The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 610: Don't blacken the sick children (14)

  Chapter 610 Sick disciples, don’t blacken (14)

  Su Qinghuan originally wanted to screen the teenager back, not wanting others to see how he was injured.

  Who would have thought that you would be embarrassed today before this disciple who hates you the most?

  Su Qinghuan was anxious in her heart, but her limbs suffered a sharp pain like acupuncture, she was unbearable for a while, and even leaned forward due to inertia, and fell straight into Yan Hanzhou's arms!


  Su Qinghuan cursed inwardly.

  In this posture, it made me feel like I was about to throw my arms and hug each other, and flop and touch porcelain.

  She is the dignified master, where is the dignity of the teacher? !


   "Master, are you okay?"

  Yan Hanzhou didn't expect Su Qinghuan to lose strength. In his eyes, Su Qinghuan has always been aloof, watching everything with those arrogant phoenix eyes.

  However, at this moment, the White Immortal Venerable seemed to be completely lost, like a wounded cub, fell into his arms.

   Yan Hanzhou should have pushed her away directly.

   didn't know how the ghost was so fascinated, he subconsciously grabbed the waist of the female sister in white and hugged the other person.

  This as slender as he imagined.

  No, even, thinner and softer.

  ——The nephrite jade that the world says-Wenxiang, but so.

  For a moment, Yan Hanzhou even felt that the light scent of jade face and flowers that Su Qinghuan’s body had around him was not so disgusting.

  Aware of his dangerous thoughts, Yan Hanzhou's eyes were condensed. He never expected that he would have such close contact with the immortal master who has always regarded him as if he was walking on his feet.

  "Master? What's wrong with you? Do you need a disciple to help you return to the quiet room to recuperate?"

  The young man opened his mouth low, but his hands were slightly tightened, and he felt the slender waist of the White Immortal Venerable without a trace.

   Yan Hanzhou almost has an illusion.

  Pinch hard by yourself. Will the waist of Master be broken?


  Faced with the disciple’s question, Su Qinghuan snorted, cold sweat falling on his forehead.

"……Do not."

  I am afraid she will have to send Yan Hanzhou away, and she will continue to soak in this Lingquan for a few hours.

  Su Qinghuan raised her head. She had known that Yan Hanzhou was born very tall and had a vigorous posture, but at the moment she fell into the arms of the teenager, Su Qinghuan almost felt a shadow from her head shrouded in front of her.

   And she obviously caused Yan Hanzhou to suffer so many injuries, but the boy's chest was so tight!

Su Qinghuan is only a high cultivation base, but in fact, due to this innate physiological limitation, she is not a physical training for bodybuilding. She is still a delicate skin. The moment she first ran into a teenager, she whispered in pain. .

  It’s really painful to hit the opponent!

  He hasn't been subjected to so many whippings, why is he still as hard as a piece of iron? !

  —Even her forehead is a light red.


   The broken physique of the original body is so easy to leave a mark. If it is not removed with force, I am afraid that some bruises will not dissipate for a few days.

  It’s no wonder that everyone in the world says that the glazed non-stained body is a good material that is naturally suitable for being a furnace.

  The original body does look cold on the outside, but in fact it is a natural charm inside.

  Fortunately, Jiuyou, the evil lord of the demon world, who had picked up the original master, disdain to double-cultivation with her, otherwise, the original master would not have been sucked away to death, but should be ashamed and self-determined.


   "Han Zhou, you let me go first, I was just a little spiritually stagnant before as a teacher, huh!..."

  According to her original height, she couldn't say anything, so Yan Hanzhou helped her to stand still.


  Why it hurts so much!

   His mind seemed to be torn by a saw with a saw. For a while, he felt like burning his body, and another like falling into an ice cave.


Su Qinghuan suddenly regretted why she had conveyed so generously to Yan Hanzhou so much. At this moment, the eight channels of her strange meridian were all in disorder. If Yan Hanzhou probed her spiritual veins, she would soon be able to feel it. There is something wrong with me.

  Isn’t this just the sheep’s mouth? !

  You should know that Yan Hanzhou is now also the Jindan repair team!

  The damage of his spiritual roots. Yesterday, I spent a lot of effort to repair it, and also wasted a thousand-year-old jade face spiritual fruit. The result is now good, and it is her turn to be unlucky!

  System 233 heard Su Qinghuan’s heartfelt voice, and suddenly spoke in a cool voice.

   "Host, what you said is wrong, you are not in the mouth at all."

"That is?"

   "It's right to feed the tiger."


  It makes sense, she was speechless.

  He is a fake immortal who has been struggling to maintain the realm of the pseudo-primal infant, but he actually wants to help the first ascended person in Canglan Continent for nearly a thousand years.

   Isn’t she just looking for death? !


  Hearing Su Qinghuan said that his spiritual energy was stagnant, the boy's black eyes flashed across a fleeting light.

  He looked at Su Qinghuan’s pale eyebrows without a trace, and wanted to get Su Qinghuan’s arm.

  "Master, if you feel uncomfortable, why don't you let the disciple explore your spiritual veins?"

   Facing that kind of depressed and tentative eyes, how could Su Qinghuan not know the other party's malice.

  If you let this **** know that she has not fallen to the golden core until now, she has only been struggling, she will be finished!

  The opponent's spiritual realm, but it will go a long way!

  Su Qinghuan suddenly stiffened, her face was pale, and the sweat on her forehead was fine, but she still used her strength quickly and broke free from Yan Hanzhou's arms.

   "No need, it's okay to be a teacher. The deity is just a little lacking, so let's retire first."


  As Su Qinghuan broke free, Yan Hanzhou noticed sharply that when the white-clothed Immortal Zun raised his hand, the sleeves of the clouds were puffing up, and there was a little red mole under the plain white snow on his right wrist.

   Hook people for no reason.

  Looking at the red mole, the boy's eyes gleamed slightly.

  ——He always thought that there were only two colors of black and white left on this woman.

  Because Su Qinghuan was suddenly far away, the scent of jade flowers on the tip of his nose faded in an instant, and Yan Hanzhou was inexplicably impetuous.

  He stared at the female sister in white, whose eyes were slightly red from the pain, and said with concern.

   "Master?! Are you really okay? But your expression really makes the disciples feel uneasy."

   "Do you dare to question even if you are a teacher?"

"go out!"

  The white-clothed female nun scolded coldly.

  It's just because she's physically weak at the moment, and even her voice seems a little angry, far from the usual majesty.

  The young man's eyes moved upward, and he refused to move his steps, and his eyes settled firmly in Su Qinghuan's hazy phoenix eyes.

  He had never seen Su Qinghuan look like this. She was always arrogant and fierce, but at this moment, her eyes seemed to be mixed with water, as if she wanted to cry but not cry.

   Of course, even if Su Qinghuan hurts again, she won’t shed tears in front of Yan Hanzhou's eyes. That would be too embarrassing to be thrown at grandma's house.

  The young man stared at Su Qinghuan's red eyes, and he suddenly felt that the master at this moment was even more abusive.

  Yan Hanzhou's heart is even more dark, and there is even an impulse to make Su Qinghuan cry!

  (End of this chapter)

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