The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 806: I am a woman who worships gold (43) 2200+ words

  Chapter 806 I am a woman who worships gold (43) 2200+ words

  Anyway, the current situation is already a mess, and Su Qinghuan doesn't mind continuing to add fuel to the fire.

  She glanced at Huo Jingzun with a look of surprise and joy, and then lowered her head slightly pretending to be ashamed.

   "Then Qinghuan would like to thank Mr. Huo in advance. I have something else to do. See you at the outskirts riding stables on weekends."

Before Huo Jingzun nodded, Su Qinghuan quickly took his hand out of the man's palm without paying attention.

  Like a little girl in fifteen and sixteen, she ran towards the door a little bouncely, and smiled pretty when she reached the door.

  That smile is really like a young girl who doesn't know the sorrow of the world.

  Bright, sunshine, like a newly blooming rose on the branch, so beautiful that people forget all their troubles.


  Even Ling Xian'er, who regarded Su Qinghuan as a thorn in his eye, couldn't help but paused for half a second because of the amazing smile.

  By the time she reacted, Su Qinghuan had already hopped away.

  Thinking of Su Qinghuan's previous smile, Ling Xian'er suddenly flashed a haze.

  ——She used to think that Su Qinghuan was just a vase actress with a big breast and brainlessness. Now it seems that even a vase is an opponent that can’t be underestimated!

   Ling Xian'er gritted her teeth and looked at the long jade Huo Jingzun beside her, setting against Su Qinghuan’s departure, she was about to take this opportunity to instigate a few words.

   "Brother Jing, I..."

  Unexpectedly, Huo Jingzun also nodded indifferently at her, and did not even say hello, and went away with Li Te to help her out.


   Seeing Huo Jingzun who didn't give him face like this, Ling Xian'er was both annoyed and ashamed.

  Especially thinking that Huo Jingzun had taken the initiative to support Su Qinghuan before, Ling Xian'er really felt like she was insulting herself for so many years.


  Ling Xian'er was full of grief and indignation, anyway, she had no chance to have dinner with Huo Jingzun, so she turned around and wanted to leave here with Gu Chubai, and Gu Chubai seemed to be attentive, absent-minded.

  A clever woman like Ling Xian'er can't guess it, Gu Chubai was thinking about the vixen before!

  She is also such a beautiful big beauty. Why is Gu Chubai and Huo Jingzun completely ignoring her own existence now? !

  Ling Xian'er thought of Su Qinghuan, whose face and eyebrows were thick and beautiful, and the jealousy in her heart became more and more high.

   Her voice was low and low, and she leaned her head on Gu Chubai's shoulder with some aggrieved feelings.

   "Brother Chubai, how do I feel that Miss Su doesn't like me a little bit?"


  Gu Chubai heard Ling Xian'er's grievances, and he regained his senses as if he had first awakened from a dream. He was also very confused now, especially when he thought of the scene where Huo Jingzun and Su Qinghuan had just held hands.

  He is always brooding.

   Gu Chubai's eyes dimmed.

  "It may be because of me. After all, I have been in love with her for five years before, and it is normal for Qinghuan to dislike you even now."

   "Brother Chubai, I can understand this..."

  Ling Xian'er's eyes rolled round and round, and there was a fierceness in her water eyes where Gu Chubai couldn't see it.

  However, between the words, there is a tone of injustice for Gu Chubai.

  "But Brother Chubai, you guys broke up for so long, and Miss Su actually caught up with Brother Jing. We got to know each other from the variety show anyway."

   "But what about the two of them? Brother Jing and I grew up together. I have never seen Brother Jing be so caring about a woman. I think they both have something."


  This sentence needn't be said by Ling Xian'er, Gu Chubai could also see it.

  He originally wanted to try to convince himself that he didn’t care, but now the more he thinks of Su Qinghuan’s gleaming smile before leaving, it’s not for himself, but for Huo Jingzun.

  This is the first time in so many years.

   Gu Chubai felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

  What he doesn’t want.

  The woman who gave up on his own initiative.

   But now, he has a better destination than him.

  Gu Chubai originally thought that he could be more open-minded, and took the initiative to bless Su Qinghuan.

   But now it seems that even if he is already with Ling Xian'er, he still cannot accept Su Qinghuan’s affection with others.

  At the very least, the woman once vowed to love him so much. Why can she be so familiar with Huo Jingzun in less than a month?


   Gu Chubai felt bitter, he closed his eyes and tried to convince himself.

  "Maybe...Huo always really appreciate Qinghuan."

   "Brother Jing is not the kind of character who can easily appreciate others..."

  Ling Xian'er hesitated for a moment, and looked at Gu Chubai as if a little tangled.

   "Brother Chubai, would you say that Miss Su has already been on the line with Brother Jing before? It's not like they just met each other."

  Ling Xian'er said a little vaguely. This kind of rhetoric is that you can advance and retreat, but this is undoubtedly a hint to Gu Chubai, maybe before he and Su Qinghuan broke up, Su Qinghuan was already looking for a home.

   To be more serious, maybe Su Qinghuan had put a green hat on him a long time ago.


Gu Chubai was originally a hypocrite. He played with Ling Xian'er in the same way as he did in "Love Adventure", but Gu Chubai never confirmed the relationship with Ling Xian'er and deceived him. Two boats have never been pedaled.

   even tried to convince himself that he didn't break up with Su Qinghuan at that time, but the intimate wiping, hugs, and kisses with Ling Xian'er in the show were just reality show scripts.

  Now that Su Qinghuan and Huo Jingzun are so close, it is no doubt that Gu Chubai's head is buzzing.

  He hesitated for a few seconds.

   "This...probably not."

  Ling Xian'er also knows that everything can’t be forced too hastily. She also smiled empathetically at Gu Chubai, her eyes full of guilt.

"Excuse me, Brother Chubai, I have also speculated wildly. After all, you and Miss Su have broken up now, and we are the ones who will stay together in the future. Even if Miss Su had something with Brother Jing before, we will also follow us. It doesn't matter..."

  As soon as Bai Lianhua made such a speech, Gu Chubai's heart suddenly became even more chaotic.

  Qinghuan, she... really knew Huo Jingzun a long time ago, or even had different feelings?


  At the same time, System 233 is complaining about Gu Chubai's entanglement with Su Qinghuan.

  After listening to the whole broadcast, Su Qinghuan just wanted to laugh.

   "Gu Chubai's brain is really funny, if the original owner catches Huo Jingzun at that time, she will be hacked by the entire network?"

  Su Qinghuan secretly disliked Gu Chubai’s IQ.

  She went back to the small apartment bought by the original owner and looked through the long row of wardrobes.

  "Absolutely, with so many fancy clothes, there is no one suitable for riding a horse."

   "Host, so do you want to go out and buy it?"

   "No, I am poor."

  Su Qing smiled happily, and picked out a black velvet skirt.

   "It's okay. Anyway, the noble racecourse usually provides additional riding clothes. Then I'll take them to death."


  It’s the weekend soon.

  Huo Jingzun originally planned to pick her up, but because Su Qinghuan had something to do, Su Qinghuan refused.

  When Su Qinghuan arrived at the racecourse, everyone else arrived.

  Ling Xian'er had already been riding a white horse with four hoofs like snow, and looked at Su Qinghuan with some teasing.

   "Miss Su, why are you late? Isn't it because the nobles have forgotten things?"

  (End of this chapter)

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