The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1860: Country fiancee being teased (3)

   Chapter 1860 The Tricked Country Fiancee (3)

  Shen Sinian has a handsome face and a square shape like jade.

   But the eyes of the other party are like the deep sea under the night, seemingly calm, but in fact, there are countless vortexes hidden below, mysterious and aggressive.

   Such a contradictory temperament can easily make people want to explore him in depth, understand him, and fall for him.


  Shen Sinian was not worried that Su Qinghuan would not take the bait. In the past, the original owner used to be teased with red ears and ran away shyly.

   If it is said that the original owner did not like him at all, then Shen Sinian would not believe it.

   Shen Sinian, a little girl like this, has seen many times. She was a little reserved at first, but when she got to the back, she would inevitably bow down under his suit pants.

  Even the eldest daughter who has been raised by a serious child can't resist the charm of Shen Sinian, let alone a little girl from the countryside like Su Qinghuan?


   Shen Sinian was very confident in his heart, but he never expected that in just a few minutes, the rustic country girl in front of him had already changed her core.

  The little fox felt nauseated when she saw Shen Sinian's constant release of male hormones, but she didn't receive the original owner's memory, and she couldn't figure out what the relationship between the two was.

   So the little fox pretended not to understand Shen Sinian's push and pull, and said with a big smile.

   "It's okay, I know you're kind, and Amano is your friend. He's such a generous person, you won't get it wrong."

   The little fox didn't know the specific names of the person in front of him and the original owner's fiancé, but since Shen Sinian said that the other party's name was Tian Ye, Su Qinghuan followed suit.

  Unexpectedly, Shen Sinian was very surprised.

   Seeing Su Qinghuan calling Gu Tianye's name so frankly, the man couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and looked at the little fox a few more times inquiringly.

   "Miss Su... Didn't Amano always ask you to call him Ye Ge or Gu Shao like everyone else? Why did you suddenly change your name?"



   Little Fox didn't expect that there was such a thing behind her. She had not seen Gu Tianye, but from Shen Sinian's words, it was not difficult to guess that Gu Tianye was contemptuous and disdainful of her.

   And looking at Shen Sinian's interesting appearance, it seems that Gu Tianye and Gu Tianye are not the dead enemies of robbing a fiancee behind the back of a good brother.


   Is this pair of fox friends playing with her?

   In just a few minutes, Su Qinghuan guessed the general truth in his heart.

   System 233 didn't say anything because it didn't want to reveal the plot directly. Now that the little fox guessed it, System 233 was amazed.

   "Host, you are too amazing. You have just arrived in these few minutes, and you have deduced the general context of the story!"

   "This gentle scum in front of me is called Shen Sinian. He and Gu Tianye have been friends from childhood to adulthood. Shen Sinian and you are all instructed by Gu Tianye. They both take you as a joke together!"

   "Host, anyway, let me remind you that neither of them are good things. Let's talk about the details when you receive the memory."

  No wonder, the little fox curled the corners of his lips playfully.

She glanced at Shen Sinian's expensive white suit, which was obviously made by hand, and then looked at her poor outfit, and roughly guessed that Gu Tianye probably didn't want to marry the original owner at all, and instead framed her with a good brother. The original owner.

  Beautiful man.

  Tsk, sinister.


   The little fox had a plan in his mind, so he showed a look of sadness.

"Sorry, I forgot for a while, I'm obviously Gu Tianye's fiancee, but I don't even have the qualification to call him by his name, you are his best friend, tell me, in the eyes of your circle, am I just a joke? ?"

   The little fox squeezed two crocodile-like tears from his eyes.

   "You say, say it! Just now I saw that there were still people wiping the oil of those dancers. Today he asked me to come to such a mixed place to attend the party. Isn't that making it clear that my fiancée can't be a human being?!"


  Shen Sinian didn't expect Su Qinghuan to question himself like this. In his impression, Su Qinghuan has always been a soft bun, and anyone can step on it.

   However, the clay figurine still has several temperaments, and the rabbit will bite when it is anxious.

   Su Qinghuan's way of looking at it now is a bit more interesting than before.


  Shen Sinian looked at the pale and melancholy face of the little fox, he looked at her without a trace, and then played the role of a caring big brother very well.

"Sorry, Miss Su, it's true that Amano is a little inconsiderate about this matter today, but you are his fiancee, Amano has been spoiled by the Gu family since he was a child, and he is not bad. Maybe you can work together for a while, the two of you. Just get along.”

  Shen Sinian stood in front of the little fox apologetically, and suddenly added another sentence.

   "After all, you and Amano have only been engaged for a month, and you have just returned to the Su family's home. It is normal for Amano to have some relationship with you. I have been good brothers with Amano for more than ten years, and I still know him well."

  The man's expression was gentle and concerned, as if he was doing his work from the standpoint of both parties in a fair and just manner. He did not blindly slander Gu Tianye, but also comforted Su Qinghuan's emotions just right.

   If it wasn't for the little fox himself being a tenth-level shadow queen, I'm afraid he would also be deceived by the man's deceptive appearance.


   The little fox just made a look of grievance throughout the whole process, but he analyzed Shen Sinian's words extremely keenly.

   "Tong'er, what do you mean I just returned to Su's house? Does it mean that I haven't lived in Su's house for so many years?"

   Looking at Shen Sinian's full-body bearing, he looked like a rich and powerful boy, but the original owner's clothes were really...some couldn't make it on the stage.

   "Cough, you are indeed the child of the Su family. This matter is a bit complicated. I will tell you later."

  The little fox knew in her heart, just when she wanted to continue talking about Shen Sinian, the door of the box on the third floor suddenly opened.

   A rich second generation with short hair dyed in pigeon blue suddenly came out drunkenly, holding two girls in his arms.

   "Oh, Young Master Shen, why are you still here, Brother Ye, he's been waiting for you inside for a long time!"

  The rich second generation said, and turned his head with drunken eyes, as if he had just noticed the little fox, and suddenly burped.

   The other party glanced at Su Qinghuan frivolously, his eyes full of mockery and disdain.

   "Isn't this Ye Ge's fiancee from the countryside?! Hiccup, why is she here too?"

   "He drank too much, and his words were not light or heavy, don't mind."

   Shen Sinian smiled apologetically at the little fox, and was about to take the little fox to the box.

  Su Qinghuan pondered the character of the original owner, nodded timidly, and was about to follow Shen Sinian in.

   As a result, who would have thought, that sloppy rich second generation suddenly stretched out his foot and stumbled directly towards the little fox—

   (end of this chapter)

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