The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1854: Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (106)

   Chapter 1854 Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (106)

   Because of the sweetheart he was thinking about day and night in his arms, Ji Hanchuan tossed and turned a little all night. Fortunately, in the end, because I was so tired today, the young man finally fell asleep in a daze.

   When he woke up the next day, the little fox saw Ji Hanchuan's handsome face on one side.

  The little fox carefully wanted to lift the quilt and let Ji Hanchuan sleep for a while, but because her head was resting on Ji Hanchuan's arm, Ji Hanchuan also woke up.

   "Morning, Mrs. Ji."

   The man looked at Su Qinghuan with a smile, but his arm was a little numb because the little fox had fixed it all night.

The    man frowned slightly and wanted to stretch his arms a little.

   The young man was hiding, thinking he was not discovered by the little fox, but when Su Qinghuan saw this scene, he couldn't help laughing.

   "Have you ever heard a joke on the Internet about a young couple sleeping with each other in their arms for a long time, but one got frozen shoulder and the other got cervical spondylosis."


   Ji Hanchuan felt a little helpless when he heard the words.

   "Then, for the sake of our bodies, I won't hold you to sleep in the future?"

  Last night because he missed the little fox so much, it seemed that as long as he held her in his arms, all the troubles in his heart were swept away.


   The little fox saw Ji Hanchuan's serious face, and the girl couldn't help but raised her eyebrows.

   "I'm kidding you, as long as you don't do this for a long time, you won't get sick, and what are you doing so seriously? I'm not your life mentor."

   "Yes yes yes, you are my future wife."

  The two were so close, hearing Ji Hanchuan's lingering love words, the little fox's cheeks immediately flushed.

   For a while, she doubted whether Ji Hanchuan had ever been in love.

   How could anyone say so many love words so naturally when they were first involved in a relationship?


   The little fox murmured to himself, but seeing that Ji Hanchuan's arm was a little numb, he immediately stretched out his hand to help Ji Hanchuan press it a few times.

   "Look, as long as you press these acupuncture points, the blood in your arm will be smooth immediately."

   "Does this kind of thing really work?"

   Ji Hanchuan was still a little skeptical before, but after Su Qinghuan casually tapped a few points, Ji Hanchuan suddenly felt that his arm had indeed improved a lot.

   This is definitely not self-comfort, but a real feeling.

   "Qing Huan, I often heard from my grandmother that you passed the Chinese medicine qualification certificate, and that you once stopped your unreliable sister from bleeding."

   "At the time I listened to it, and now I realize that you really have two brushes."

   Ji Hanchuan stared at the little fox with bright eyes, as if just getting to know Su Qinghuan for one more day would make his treasure girl one more bright spot.

  How lucky he is to be Su Qinghuan's fiancé.


   "What does it mean to have two brushes? If I really go to practice medicine, I believe that many famous doctors in the world will be resigned to the disadvantage."

   The little fox smiled and looked at Ji Hanchuan. She was telling the truth, but being a doctor was too tiring. Su Qinghuan has always been a loose and unrestrained personality, so there is still no consideration for this for the time being.

   And now medical technology is actually very developed, even without her, wouldn't the whole world run as usual?



   Ji Hanchuan hooked his lips in the face of the little fox's almost overflowing confidence.

   Of course he doesn't believe the little fox's words. After all, it takes more than 10 years to study medicine. To become a master of Xinglin requires countless observations and accumulations of practice.

   But the man didn't demolish the little fox's platform, but half-joking and half-serious.

   "Then it's someone else's loss that you didn't study medicine."

   "Well, of course!"

  The little fox puffed out his chest proudly.

   "I will still take care of my family. If you and your grandmother get sick in the future, you don't have to worry."

  Unfortunately, this is not some kind of spiritual world, otherwise Su Qinghuan could teach Ji Hanchuan and Xu Xiurong to think about cultivating immortals.

   The man watched the little fox boasting tenderly and indulgently, and gently helped the little fox trim the broken hair on his temples.

   "Okay, okay, then you'll have to rely on Mrs. Ji more."

   Hearing Ji Hanchuan sip Mrs Ji one by one, the little fox couldn't help but give Ji Hanchuan a look.

   "Small poor mouth, if you want me to marry you so early, just look forward to a time machine travel directly to after I graduate from college."

  Unexpectedly, Ji Hanchuan shook his head when he heard the words.

   "That's not good, we have to spend every day seriously."

   "If you can really quickly change to a few years later, wouldn't it be a pity to miss this time with you?"

   The little fox was just a joke, but he didn't expect Ji Hanchuan to answer him so solemnly.

   Looking at Ji Hanchuan's affectionate face, the little fox's heartbeat accelerated again.

   "I said, Mr. Ji, have you really never been in love? Or maybe you wouldn't read a book of love stories behind my back?"

   "Every word I say is the voice of my heart, so why bother to read all the love stories, eh?"

  When the little fox heard the charming ending sound of the other party, his heartbeat finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the girl hurriedly jumped out of the bed and went to the bathroom.

   Ji Hanchuan also got up with his clothes on.

   He is a natural clothes hanger, even if he wears ordinary black pajamas, he looks good. At this moment, he puts on trousers and shirts, and he looks more and more tall, legs and stature.

   The little fox hurriedly glanced out of the bathroom, and saw Ji Hanchuan buttoning his shirt, revealing his strong eight-pack abs.

The line of a man is neither like a bodybuilding coach with protruding muscles and scary muscles, nor like a thin white chicken with nothing, but like a male model on the runway, people can't help but want to bow down under his suit pants. .

  The little fox couldn't help swallowing.

   Such a delightful and stunningly beautiful man turned out to be his, and the little fox woke up with a smile just by looking at it.


   Ji Hanchuan also took advantage of the situation and walked to Su Qinghuan's side, looking meaningfully at the face of the little fox nympho.

   "Is it so pretty? The saliva is about to flow out, why don't you wipe it off?"

   "Ah, really?"

   The little fox stared at Ji Hanchuan's figure and was fascinated. Hearing Ji Hanchuan's words at this moment, he subconsciously wanted to wipe his saliva.

   As a result, he stretched his hand to his chin, but there was nothing.

  Su Qinghuan felt very ashamed, and couldn't help but gave Ji Hanchuan a vicious look.

   "Okay, Ji Hanchuan, you've become more courageous, and you dare to mock me!"

   Seeing the cute appearance of the little fox, Ji Hanchuan couldn't help lowering his head, and the tip of his nose pressed against Su Qinghuan's.

   "Don't you tease me from time to time? Only state officials are allowed to set fires, and people are not allowed to light lamps, eh?"

   (end of this chapter)

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