou had a car accident. At that time, Pei's mother's eyes were above the top, and she couldn't look down on Su Yurou, a daughter from a small nouveau riche.

   Of course, as far as Su Yaohua's money is concerned, to put it in a nasty way, it can't compare to the casual house of the Pei family.

   But after Pei Tianyou had a car accident and was very likely to be in a vegetative state for the rest of his life, Mother Pei's attitude towards Su Yurou was a little more polite.


  Su Yurou didn't expect that just after her exam was over, Mother Pei would bring someone to catch the adulterer. Looking at the man's well-maintained and charming face, Su Yurou felt terrified, and her tears burst out in an instant.

   "Auntie, don't be impulsive! It's not good to hit someone. You wait for me to get dressed first, and I'll explain the crime to you, okay?"

   Seeing those **** men outside, the more Su Yurou thought about it, the more scared she became, even her body under the quilt was shaking.

   Mother Pei snorted coldly with her nose when she saw Su Yurou's pear blossom with rain.

   She has been in Pei's house for so many years, and she has never seen any woman with white lotus and green tea. If her son went on a hunger strike for a few days and was determined to marry Su Yurou, she would never have agreed to Pei Tianyou's marriage with Su Yurou.

   That's it, this little green tea hasn't officially married into their Pei family, and his stupid son's green hat is already wearing a stern!

   Mother Pei glanced at Su Yurou in disgust.

"Bah, don't call me aunt, you look weak and weak, and you are doing some wicked things behind your back! You and my son were about to get engaged this month, and you even received a few betrothal gifts for the engagement. One million, and ended up doing such a thing behind our Pei family's back?!"

   "...I... Yurou doesn't have... Auntie, don't make your words so ugly, okay..."

   "Actually, I had planned to break off my marriage with Brother Tianyou, but Brother Tianyou just happened to have that kind of thing. I was afraid that you would be heartbroken, so I kept it a secret until now..."

  Su Yurou bit the corner of her lips, if she hadn't been caught by Mother Pei, she would have been beaten to death and she wouldn't have admitted that she had two boats when she had an engagement with Pei Tianyou.

   When Ji Yunhao saw Su Yurou trembling in his arms with fright, he felt extremely distressed.

"Hey! Auntie Pei, you can't be so cruel to Yurou, right?! She didn't like your son, and now Tianyou has been lying in the ward for several months, you don't want to think about a big living person like Yurou. Go and cheer him up?!"

Because the lighting in the hotel is a dark purple with a little mood, Mother Pei didn't recognize Ji Yunhao's face at first. In the computer video sent by anonymous, she only vaguely felt that Su Yurou and Su Yurou warmly embraced and kissed. The little boy looked familiar.

   At this moment, seeing Ji Yunhao's arrogant appearance after being caught, how could Mother Pei not remember Ji Yunhao's identity.


  Mother Pei's eyes suddenly sharpened, and there was even a bit of indescribable anger.

   "I said who would dare to be so arrogant in front of our Pei family, it turned out to be the second young master of the Ji family. Ji Yunhao, I remember when you were young, our family invited you and Tianyou to celebrate your birthday together?!"

   "Sometimes I also hear Tianyou mention you. You don't say how good brothers you are. Friendship is more than an ordinary friend, right?! Don't you even forget the words "friend's wife, don't bully"?!"

   "Now my family Tianyou was injured in a car accident and turned into a vegetative state. If you don't come to our Pei's house to visit a few more times, you still carry your brother behind your back and come to the hotel with Su Yurou?!"

   "Are you really human? Is your Ji family's upbringing like this?!"

   Ji Yunhao saw that Mother Pei's elegant and decent face was slightly distorted because of him, and he felt a little anxious for a while.

   Don't look at Mother Pei's beauty, she is more beautiful than many girls in her twenties, but she is actually a tigress, and the whole upper class knows that this eldest lady of the Pei family is not a woman to be messed with.

  The Ji family and the Pei family have been on equal footing in Country A for decades, but in the past few years because of Ji Hanchuan in charge of the Ji family, the Ji family's prosperity has opened some gaps with the Pei family.

   But even so, Ji's father and Ji's mother have always told the brothers Ji Yunhao and Ji Hanchuan not to provoke mother Pei easily.

   First, the two families are long-term friends, and their ancestors are still distant relatives, so it doesn't look good when they are deadlocked, and secondly, Pei's mother is fierce in her work, and sometimes even puts her interests second for the sake of temporary anger.


Seeing Ji Yunhao's lips twitching for a while, Su Yurou was so anxious that she panicked. She quickly and pitifully put her undisturbed proud capital into Ji Yunhao's arms, and put her arms around Ji Yunhao's arm, tears one by one. Lose.

   "Brother Yunhao, Yurou is afraid... woo woo... Yurou has only you..."

   has reached this point, she doesn't want to tear her face off with the Pei family.

   Anyway, Pei's mother broke through today's scandal, Su Yurou was just like Ji Yunhao.

   She not only wants to break off the marriage with Pei Tianyou, but also marry Ji Yunhao immediately.

   Now Ji Yunhao has just had a hot fight with her, and it is the top time. If she can't grasp Ji Yunhao at this time, then the possibility of her marrying into Ji's family is almost zero.

   And Su Yurou knew very well that Pei's mother was not a woman to be provoked. I'm afraid that she wouldn't have to wait until tomorrow, and the fact that she came to the hotel with Pei Tianyou and Ji Yunhao on her back today would be publicized.

   At that time, she didn't say that she wanted to marry the top wealthy family like Pei's and Ji's.

   Even a middle-class family with a net worth similar to her father Su Yaohua would not want a daughter-in-law with such a bad style to enter the house.


   Ji Yunhao never thought that Su Yurou was thinking about these things now, he only saw Su Yurou's beautiful face with tears in her eyes, and Su Yurou's slender body as if she was boneless.

   In front of so many people, Ji Yunhao suddenly developed a strong desire to protect Su Yurou.

   His blood was surging, and he no longer ignored what Ji's parents and Ji's mother had explained to him, and he directly spoke to Pei's mother condescendingly.

   "Aunt Pei, you don't need to take care of our Ji family's tutoring! Anyway, Yurou is already my woman, so it's impossible to marry into the Pei family!"

   (end of this chapter)

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