The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 818: I am a woman who worships gold (55)

  Chapter 818 I am a woman who worships gold (55)

  Ling Xian'er didn't expect Qu Chengze to be in front of her, and flicker with Su Qinghuan.

  She used to ask Qu Chengze to take the initiative to hook up with Su Qinghuan. It was true, but Ling Xian'er regretted it the day after the news was sent.

  On the one hand, she couldn’t do what she had promised. If Qu Chengze succeeded in hooking up, she would give up Gu Chubai and choose to be with Qu Chengze.

  Because no one knows better than Ling Xian'er, Qu Chengze, like his father, is a lunatic.

  It is said that the men of the Qu family have a bit of congenital genetic madness, and it is unpredictable to make all kinds of snake essence diseases.

  For example, Qu Chengze’s father had beaten his original partner half to death for the sake of the mistress, but later saw the mistress talking and laughing with other men, and went crazy in the middle of the night and personally killed the pair of scumbags.

  If it were not for the power and power of the Qu family, a middle-aged male driver who was short of money was later found to be scapegoat. I am afraid that Qu Chengze’s father would have spent the second half of his life in prison long ago.

Needless to say, Qu Chengze, Ling Xian'er first impression of Qu Chengze was a very gloomy little boy. She just accidentally saved Qu Chengze, who was confined by her father once, and she was never forgotten. Long.

  Now that Qu Chengze can grow into such a optimistic playboy, Ling Xian'er thinks it's incredible.

  Anyway, Ling Xian'er didn't dare to be with people like Qu Chengze.


   On the other hand, even if she would not choose Qu Chengze, she would not bear to leave this spare tire.

  She is cautious, step by step, and will neither go beyond the thunder pond with Qu Chengze, nor will she be willing to completely let Qu Chengze give up.

The reason is simple. As early as when Ling Xian'er was in junior high school, Ling Xian'er couldn't get used to a school girl who was more prettier than her and had a better family background. With only a few words, Qu Chengze used the means to make each other. Transferred.

  Later, Ling Xian'er discovered that once she encountered any troubles, she only needed to say a few words at will, not to mention where Qu Chengze needed to be, and this man would use an absolutely ruthless way to let her troubles disappear.

  This kindness and affection is so easy to use. Such a good spare tire and such a good family background are not inferior to Huo Jingzun's appearance. Except for her character is a bit sick, Ling Xian'er can't fault it.

  Even if it is used to show off, it also has a lot of face.

  What's more, Qu Chengze is really useful, and he is willing to spend a lot of effort to help her.

  Even though, only to save Qu Chengze by accident when she was in her early ten years ago.


  I've been used to Qu Chengze's "kneeling-licking" for nearly ten years, how can it be so easy to throw away!

  Ling Xian'er didn't expect that in addition to Qu Chengze who likes to amuse those little models and celebrities, he would even send autumn waves to her, Su Qinghuan, who is most uncomfortable with her.

   "Director, I want to live on the third floor too!"

  The sweet and crisp voice of the girl suddenly broke the silence in the villa.

  The director glanced at Ling Xian'er in surprise.

   "Xian'er, you—"

  Before he finished speaking, Ling Xian'er pouted reluctantly.

   "Director, I also want to live on the same floor as Brother Chubai. I can’t just let Miss Su live on the third floor alone as a girl. The third floor is all big men except her, which is not good."


  Ling Xian'er's analysis also makes some sense.

  It's just that the director's face showed a somewhat difficult look.

  He looked at Ling Xian'er apologetically.

"Excuse me, Xian'er, the allocation of this house has just been completed. After Teacher Su and Shao Qu agreed to the allocation, there are no more rooms available on the third floor. If you really want to live in a room on the third floor, either you can ask Yingdi Gu How about swapping with you?"


  Ling Xian'er had clearly requested to live on the same floor as Gu Chubai. The director’s words were undoubtedly rejected very clearly.

  Ling Xian'er couldn't get sick, but due to the presence of so many people, she could only squeeze an awkward smile on her face.

   "This... is there no other way?"

   "Or, would you ask if there are any other male guests who are willing to change with you?"

   Ling Xian'er gritted her teeth and looked at the remaining male guests in the love adventure.

   One of the younger 19-year-old butter niche Shen Tianhao smiled and showed his big white teeth, and shook his head quickly towards Ling Xian'er.

   "Xian'er, I can't change with you. You are all female stars on the fourth floor. If I change with you, then I will become Jia Baoyu who fell into the Grand View Garden? I still like to be on the third floor."

   "After all, not everyone has the courage of Teacher Su, willing to squeeze a girl into the pile of men."

  The custard boy's words were ridicule on the surface, but secretly they were all running on Su Qinghuan.

  Su Qinghuan of course can hear the meaning, but Su Qinghuan is not annoyed, after all, her remaining goal now is only Qu Chengze.

  Except for Qu Chengze's attitude towards her, she didn't see anyone else at all.

  Oh, if you have to have scruples, then at most the goodwill of Huo Jingzun and Gu Chubai should be added, and it needs to be done.


Suddenly, the lobby of the villa was filled with teasing laughter, and everyone looked at Su Qinghuan weirdly.

   "Teacher Su, you really want to live with Shao Qu on the third floor. Although you are not in the same room, the third floor is full of male stars. Don’t you think it’s weird?"

   "It's not weird. I originally planned to cultivate a relationship with Chengze. I can't ask for it if I get close to the water."

  Su Qinghuan pretended not to understand the meaning of the run behind those people, she glanced at Qu Chengze infinitely softly and spoiled her.

   "Chengze, we are neighbors, are you very happy too?"



  Happy fart!

  Qu Chengze nodded perfunctorily, and forced a smile.

   "Yeah, Sister Qing Huan, I can't ask for being a neighbor with a beautiful person like you."


  Director also sees Qu Chengze’s perfunctory attitude, which is really not conducive to editing later in the show. After all, in a reality show, it takes two men and women to have sparks in their eyes to look good.

  Qu Chengze, what's the matter?

  Didn’t he just agree to be CP with Su Qinghuan?

  If you change to be someone who matches Su Qinghuan with such a charming and beautiful Lalang, I’m afraid it’s too late to be happy.

  The director murmured in his heart, and he was afraid that the situation was getting worse and worse, so he greeted everyone and dispersed.

   "Okay, okay, you all go back to rest, wait until 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and then officially start recording. There is no camera in the room during the night break, you all go to bed early, and you will gather at the playground tomorrow."

   "Okay, director."


  Su Qinghuan fell behind a group of big men and slowly entered his room.

  She was removing her makeup, and suddenly there was a soft knock on the door.


  Su Qinghuan just opened the door, but a slender figure suddenly squeezed over——

  (End of this chapter)

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