Chapter 824

  Netizens always feel that the atmosphere between Su Qinghuan and Gu Chubai is a bit weird.

  But soon Gu Chubai’s fans retorted below. After all, Su Qinghuan’s current reputation is not very good. Now Su Qinghuan has Qu Chengze as the CP, and fans of other male stars don’t want to get this piece of brown candy.

   "Our Chubai brother and Su Qinghuan graduated from the same university. Isn’t it strange that they met before?"

   "Yes, greetings or teasing between old acquaintances, what's so surprising."

   "I didn't mean that, I just think the atmosphere between the two of Gu Yingdi and Su Qinghuan is so weird...It's not like ordinary old classmates at all, but a little bit of the ex-boyfriend and girlfriend who broke up meet, and they mean tit-for-tat."

  I have to say that the eyes of netizens are sharp.

It’s just that Gu Chubai’s fans don’t want to admit it at all. Even some of Gu Chubai’s old fans know more or less that Gu Chubai had a girlfriend, and it’s probably Su Qinghuan. They don’t want Su Qinghuan to follow Gu. Early white catch up.

  "Don’t spread rumors here, our brother can't afford Su Qinghuan, and our brother has been in the first season variety show of Love Adventure more than a year ago. This variety show requires that only singles can participate."

   "Well, you all said that they are college classmates, so at least they have known each other for five or six years? Isn't it normal for them to fall in love in college? After all, they are all handsome men and beautiful women."

Netizens have big brains, and some even quickly guessed the truth, but no one expected that Su Qinghuan was not as simple as having a relationship with Gu Chubai, but until a month ago, they were even genuine men and women. Friendship!

  It can only be said that the entertainment industry is chaotic, far beyond their imagination.


  And Su Qinghuan and his party have already arrived in the kitchen.

  The dishes that the director gave them in the villa were really limited, only a few chopped green onions, a few eggs, and a handful of noodles, so Su Qinghuan simply made Yangchun noodles.

  She flipped up and down, and accidentally found a mold that can beat eggs into a heart-like mold. It was probably specially prepared to increase the sweetness of love, which is convenient for Su Qinghuan.

  I made ordinary egg Yangchun noodles for Ling Xian'er and Gu Chubai. Only in the bowls of her and Qu Chengze, the eggs were in the shape of hearts.

  Ling Xian'er was shocked when they saw it.

  And a custard niche who didn't catch up with Su Qinghuan's big breakfast can't help but ridicule.

   "Teacher Su, you have too little preference for music. Even making bowls of noodles must be loving and symmetrical. We will sprinkle dog food for those of us early in the morning."

   "Now Chengze is my probationary boyfriend. For her boyfriend, of course I have to spoil him."

  Su Qinghuan said, looking back and giving Qu Chengze a wink wink.

   "Come on, Chengze, try your Qinghuan sister's craftsmanship."

  The blink of an eye may not have sent Qu Chengze to Corona, but instead directly corona the group of netizens who watched the live broadcast on the Internet.

  And compared to the image of the vase on the screen in the past, it looks much more charming and smart. There is no need to pose any pretentious poses. She just stood there, just like a painting.

  The barrage of netizens said they couldn’t stand it.

"What to do, even if I was Su Qinghuan's black before, I will like Su Qinghuan. I always thought that Su Qinghuan was stupefied, and his face was full of unpleasant aggression, but now I feel that She is so cute, woooo..."

   "I have to say absolutely, the value of the face really trumps everything!"

   "And I will get up early to cook for my boyfriend! Is sibling love so sweet? I also want a sister who loves me so much to be a girlfriend."

  "Don’t dream upstairs, there are few girls who are willing to cook nowadays, and I think Su Qinghuan is just showing it for the show."


  Qu Chengze scanned Su Qinghuan’s hand holding the white porcelain bowl, and suddenly found a small blister on the edge of the girl’s finger.

  The gloomy peach eyes of the youth narrowed.

   "Is this burned during cooking before?"


  Su Qinghuan was stunned for a moment, obviously did not expect that Qu Chengze would notice such minutiae.


   "Why don't you be careful?"

  Qu Chengze involuntarily put the white porcelain bowl that Su Qinghuan had brought him on the table, and he didn't care about it, so he asked the director team for scald cream.

  Unfortunately, I didn't want to arrive, and in the end, a staff member gave the aloe vera gel with him.

  Aloe also has the effect of cooling and hemostasis, Qu Chengze applied it to Su Qinghuan carefully.

  “Girls’ hands are delicate and precious, they are not used for cooking, so we still need to pay attention to them in the future.”

  Su Qinghuan nodded, her expression soft.

   "Okay, but Chengze, do you know how to cook? If you do, can I be responsible for tasting in the future?"


  Qu Chengze was actually just to be angry with Ling Xian'er, so he took advantage of the trend to care about Su Qinghuan so much. He just looked at the woman's sincere eyes, but he had the illusion that he was sincerely admired by Su Qinghuan.

  The man pursed his thin lips.

"will not."


  Su Qinghuan wrinkled her nose in distress.

   "Well, I thought you would."

   Seeing the girl like this, Qu Chengze blurted out subconsciously for some reason.

   "But if you want to make a bowl of noodles, I will still do it. If you like it, I can try it for you next time."

   "Okay. I can teach you."


  For a while, Su Qinghuan and Qu Chengze were warm and warm.

  The director also needs such a harmonious and loving lens. After all, handsome men and women, Su Qinghuan and Qu Chengze soon attracted a large number of passersby CP fans.

  At noon, the director team assigned a task to each pair of CPs, allowing them to earn three hundred yuan for the entrance ticket of the Emperor's Playground tomorrow without revealing their identities.

  This is not a simple task, because time is limited, it must be completed before 11 o'clock in the evening, and it must not be recognized by passers-by.

   Ling Xian'er was a little broken when she heard it on the spot, but Gu Chubai took the initiative to take on this task, because Gu Chubai had actually suffered, and simply chose to wear a bear headgear to distribute flyers.

  Ling Xian'er was lying to win, and could only buy a cone for Gu Chubai afterwards with a guilty conscience.

  Just after one game, Gu Chubai was sweating profusely, and the fans on Gu Chubai's side were very upset with Ling Xianer's useless CP.


  On Su Qinghuan's side, they didn't start the task of making money until 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone was curious that Su Qinghuan and Qu Chengze would not be ready to give up.

   But Su Qinghuan only smiled, she glanced at Qu Chengze confidently.

   "It's only earning three hundred yuan, one hour is enough."

  The little fox looked at the young man with bright eyes, with pleading eyes.

   "I remember you can play the guitar, and you will accompany me. Can I sing under the overpass?"

  (End of this chapter)

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