The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 812: I am a woman who worships gold (49)

  Chapter 812 I am a woman who worships gold (49)

  Huo Jingzun swept across the group of people indifferently, his voice was very low, but he didn't answer the question.

   "Although there is a little episode in this game, it is Su Qinghuan who has indeed won, and your bets are all given to Huo."


  Everyone looked at Huo Jingzun in disbelief. They didn't expect that at this time, Huo Jingzun would pay attention to the bet that added up to just over two million.

  Even if the money is multiplied ten times, how can it be as expensive as a strand of Huo Jingzun’s hair?


   But even so, everyone is still smiling.

  "Okay, what Huo Shao said is what we said. We will wrap those things for your assistant."

  Huo Jingzun nodded.

  Su Qinghuan didn't expect Huo Jingzun to care about these little things. She could only understand that Huo Jingzun was trying to save her troubles and found some excuses to get rid of the irritability.

  At this moment, Gu Chubai finally came over with the crying Ling Xian'er.

  Compared to Huo Jingzun, Gu Chubai was actually more concerned about Su Qinghuan's safety, and the man looked at Su Qinghuan hesitantly.

   "Qinghuan... are you okay?"

   "I can't die."

  Su Qinghuan glanced at Gu Chubai unanimously, and then looked towards Ling Xian'er with acupuncture.

   "Miss Ling, your horse is riding well, how come you are suddenly frightened?"

   "I... I don't know."

The eyes of the woman in the white dress were already filled with tears. She bit her lip, and her eyes were flushed like a little rabbit. She looked even better than the two wounded Su Qinghuan and Huo Jingzun.

   "Brother Jing, Miss Su, I really didn't expect that my Orlov horse would suddenly go crazy. I was too scared to jump from it."

   "Woo woo woo, brother Jing, you must be fine, or Xian'er will be guilty for a lifetime."

  Ling Xian'er said as she raised her slender white porcelain hand and wiped her tears, because of that beautiful and fragile face, she couldn't bear to see the rich second-generation brothers next to her.

   "Miss Xian'er, it's no wonder you, if you didn't jump off the horse early, I'm afraid you would have been thrown off by now."

  Gu Chubai also nodded, took the tear-stained Ling Xian'er into his arms, and stroked her head like a small animal.

  "Xian'er, don’t be afraid, that crazy horse has been subdued."

   Seeing the hypocritical appearance of these people, Su Qinghuan only felt extremely disgusted.

  She took a deep breath and shouted directly at the security guards who had overpowered the Crazy Horse.

   "Mr. Huo is injured. Haven't you found out why the horse went crazy? Bring it here!"

  How dare the security guards offend Huo Jingzun, their expressions bitterly lead the tranquilized Orlov horse.

   "Mr. Huo, Miss Su, we are really sorry that this kind of accident happened between the two in the racecourse, but we really can't find any problems."

  Su Qinghuan sneered. In the eyes of everyone's surprise, she limped and raised her foot, and walked towards the Orlov horse with scarlet eyes.

  In the suddenly widened eyes of others, Su Qinghuan stretched out her hand and pulled out the sharp brooch that Ling Xian'er had plunged into Orlov's horse torso little by little.

  The woman’s ankle was still dripping with blood, and the blood fell along the line of her beautiful legs, reflecting the **** setting sun, and there was an exceptionally cruel beauty.

   "Ling Xian'er, why don't you explain, what is this little thing in my hand for?"


  Ling Xian'er's face turned pale suddenly, unconscious fear appeared in her eyes, and even cold sweat dripped from the corner of her forehead.


  This brooch is a special souvenir of Chanel. There are not many people in the world. With Huo Jingzun's strength, it is enough to check her previous purchase records.

   Even if she wanted to deny it, she couldn’t hide it.

  Since things have reached this point, Ling Xian'er can only lie along the way, tears slid down her face, and the girl in the white riding outfit cried louder and louder.

"I...I just watched the horse start to go crazy, and when I came down, I subconsciously wanted to use something to protect myself, maybe I would get stuck on the horse! If it hadn't been mentioned by Miss Su, I would have forgotten about it. "

   "Woo woo woo... I really didn't mean it."



  For a while, except for Ling Xian'er's sobbing, everyone else in the venue was silent, which was extremely silent.

  Su Qinghuan swept across Ling Xian'er coldly, and then looked towards Huo Jingzun.

  "The horse hurt me today or is it second. Mr. Huo suffered more injuries than me. Mr. Huo, what do you say about the follow-up investigation of this matter?"

  Whether Ling Xian'er is intentional or unintentional, anyone with a discerning eye will see that it is the former.

   But because Huo Jingzun saved her life, Su Qinghuan finally put the decision on this matter in Huo Jingzun's hands.


  The little fox looked at Huo Jingzun silently, with some unspeakable dryness in his eyes.

  In fact, she is the same as the original owner, and what she asks for is nothing more than fairness.

  However, Huo Jingzun only looked at her faintly, and then looked at Ling Xian'er who was crying.

   "Ling Xian'er, this is the last time."


  The man's wordless sentence made everyone present a little puzzled.

  And Ling Xian'er, who was still crying bitterly, turned pale in an instant.

  Her shoulders trembled slightly.

   almost stopped in front of Huo Jingzun without even thinking about it.

   "Brother Jing, what do you mean? Don't you want to recognize the sister Xian'er from now on? I grew up with you, and even my father did it for your grandfather..."

Huo Jingzun smiled coldly before finishing what the woman said.

  "You have been wayward enough these years, no one will keep rubbing your fart-shares. From now on, don't scream outside under the banner of the Huo family."

"……I do not have!"

   Ling Xian'er denied almost subconsciously.

  However, at this moment, the beep of the ambulance rang.

  Huo Jingzun simply closed his eyes, and soon an ambulance crew came over and carried Su Qinghuan and Huo Jingzun one after another on the stretcher.

  Ling Xian'er still wants to catch up.

  But Gu Chubai stopped her and stopped talking.

  "Xian'er...Looking at Mr. Huo like this, I'm afraid he won't believe you even if you are past now."


   Even Gu Chubai, an outsider, said so, Ling Xian'er instantly felt a little unspeakable fear.

  She firmly grasped Gu Chubai's hand, and her tears fell sternly. This time she was not pretending, but really desperate.

  "Brother Chubai...Only you believe me, woooooo...Xian'er really didn't mean it..."

   Feeling the girl’s hot tears dripping into his collar, Gu Chubai hugged Ling Xian'er into his arms complicatedly.

  I just don’t know why, what came to mind was Su Qinghuan who just limped out of the blood-stained brooch, staring at Ling Xian'er.

  Xian' she really innocent?

  (End of this chapter)

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