The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1835: Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (87)

   Chapter 1835 Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (87)

  Su Qinghuan was in a hurry to go out today, so she didn't even bother to make up.

  Simply she is naturally beautiful, and she is also very good-looking with her face up to the sky. She is really capricious.

   When she went out, she casually put on a light blue silk jacquard dress, with her hair tied high behind her head, looking youthful and beautiful, but also very sweet and elegant.


  Su Yurou looked at the little fox with some envy. She had seen the little fox in front of Ji Hanchuan, and she was so relaxed and casual.

   But even when Su Yurou used to be the goddess of the campus in Shenghua International, she was always in a posture, wishing she could wear makeup from head to toe, and she would be content when she was armed to the teeth.

   And in the end, try to show that you are just casually dressing up.

   But this kind of fake casual, really delicate is okay to fool straight men, and girls can easily see that they are working hard behind the casual.

  Su Yurou suddenly felt tired, as if she had never lived a life like this before.

  The girl took a sip of the black coffee she ordered. It was bitter, but it couldn't compare to the bitterness in her heart.

   "Sister, I know you don't like me. I just heard some of your words, and I also understand that I forced myself."

   "I don't want to go into details about the past, so as not to bother you. But now I do face a major choice in life, and I don't even know who to tell you except asking for help."


  The little fox nodded coldly, she stretched out her slender fingers, gently supported her cheeks, and made an appearance of a listening audience.

  Su Yurou saw that Su Qinghuan didn't resist her and continued talking, she said quickly with a relief.

   "My sister asked me before why she was so determined to divorce Ji Yunhao. I think I thought about it completely. If I continue to live with Ji Yunhao, I'm afraid I will be mad at me."


   The little fox almost couldn't help laughing, she glanced at Su Yurou strangely.

   "Your comment on Ji Yunhao is indeed very accurate. If you marry such a man, you might as well live alone."

  Su Yurou didn't mind the little fox's laughter just now, but because of Su Qinghuan's casual attitude, her worries were relieved.

   "Sister, I actually think so too, I just can't bear to have children."

  Su Yurou sighed as she spoke.

   "It's just that I don't know, where can Ji Yunhao go after leaving a girl like me with a child and only a high school degree? Can I still marry a better man?"

   "Does your life have to be proud of being married?"

   "That's because you already have a CEO season... Unlike me, who became a single mother with a child after a divorce, I'm really anxious."

  Su Yurou said subconsciously.

   She doesn't have any unreasonable thoughts about Ji Hanchuan now, but she sometimes envies Su Qinghuan for having such a handsome, tall, considerate and gentle boyfriend.

   This should be the person that many infatuated girls in the world dare to dream about.

   Su Qinghuan sneered when she saw Su Yurou's self-deprecating appearance.

   "Who says a girl's value must be defined by her object? Ji Hanchuan is really good, but I'm not bad either."

   "Even without Ji Hanchuan, wouldn't I live in this world? Is there no light in me?"


   The little fox spoke with high spirits and confidence.

   has a majestic vitality, revealed from her bright eyebrows and eyes, and even makes people subconsciously want to be convinced and bow down under her pomegranate skirt.

   This shocking power has nothing to do with the beauty or ugliness of the skin, but is closely related to a person's aura.


  Su Yurou stared at Su Qinghuan in a daze, obviously the two of them had the same father, and there were three or four similarities in facial features.

   But Su Yurou realized that there was a gap between her and Su Qinghuan that was like a moat.

   It was just Su Qinghuan's words just now, but it awakened the ignorant Su Yurou.

   "So what does my sister mean, can I also break out of my own world?"

   The little fox took a sip of the Blue Mountain coffee in front of him and said slowly.

   "Why not? Wu Zetian is still a woman. Even an ancient woman does not give up on herself. Your situation is much better than Wu Zetian, who was just sent to Ganye Temple as a nun."


  Su Yu said softly.

   "But in five thousand years, there has been such a female emperor. How dare I compare with others."

   "I didn't ask you to become a female emperor, I just advised you to think about it. After all, you are someone who has been admitted to a university, so you don't even understand this truth, right?"

   "By the way, if you really plan to leave Ji Yunhao, you'd better pick up your college studies. If you can't even do this, you don't have to get a divorce."

  Su Yurou clenched her fingers tightly, and seemed to realize something in her heart.

   "What about the child? Although Ji Yunhao is not responsible for the child, if I really file a divorce with him, the court may not give me the child."

   "You have just given birth, and your children are yours."

  The little fox gave a suggestion by the way.

   "And you can also ask Uncle Ji's Aunt Ji's side. If you really get divorced, even if you don't have children, it's good to pay more."

   "Thank you sister, I seem to understand what I should do."

  Su Yurou stood up suddenly and solemnly gave the little fox a 90-degree bow.

  Su Qinghuan was taken aback when she saw her like this.

   "Don't, you don't have to thank me, I'll give you some advice today because I just can't get used to Ji Yunhao."

  The little fox said, Pingping stood up gracefully, went directly to the front desk to settle the account, and then left gracefully.

  Su Yurou looked at the tall and thin back of the little fox, and made up her mind silently.


   Regarding the matter of divorce, Su Yurou didn't even have a chance to discuss with Ji Yunhao, she was already tired of his drunken face.

  Su Yurou went directly to Ji's father and Ji's mother.

   Ji's father and Ji's mother originally thought that Su Yurou was trying to make a fuss to enter Ji's house, but she didn't expect that Su Yurou came to talk about divorce and the ownership of the children.

   Ji's father and Ji's mother were silent for a moment, and finally used a sum of money to send Su Yurou away.

   "You can divorce if you want, call Yun Hao together."


  Su Yurou and Ji Yunhao's love started vigorously, and finally ended with a piece of chicken feathers.

  The child was only two months old, and the two went through the divorce procedures.

   Ji Yunhao was still a little furious at that time, not because he liked Su Yurou so much, but because he felt that it was a bit embarrassing to be brought up for divorce as a big man.

   "Su Yurou, is it because Pei Tianyou just woke up, you want to run away with your old friend?"

   (end of this chapter)

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