The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1842: Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (94)

   Chapter 1842 The female cannon fodder married to a wealthy family (94)

   Little Fox did not expect Ji Hanchuan to come back so soon.

   She turned her head in surprise, but saw that Ji Hanchuan looked extremely cold at the moment, looking at Pei Tianyou who was hooking up with his girlfriend with an indifferent face.

   The little fox smiled and realized that Ji Hanchuan and Pei Tianyou knew each other.

   After all, Ji Yunhao and Pei Tianyou are the same age, and the Pei family and the Ji family are family friends. Ji Yunhao brought Pei Tianyou to the Ji family's old house to play before.

   With Ji Hanchuan's memory, as long as he has seen Pei Tianyou once, he will not forget the appearance of this person.

   "Tong'er, it's so funny, do you think Ji Hanchuan looks cuter when he's jealous?"

   System 233 was speechless when he heard the words, and a row of black lines was drawn across the system's forehead.

   "Host, if Ji Hanchuan knew that you used these two words to describe him, I'm afraid Ji Hanchuan would be furious, right?"

   The little fox pouted slightly and shook his head in disapproval.

   "No, he is the most generous, how could he not accept the word cute? I used to think that Ji Hanchuan was young and mature, but now I think he is actually very childish."

   said and said, the little fox inexplicably thought of the things on the island again.

   Now Su Qinghuan finally dared not use the word childish to describe Ji Hanchuan. After all, no child would be like that.


   The little fox was free to chat with System 233, but Ji Hanchuan and Pei Tianyou were in a tense atmosphere.

   Ji Hanchuan held the little fox's shoulder with one hand, full of territorial awareness.

   Pei Tianyou had only met Ji Hanchuan on two sides, and they all glanced at Ji Hanchuan across the crowd. When he saw Ji Hanchuan, he didn't remember who the other party was.

   But with Ji Hanchuan's powerful aura and his handsome appearance, Pei Tianyou swayed and chose a name in his heart.

   It's just that Pei Tianyou didn't know Ji Hanchuan well, and he was still stuck in the impression that Ji Hanchuan couldn't help but be a woman, and he was rejected by others thousands of miles away, so he was still afraid to determine the identity of the person in front of him for a while.

   "Are you the CEO of Ji?"

   Pei Tianyou looked at Ji Hanchuan's face in disbelief. Upon closer inspection, Ji Hanchuan and his unjust brother Ji Yunhao were indeed three or four similar.

   It's just that Ji Yunhao's good-looking is the kind of good-looking that makes little girls blush and heartbeat, but Ji Hanchuan's beauty is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

   Even if you see him, you don't dare to feel any blasphemous thoughts, you only dare to watch from a distance.


   "It seems that Mrs. Pei has forgotten things a lot. When you were sick before, I visited you once. Didn't Mrs. Pei mention it to you?"

   Ji Hanchuan glanced at Pei Tianyou noncommittally with a contemptuous smile on his lips.


   Pei Tianyou was so embarrassed when he heard that, he didn't know where to put his hand for a while.

   He glanced at the little fox reluctantly. It was rare to meet a girl who looked so good to him. He didn't expect that not only the famous flowers had their own owners, but the corners of the walls were so difficult to pry.

   In fact, Pei Tianyou doesn't have many principles in his heart, but if his competitor is Ji Hanchuan, Pei Tianyou will not be confident.


   Pei Tianyou probed Chaoji Hanchuan Road.

   "Chief Executive Officer Ji, I didn't expect someone like you to get engaged so early, don't know who your fiancee is?"

   "What does it have to do with you?"

   Ji Hanchuan pursed his thin lips into a straight arc, and then squinted at Pei Tianyou with a half-smile, the alienation in his eyes was self-evident.

  I heard the little fox talk about the story that she married Pei Tianyou in her dream, and she had not been treated well, Ji Hanchuan thought about it like a sting in his throat.

   Now I see in reality that Pei Tianyou is really embarrassed to approach Su Qinghuan this time, isn't that going to blow up the vinegar jar?

   Pei Tianyou originally wanted to find out the identity of the little fox, but at this moment Ji Hanchuan was covered in thorns, and Pei Tianyou finally retreated.

   Pei Tianyou said with a smirk.

   "Okay, I still have something to do. Goodbye CEO of that season."

  From beginning to end, the little fox didn't glance at Pei Tianyou, but held Ji Hanchuan's hand silently, as if he thought Ji Hanchuan's hand was funny.

   Pei Tianyou was so ignored by the two, the anger in his heart was almost indescribable.

   His face was cold, and he quickly sent a question to his group of brothers.

   "Ji's eldest master Ji Hanchuan is actually engaged? Isn't it rumored that he may like a man? Is this woman really his fiancee?"

  Although he knew that Ji Hanchuan's identity would not be swayed by this kind of thing, Pei Tianyou held his breath in his heart.

   After all, he has never been rejected by the opposite **** when he grew up so big. Even if he is of the same sex, he will generally respect his status as the only son of the Pei family, and flatter him three points.

   The couple didn't give him a good look, which really made Pei Tianyou panic.

   Just thinking of Su Qinghuan's beautiful and agile face, Pei Tianyou felt itchy again.

   The girl just now was really good-looking, and from Pei Tianyou's many years of experience in the Myriad Flowers, Su Qinghuan's face was in a state of plain makeup just now, completely without makeup.

   Looking at the superior eyebrows, eyes and bones, it should be pure natural, and he has never used a knife.

  In this day and age, as long as you are willing to spend money on beauty treatments and make-up, it is not that difficult to create a beautiful woman, but beautiful beauties with no makeup and no plastic surgery are still extremely rare.


The    WeChat brother group soon sent a message.

   "I haven't heard that Ji Hanchuan is engaged? But it is said that he has a girlfriend who is the student **** and school flower of Imperial College. Brother Tianyou, let me find a photo for you to see."

   is followed by a photo that pops up.

   That is obviously a far-off steal-photo, with blurry pixels, but it still can't cover up the beautiful appearance of the girl.

  In addition to this photo, they also sent Pei Tianyou many other related links.

   "Brother Tianyou, I heard that this woman was the top student in the national college entrance examination before, and she has been on the official TV station more than once. Why, are you also interested?"


   Pei Tianyou stared blankly at the text introduction below.

   He felt that Su Qinghuan's appearance was slightly familiar.

   It was only because of the fox's out-of-the-world temperament that I didn't remember it for a while, but now I understand that Su Qinghuan was Su Yurou's half-sister.

   The family also mentioned that Su Qinghuan's birth date was very suitable for him. According to that Jianghu warlock, Su Qinghuan might be helpful to his condition.

   After Su Yurou's green tea regretted her marriage, Su Yaohua thought about marrying her eldest daughter instead.

   It’s just this matter, why didn’t it work?


   Pei Tianyou held the phone tightly, and before he knew it, his face was full of sullenness.

   It turned out that Su Qinghuan was supposed to be his person!

   (end of this chapter)

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