The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 802: I am a woman who worships gold (39)

  Chapter 802 I am a woman who worships gold (39)

  Li Tezhu secretly felt that Su Qinghuan was too unskilled.

  If you change to be Miss Ling Xian'er, let alone withdraw money, I’m afraid I can’t wait to obey the post now and play the shyness of the little daughter-in-law.

  After all, if you can become the wife of the future president of the Huo Group, let alone the remuneration for the French simultaneous interpretation, it will be nothing to say that Mr. Huo will spend a lot of money in the future to buy a mansion on the street in the Imperial City.

  Li Tezhu can still see which benefit is smaller and larger.


   Just as Li Tezhu was wondering whether Su Qinghuan would overturn the car immediately, he saw that Huo Jingzun’s handsome face still had an indifferent smile.

   "Okay, Special Assistant Li, then you can add an extra cent to Miss Su."

   "...Okay, Mr. Huo."

  Li Tezhu was dumbfounded. Obviously, he did not expect that Huo Jingzun would condone Su Qinghuan’s extra money to this point.

  This is really weird.


  At the conference on biological vaccines, the plans were staggered.

  Su Qinghuan originally thought that there were some scientists who came inside, but when she entered the venue, she discovered that Yixiang had a shadow on her temples, and she was shocked everywhere. Most of them were the kind of businessmen who talked about the buyout price of vaccine patents.

   Su Qinghuan was a little disappointed at this full of Vanity Fair.

  She originally prepared a lot of professional academic materials for this conference, for fear that she would make a mistake in translation, but now she discovered that compared to professional knowledge, the negotiation skills of shopping malls may be more practical.

  Su Qinghuan cleverly played Huo Jingzun’s accompanying female translator, because she was born with fair skin, charming phoenix eyes, and red lips like cherry blossoms. Even among the foreign beauties with big eyebrows and big eyes, she is also very eye-catching.

  After the official translation for Huo Jingzun's cooperation, it caused many foreigners who chatted up and drank.

  Su Qinghuan expressed her willingness to decline in French and English with excitement, but Huo Jingzun raised her eyebrows when she saw that she was so depressed.

  "Why don't you make new friends? I thought that people who love money like Miss Su would not miss such a good meeting place."

   "Many of those who can attend this meeting are gentry with wealth."

  The man seemed to be satirizing Su Qinghuan’s previous price increase behavior, and the accent especially bit on the four words “Family Wealth Wanguan”.

  Su Qinghuan looked at Huo Jingzun’s handsome and noble cheeks and smiled faintly.

   "I really like money, doesn't it mean that I won't refuse anyone who comes? Mr. Huo is too low on my aesthetics."

  "...Oh? What kind of person would ask you to drink, would you not refuse?"

  Huo Jingzun stood neatly at the corner of the wooden stairs, looking at Su Qinghuan with some surprise.

  Su Qinghuan’s black and white phoenix eyes smiled slightly, and in the man’s surprised eyes, she walked towards the waiter’s cart not far away and asked for two glasses of red wine.

   "Mr. Huo, if you invite me to drink, I will definitely not refuse."

  唔, at least until Huo Jingzun’s favorability level has not reached 100 and she has not met the requirements of the strategy, she will not refuse.

  Su Qing looked at Huo Jingzun with a full smile, her brows and eyes curled, and her beauty was like a thick ink painting.

  Even the foreign men who couldn't understand Chinese not far away couldn't help but be fascinated by her. Many eyes were looking at them.


  Huo Jingzun looked at such a charming little fox, with a trace of trance in his heart, as if the hostility and alienation of the woman in the car were all his invisible illusions.

Huo Jingzun pursed the corners of his lips, before he had time to say anything.

  I saw the woman looked at him as if hurt, her beautiful diamond lips curled with a sincere arc.

   "So many people are watching. If Mr. Huo refuses me, Qing Huan will have to find another man to clink glasses in order to prove her charm."


Huo Jingzun has always disliked being used by others to force him, but looking at the eyelashes of the beautiful fox demon, he did not know which string in his heart broke, and subconsciously took the liquor from the woman. Drink up.

  Su Qinghuan did not expect Huo Jingzun to buy it like this. She watched his movements in surprise, but the charming smile on the corners of her lips was even more confusing.

   "Mr. Huo is really elegant."

   "Are you satisfied?"

  The man stepped forward suddenly, the tall figure covering the petite figure of the woman, and the shadow coming from his head gave Su Qinghuan an illusion of nowhere to hide.


  The moment the two looked at each other, Su Qinghuan almost had the illusion that he was a hunter or a prey.

   But it’s okay.

  Originally prey to each other, it might be more interesting.

  Su Qinghuan Porcelain White raised her hand slightly, hooked a strand of messy hair on the side of her hook, and then followed the example of Huo Jingzun and drank the wine in that glass.


  The scarlet liquor stained the woman’s shallow lips, and for a while, it was not clear whether it was the intoxicating wine or the beauty’s lips more exciting.

  Huo Jingzun looked at Su Qinghuan with such a charming appearance, his throat moved slightly, and he only felt that he could kiss the woman's lips by lowering his head slightly.

  After all, the man suppressed the impulse in his heart, he sighed lightly.

  "Next time, don't drink with the opposite **** anymore. The alcohol content is not low. You are very dangerous like this."

  The man said, grabbing the cup in Su Qinghuan’s hand without any explanation. He turned his head and spoke quickly to the waiter in French.

  "A cup of lemon honey water."


  Su Qinghuan was slightly surprised when he heard Gentleman Huo Jingzun's words.

   Obviously, he did not expect Huo Jingzun to have such a considerate side.

  She nodded and accepted the cup handed by Huo Jingzun in a kind manner.

   "Thank you Mr. Huo."

  Perhaps because he had taken a bit of defense after drinking, Huo Jingzun stared at the woman's slightly red cheeks from drinking, and raised his eyebrows jokingly.

   "If you really thank me, how about waiving the remuneration previously added?"

   "That won't work, the money goes to the money, thanks go to thank you."

   Seeing the woman rushing to deny it, the man was speechless and funny, he shook his head helplessly.

   "I don't know how you developed such a temperament for money fans."

   "Mr. Huo can say that because he feels that he is rich enough. Unfortunately, I still like the sense of security that money brings to me."


  Huo Jingzun was startled when he heard the words, the most common thing in life is that women ask men for a sense of security.

  Su Qinghuan is like this. Is it because he was hurt by Gu Chubai that he valued money so much?

  As soon as this thought came out, Huo Jingzun’s originally smiling eyes slowly cooled down.

  While Su Qinghuan didn't know where she had annoyed Huo Jingzun, the man's face turned faster than a book.

  Until the flight back to China, the two of them didn't speak much next.

  Su Qinghuan was not prepared to be boring, but unexpectedly, as soon as she got off the plane with Huo Jingzun, she saw an uninvited guest standing in the waiting hall, holding a sign for picking up the plane.

  (End of this chapter)

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