The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1874: Country fiancee being teased (17)

   Chapter 1874 The Tricked Country Fiancee (17)

  Gu Tianye saw that Shen Sinian had actually liked in Su Qinghuan's circle of friends, and the young man's eyes widened.

   "Si Nian, have you lost your head? Although I asked you to tease that country bumpkin a little bit, you still praised her for her beauty. You don't need to be so sincere if you don't want to, it's really scary!"

  Because of his superior family background, Gu Tianye always speaks as he pleases, and he is not afraid of offending others at all.

   Of course, with the friendship between Gu Tianye and Shen Sinian, it is common for the two to gag each other.

   Seeing Gu Tianye's disapproval, Shen Sinian replied with a light smile.

   "What's so scary about this? It's you who should be afraid, but your fiancée told me that this month, I will give her an idea to help her chase you."

   "I see that Su Qinghuan is dressed up like this today, most likely because he is going to attack you."

   "No, what did I do in my last life to get entangled with this kind of village girl?"

  Gu Tianye let out a long roar, almost smashing the table.

   On the contrary, Shen Sinian smiled and comforted him.

   "Don't you think it's pretty good to look at people a little bit? Where is the village? You can't hide what should come, maybe you will accept your fate?"

   "What nonsense are you talking about? How could I possibly accept my fate to a hillbilly? Even if I marry the most ugly girl in the world, I won't marry her."


   This sentence is a bit too much.

  Shen Sinian frowned slightly, but he didn't think Su Qinghuan was so ugly that one could not bear to see it.

   "Si Nian, you have to help me. Aren't you the best at getting girls? If you can't help me with this, then I won't be able to give you the reserved quota for my Koenigsegg."

   "...Who said I can't handle her, just wait, keep the car for me."

   Seeing Gu Tianye mentioning Su Qinghuan, he looked disgusted. At this moment, Shen Sinian never thought that one day he would be beaten in the face.


   And the little fox had already changed his clothes very diligently, put on make-up and ran to the old house of the Gu family to find Mr. Gu.

  The status of the original owner in the Su family is really embarrassing. Instead of facing the scumbag father who hasn't seen for more than ten years, and the cheap stepmother and the cheap brother, it is better to come and exchange feelings with the old man Gu.

  The original owner's feelings for Mr. Gu are very complicated.

  The original owner had a deep resentment for Mr. Gu after his death, but then he thought about it, if he was Mr. Gu, I'm afraid he might not be able to do better than Mr. Gu.

   So what the little fox has to do now is to continue to win over the old man Gu. When Gu Tianye slowly falls into her hands in the future, he will kick Gu Tianye away again.

   No matter how much Grandpa Gu speaks for his grandson, she will not bear it.

  The original owner's awkward idea, the little fox can understand it very well.

   Who would feel good about being wronged?

  The original owner may not be a perfect victim, but compared to the sins of Gu Tianyeyu and Shen Sinian, she seems much more innocent.


   "Aiya, Qing Huan, why are you dressed up so beautifully today?"

   When Mr. Gu is old, he likes to be lively and full of children and grandchildren.

   They are just a few **** grandsons in the family. How can I usually come to the old house of the Gu family to listen to the old man's lectures?

   On the contrary, Su Qinghuan, an outsider, seemed much more considerate.

   The little fox smiled and shyly took out some gifts he had just bought at the mall.

"Grandpa Gu, I'm actually here to tell you something. These are the Mingqian tea leaves I bought in the mall, and the old ginseng. They are not expensive things, but Qinghuan's heart. I hope you Don't give up."

  Sometimes posture still needs to be done enough.

   Buying a cufflink for Shen Sinian, the little fox is not happy at all.

   But Mr. Gu is different. In any case, the original owner was able to return to City A because of him.

   Moreover, Father Su also looked at Old Master Gu's face. After the original owner recognized his ancestors and returned to the clan, he gave the original owner about 10,000 pocket money every month.

   This amount of money is just a drop in the bucket for the Su family. Her unsatisfactory younger brother spends far more than that every month.


   Seeing Su Qinghuan's sincere and slightly shy look, Mr. Gu felt relieved.

  Because Mr. Gu had neither a daughter nor a granddaughter in his life, when he saw Su Qinghuan, he could not help but think, if only he had a little padded jacket.

   Mr. Gu patted Su Qinghuan on the shoulder.

   "Don't buy so many things next time you come here. Grandpa is not an outsider. Look at you, you usually live a very simple life. You have to spend a little more for yourself. When a girl reaches this age, it's time to dress up."

   "Then grandpa thinks, Amano would like me wearing this dress?"

  Su Qinghuan lowered his head sadly as he spoke, and half-truths began to complain about Gu Tianye.

"Before Amano took me to the Red Rose Bar. It was the first time I went to that kind of place, and there was a group of fashionably dressed girls around Amano. I was wondering if Gu Tianye was embarrassed, so I went there on purpose. Learn how to dress."

  Su Qinghuan was polite enough to say these words, Gu Tianye was not only surrounded by a bunch of Yingyingyanyan, then he almost did something indescribable on the spot.

   Of course, Gu Tianye wouldn't do that either, because he was arrogant and arrogant, acting was just acting, it was serious business to let Su Qinghuan get angry, and there was no need to put himself in.


   A man like Mr. Gu, how could he not hear what the little fox meant.

  As an older generation, he naturally likes to look upright and grand. At first glance, Su Qinghuan, who is a good wife and a good mother, is his granddaughter-in-law, not the glamorous women outside.

   Mr. Gu sighed, and he was a little embarrassed by his generous grandson.

   "Qing Huan, don't be sad, or now Grandpa will call Amano back and let you teach him a lesson."

   "Grandpa, don't ask him to come back. I'm afraid the more you treat me, the more rebellious Amano will be aroused. He looks down on me in his heart, and I understand."

  The girl said, sitting on the stone bench with a wistful expression, that faint melancholy, more and more pity.

   "Actually, this time I came to Gu Zhai Qinghuan for my own selfishness. Grandpa Gu, it will be your birthday banquet in a month. I want to pursue Amano well in this month and make him really like me."

   "If I can't do it this month, I'm going to give up. After all, the melon is not sweet, and some things are really hard to come by. Grandpa Gu, what do you think?"

   Mr. Gu hadn't opened his mouth yet, but an angry figure suddenly rushed over.

   "Su Qinghuan, you are not finished, I advise you to die! Is it interesting to sue my grandfather?"

   (end of this chapter)

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