The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1871: Country fiancee being teased (14)

   Chapter 1871 The Country Fiancee Who Was Tricked (14)

   Little Fox thought so, so he quickly called Shen Sinian.

   And the call was quickly connected.

   Shen Sinian just returned home, and the men were a little surprised. Just now, the little fox would contact him so quickly.

  —As expected, looking at a woman who is honest and virtuous, she will easily bow down under her suit pants.

   This is not the first time that Shen Sinian has encountered such a situation, and the man suddenly felt a little boring in his heart.

   Just when Shen Sinian was narcissistic, the soft and cowardly voice of the little fox came from the other end of the phone.

   "Hey, hello, is this Young Master Shen?"

   This phone number was originally given to the original owner by Shen Sinian, but the original owner never contacted Shen Sinian.

   Hearing the soft and waxy voice on the phone like a March oriole, Shen Sinian lazily raised his eyelids.

   "It's me, what's wrong?"

  Su Qinghuan could hear Shen Sinian's disillusionment. It seems that when this guy was on the phone, he didn't even bother to pretend to be with her twice.

   The original owner can't see the stupid white sweetness.

   The little fox secretly despised in his heart, but still asked Shen Siqian in a naive and naive tone.

   "Shen Shao... I know it may be a bit presumptuous to say this. Can I call you Big Brother Shen?"

   seemed to realize that his words were a little too familiar, and the little fox explained it timidly.

"Today, you helped me in the red rose bar during the day. I am really grateful. I have longed for a brother to protect me since I was a child. I heard from Amano that you are a few months older than him, so I will also call you Brother Shen, okay? it is good?"

  The original owner lacked love since she was a child. Whether it was family, friendship or love, she got too little and too little.

   That's why when Shen Sinian took the initiative to court her like that, the original owner would easily fall and believe him.


   The girl's voice was clear and clean, like the gentle evening wind in spring, but the ending sound was somewhat erratic and uneasy.

   Shen Sinian couldn't help but think that Su Qinghuan was only afraid that he mustered a lot of courage on the other end of the phone to come here to get closer to him.

   Only then did the man realize that Su Qinghuan not only had a pair of beautiful eyes, but also had a very nice voice.

   It's just that the girl usually bows her head in low self-esteem, and speaks like a mosquito, so people don't realize that she still has these advantages.

   Thinking that such a restless and cowardly little rabbit was about to jump into the trap he carefully made, Shen Sinian became a little interested.

  —I just don’t know if Su Qinghuan, who suddenly recognizes the big brother, really wants to find someone to experience family affection, or does he want to play the tricks of his brother and sister?

   No matter what it is, Shen Sinian finds it very interesting.

   Watching the prey jump into the snare is the interest of every hunter.


  The man cheered up and smiled gently with Su Qinghuan.

   "Okay, it's just a title, what can't you agree with? Since you call me eldest brother, then I'll call you Qinghuan in the future."

   "And I've never had a younger sister. I've been hanging out with boys like Amano since I was a child, and suddenly there is a younger sister who can protect me, which is quite interesting."

  The calm male voice came from the other end of the phone, and it became more and more gentle and magnetic, as if the grapes had been buried deep in the ground for a long time.

   When Shen Sinian deliberately wants to show his favor to a person, let alone a girl, I'm afraid men can't resist.

  The little fox did not pretend to be reserved, but cheered very excitedly on the other end of the phone.

   "Great, Brother Shen, I knew you would promise me."

"You didn't agree with me returning the cufflinks to you when you were at the Red Rose Bar before, but I think it's a pity that your white suit is missing a button. If you don't mind, I'll come and return it to you in person. OK?"

   "...I don't lack a piece of clothing, I don't have to."

   Shen Sinian was stunned for half a second when he heard Su Qinghuan's words, is this woman a little too impatient?

   Just when Shen Sinian despised Su Qinghuan, the bright and cheerful female voice on the other end of the phone suddenly dimmed, looking a little gloomy.

   "Brother Shen is actually like this. In addition to sending you buttons and expressing my gratitude to you in person, I want to ask you one more thing."


   Hearing Su Qinghuan's hesitant tone, Shen Sinian realized that he might have thought too much, and most of it had something to do with Gu Tianye's bastard.

  The man couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

   "Are you trying to say something about Amano?"

   "Yes, I can't hide anything from Big Brother Shen."

   Little Fox said, and sighed unhappily.

   "Brother Shen, in fact, I have always wanted to have a good relationship with Amano. After all, Grandpa Gu personally appointed me to be his fiancée couple, and he agreed. I thought Amano might not refuse to keep dating me slowly."

   "But through today's events, I found out that Amano and I have never been from the same world. There are so many beautiful girls around him. As a fiancee, I am really stressed."

   When Shen Sinian heard this, he suddenly interrupted the little fox.

   "...So you want to break off the marriage? Want to ask for my advice?"

"Qing Huan, have you ever thought that I am Amano's good brother, and they all say that I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy a marriage. I can't promise you this, otherwise I will have no face in the Gu family's old house in the future. ."

  Shen Sinian knew very well that Su Qinghuan and Gu Tianye were engaged for such a short time, even if the little fox went to see Old Master Gu to intercede, I am afraid that Old Master Gu would not agree in the end.


   Hearing Shen Sinian's righteous tone on the other end of the phone, the little fox immediately rolled his eyes.

   Sure enough, he is a dog man, picking himself up so cleanly.

   But she still has planB.

"It's not like that, Brother Shen, I was angry at noon, and now I suddenly think that Grandpa Gu also told me that Amano is not the kind of boy who plays with his feelings, maybe he was hanging out in the bar today, It's just deliberately trying to make me retreat in spite of difficulties."

  ? ? ? ?

   When Shen Sinian heard the words, his pupils could not help shrinking.

   He didn't expect that this rustic and stupid looking country girl would have such a keen insight.

   Just when Shen Sinian had an accident, Su Qinghuan suddenly took a deep breath, as if she had worked hard for a long time before she mustered up the courage.

   "Brother Shen, it will be Grandpa Gu's birthday party in a month. I want to give myself a month so that this marriage can have an explanation for myself, Grandpa Gu, and Tianye."

   "I want Amano to like me, you are his good brother, can you teach me how to chase him?"

   The girl bit her lip again, and her voice even became a little choked up.

   "When I saw Amano from the first side, in fact... I fell in love with him. I don't believe my eyesight would be that bad..."

   (end of this chapter)

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