The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1866: Country fiancee being teased (9)

   Chapter 1866 The teased country fiancee (9)

  With such an unreliable father, the original owner naturally had a rough life in the countryside.

  The newly married wife of Su's father was afraid that the eldest daughter would go back to Su's house and rob her son's property in the future, so all parties did not want the original owner to come forward.

   At that time, the original owner was only five years old, but he had followed the babysitter in the country pitifully.

  Because the original owner was still young at the time, he didn’t have a deep memory of his mother, and there was no room for him to resist Su’s father’s decision.

  The stepmother also threatened the original owner from time to time. If the original owner was disobedient, the whole family would not want her in the future.

  The original owner, who was under the fence of others, developed a cowardly temper since he was a child.

   What's more, the Su family is so rich, and the living expenses sent are often short, or under the instruction of the stepmother, they are betrayed by the unscrupulous nanny.

   Father Su felt a little guilt towards the original owner, thinking that when the original owner was a little older, he would bring the original owner back from the countryside.

   As a result, after the stepmother gave birth to the youngest son, Father Su's attention was quickly diverted by the son who could inherit the incense. How could he even think about bringing the original owner to the old house for support.


  The original owner grew up in the countryside, and the most I heard was that others would ridicule her as a wild child with no father or mother. Sometimes the original owner would cry secretly at night, but there was nothing he could do to others.

   When he is a little older, Father Su will occasionally come to the country to see the original owner, but the father and daughter rarely see each other once a year, so how can they have any deep feelings?

   Compared with the original owner, who was earthy and stupid, and who was not in fashion, of course, the youngest son in the family was more likable.

   Father Su saw that the original owner was raised to look like a village girl, how could he think of bringing the original owner home? Wouldn't that disgrace their Su family?

  The old father who left the child in the countryside might be accused by thousands of people, so Father Su didn't want to take the original owner back.


   If things had come to this place, the original owner might have been raised in the countryside for the rest of his life.

   Coincidentally, the old man of the Gu family, who used to be friends with the Su family, suddenly came to the country for a vacation.

   Mr. Gu's style is simple and simple, and there are not many servants following him in and out.

   He had a splitting headache that day, and suddenly fainted on the road, or the original owner just happened to pick up the old man of the Gu family and greeted him again, pouring soup and water.

   And the original owner was not able to get into the university because of his poor grades in high school. He went to a medical college. He happened to meet the old man of the Gu family during the summer vacation, and saved the life of the old man of the Gu family in time with the knowledge of saving people he learned in school.

   When the old man of the Gu family woke up and saw the original owner, he was naturally very grateful, and the more he looked, the more he felt that the original owner looked a little familiar.

   After careful inquiry, I realized that the original owner turned out to be the daughter of an old friend, the eldest daughter of Su's original wife.

   At that time, Mr. Gu was a little embarrassed.

   When Su's mother and Su's father first got married a few decades ago, the relationship between their Gu family and Su's family was not bad, but the Su family has declined a bit in recent years, and Su's father's character is not good, and this has gradually become estranged.

   But when Mother Su was still alive, Mr. Su once laughed and said that he wanted the younger generation to marry.

  If Mother Su was pregnant with a boy, she would be a brother with their grandson Gu Tianye.

  If Mother Su is pregnant with a female doll, of course she has to appoint a childhood sweetheart doll.

  Because the Gu family's rank was slightly higher than that of the Su family at that time, the Su family only felt honored at that time, but they had no other opinion.


   Who would have thought that Mother Su would pass away in just a few years, and the eldest daughter, who was born and promised to be a baby, was also thrown into the countryside and raised like a wild girl.

   Mr. Gu did not reveal his identity. Instead, he kept a low profile in the countryside for more than a month, and appointed Su Qinghuan to take care of him.

  The original owner is a very simple person. He grew up in the country since he was a child. His mother is gone, his father does not love him, and he is looked down upon by everyone. His personality is a bit sensitive and inferior, but he definitely does not have the domineering and domineering attitude of ordinary rich ladies.

   So after knowing that Mr. Gu asked him to take care of him, the original owner used the knowledge he had learned very enthusiastically and began to take care of Mr. Gu meticulously.

  This more than a month is enough for Mr. Gu to take a good look at the character of the original owner.

  Because of the previous life-saving grace, coupled with the current care and observation, Mr. Gu felt more and more that the original owner looked ordinary, but he was actually a very good child.

   As the saying goes, a good wife is enough to prosper for three generations.

   His grandson Gu Tianye, as his name suggests, is unruly, so he needs such a virtuous wife to take good care of him.


   So Mr. Gu decided to take the original owner back to City A and let him be the eldest lady of the Su family again.

   also said that he would complete the baby kiss of the former childhood sweetheart for the original owner, and pointed his grandson Gu Tianye to her.

  The original owner was very nervous about this news, but now that the information is so developed, the original owner is actually eager to live a bustling and bustling life in a first-tier city.

   And those things should have belonged to her originally, but before she had no means to get back what she should have, Mr. Gu is obviously perfecting himself.


   With the help of Mr. Gu, the original owner returned to the Su family smoothly.

   Father Su and stepmother naturally didn't like the original owner, but as Father Gu, Father Su naturally wanted to give Father Gu some respect.

   And Mr. Gu also said that as long as they treat Su Qinghuan well, Mr. Gu is willing to provide resources to help solve the current financing problems of the Su family.

   The stepmother was still unwilling, but Father Su was overjoyed and quickly took over Su Qinghuan happily.

   also told the original master to be the daughter-in-law of the family, and to help Su Jiala with more resources in the future. As a father, he would also give a generous dowry when his daughter was married.


   Suddenly she went from the countryside to an international metropolis, and the iron rooster Su's father was willing to pay her for a villa, the original owner was stunned at the time.

   This amount of money is not much for Su's father's assets, but it is a show of kindness to the Gu family, especially the old man Gu.

   The original owner was very young, but he also vaguely understood this truth.

   She never thought of getting married so early before, but Mr. Gu showed her a photo of Gu Tianye, and he was really a handsome guy.

  So the original owner had a shy heart, and hoped that he could also become a sparrow and a phoenix, and fulfill his childhood princess dream.


  Because of his goodwill and trust in Mr. Gu, the original owner quickly obeyed the family's arrangement and happily went on a date with Gu Tianye.

   After all, this is her fiancé.

When    first saw Gu Tianye, the original owner's eyes widened.

   She had never seen such a man more handsome than a TV star.

   Heart, inextricably ensnared.

   (end of this chapter)

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