The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1852: Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (104)

   Chapter 1852 Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (104)

  Ji Hanchuan lowered his head and grabbed the lips of the little fox, like a wind and clouds, constantly plundering the air from the girl's mouth...

   Obviously the air conditioner was turned on in the room, but Su Qinghuan felt that the temperature around her seemed to be rising.

   Especially Ji Hanchuan's hand on his waist seemed to be able to burn that small piece of skin through the thin nightdress.

   "Cold... Han River..."

   The little fox was not particularly comfortable when he thought that his grandmother also lived in this house, and the girl gave Ji Hanchuan a shy and annoyed look.

   "Hurry up and let me go, it won't be good if grandma sees it."

   "No, it's so late, grandma should be going to bed."

   Ji Hanchuan said, the man looked dazzled at the soft face of the little fox, but couldn't help lowering his head, wanting to continue to plunder the sweet breath from the girl's mouth.

   The air seemed to be getting hotter and hotter, but when Ji Hanchuan hugged himself and planned to take it to the tatami, the little fox was completely stunned.

   "You don't want to mess around."

   "No, I just want to hold you to sleep together."

   The man looked at Su Qinghuan meaningfully, with a sly smile in his eyes, which actually softened the grim and grim aura of the past.

   "Qing Huan, you asked me what to do just now, are you thinking of something bad?"


  What should I do if I feel trapped by this dog man's routine?

  The little fox was heartbroken and was speechless for a while.


   This house was bought by the little fox alone, and Ji Hanchuan did not interfere.

  Including the decoration inside is the new Chinese style that Su Qinghuan has always liked.

When    was gently placed on the silk quilt by Ji Hanchuan again, the little fox's cheeks were hot, and he somehow felt as if he was secretly doing bad things behind his back.

   She curled up the arches of her feet in embarrassment.

   But Ji Hanchuan suddenly noticed the scars from the little fox's fight this evening.

   The little fox is already delicate and expensive, and his skin is even more white as jade. At this moment, there is a trace of bruise on the instep, which is even more shocking.

   In fact, compared to what happened to those gangsters and Pei Tianyou, Su Qinghuan could really be said to be almost unscathed, and the red spot on the instep was just because she kicked too hard.


   But this scene fell in Ji Hanchuan's eyes, but it was not the same thing.

   The man bent down in distress, and his knuckled fingers carefully hugged Su Qinghuan's instep.

   "Let me take a good look, is this because of what happened today?"

   Without waiting for the little fox to answer, Ji Hanchuan's eyes gradually became fierce.

   "I will definitely make Pei Tianyou and his group of lackeys pay the price."

   The little fox couldn't help but covered his lips and smiled when he heard the words.

   "Don't worry, I have already made Pei Tianyou and the others pay the price. I, Su Qinghuan, are not easy to mess with, and this price should be enough for these people to remember for life."

   This sentence is by no means exaggerated. Today, this incident is the shadow of Pei Tianyou's life and should have disappeared.


   Ji Hanchuan lightly stroked the red marks on the instep of the little fox. His movements were very gentle, but his expression was cold and cruel.

   "This price is far from enough. They hurt the person I care about the most, that is, they are courting death."

   "Qing Huan, I will definitely give you an explanation."

   Ji Hanchuan said, but he couldn't help holding the little fox in his arms in distress.

   Even in the eyes of those gangsters, Su Qinghuan was a terrifying existence like a demon king of chaos.

   But in Ji Hanchuan's eyes, it is the jewel that he treasures most, for fear of breaking it.

   If they offended Ji Hanchuan, it's okay to say, because Ji Hanchuan doesn't care that much about himself, maybe a small punishment and a big admonition will pass.

   But if the offender is Su Qinghuan, then I'm sorry, it's more uncomfortable than hurting Ji Hanchuan himself.


   The little fox couldn't help but smile when he saw Ji Hanchuan carefully hugging himself in his arms.

   "Why do I feel so vulnerable in your eyes?"

   "It's not that you are vulnerable, but I am vulnerable."

   Ji Hanchuan fixedly looked into Su Qinghuan's eyes.

   The man's words were not false in the slightest.

   He couldn't afford to lose her.

   After falling in love with Su Qinghuan, Ji Hanchuan knew that the CEO of Ji's Group, who once thought he was invincible, now has his own weaknesses.

  It is said that the dragon has reverse scales, so she is his reverse scale.


   Being watched by Ji Hanchuan with such burning eyes, the little fox couldn't help but miss a beat.

   Even though he was already used to seeing Ji Hanchuan's uniquely handsome face, but at this moment the two were so close, their eyes were facing each other, and they could hear each other's breaths, the little fox's heartbeat was still accelerating.

   Time seemed to be slowed down, Su Qinghuan and Ji Hanchuan involuntarily approached each other.

   Seeing the lover's face expanding in front of his eyes, the little fox also closed his eyes subconsciously, waiting for Ji Hanchuan's thin lips to fall.


   However, in this reverie night, suddenly, a light knock on the door rang.

   "Qing Huan, Han Chuan has just come back, will he not eat much yet? Do you want to pad your stomach? I cut him a fire dragon fruit, and I will send it to you?"

   When he heard the voice of his grandmother Xu Xiurong, the little fox suddenly opened his eyes and wanted to open his mouth in a panic.

  Unexpectedly, Ji Hanchuan, a wicked guy, looked at him with a smile, and even lowered his head to cover the little fox's lips.

   Su Qinghuan's eyes widened immediately, her slender hand pinched Ji Hanchuan's shoulder immediately, wanting Ji Hanchuan to stop and stop nonsense.

   But the more the little fox resisted, the more wicked Ji Hanchuan was, and he even held down the little fox's disturbing hand.


   Convinced, Su Qinghuan was really worried that Xu Xiurong would open the door directly...


   And Xu Xiurong didn't hear the sound inside, so she couldn't help but continued to knock on the door twice.

   "Nah, are you okay with Han Chuan? Would you like grandma to come and have a look?"


   The little fox couldn't bear it any longer, and quickly glared at Ji Hanchuan, but fortunately Ji Hanchuan also stopped enough, smiled and said to the outside.

   "No need for grandma, I was just having fun with Qing. I'll come and get the fruit now."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Hanchuan quickly pulled on his slippers and ran to open the door for Xu Xiurong.

   In fact, Xu Xiurong can also push the door directly, but she was worried that her granddaughter and Ji Hanchuan might be too enthusiastic when they first met, so she did not open the door hastily.

   At this moment, seeing Su Qinghuan lying on the quilt with an embarrassed face and her slightly red lips, Xu Xiurong glanced at Su Qinghuan and Ji Hanchuan as expected.

   "Hanchuan, don't worry about it as soon as you come back, wash up after eating dragon fruit and rest early."

   "Okay, we all listen to you."

   Xu Xiurong left.

  Su Qinghuan couldn't be more angry, and threw a pillow at Ji Hanchuan—

   (end of this chapter)

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