The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 831: I am a woman who worships gold (68)

  Chapter 831 I am a woman who worships gold (68)

  Qu Chengze obviously did not expect Su Qinghuan to stop him.

  Little Fox’s arm stopped in front of Qu Chengze’s lowered head, and she asked with a smile.

   "Chengze, what are you doing?"


   Hearing the girl’s question, Qu Chengze was startled, his fair skin couldn't help but a layer of pink.

  It’s just that the youth hasn’t removed the makeup yet, and the light powder is easily covered by the bronzed foundation before.

A very subtle affection emerged from the bottom of Qu Chengze's heart. It was a bit like the sour and sweetness of campus love, and was as clear as a lime. It was just that the affection came so suddenly that even Qu Chengze didn't realize it. In fact, he had a relationship with Su Qinghuan. Already in my heart.

  Qu Chengze only subconsciously felt that he liked listening to Su Qinghuan singing.

  After all, in the past few years, the new generation of truly capable singers in the circle are really rare. Qu Chengze has taken back his contempt for Su Qinghuan.

  Qu Chengze subconsciously gave a light cough to cover up his embarrassment.

   "It's nothing, didn't you say that you want to discuss singing skills with me? Although you want to use me as Gu Chubai's shield, you won't really drive me away so quickly, right?"

   "Then I am too shameless."

  The young man said, rubbing the tip of his nose as if complaining. Although he applied a layer of black foundation, the superior bone and skin of Qu Chengze couldn't hide his beauty.

  At this moment, the look like this is not the frivolous **** of the past, but it is like a simple boy on the mountain, a little ignorant of the beginning of his love.


  Su Qinghuan understands the reason why Qu Chengze wants to stay here, because just now, the system 233 told her that Qu Chengze’s favorability has reached the daily limit all the way, and it has reached 78.

  This is only one step away from the 80 points I like.

  This can also explain why Qu Chengze just wanted to lower his head to get close to himself.

  Su Qinghuan's eyes flashed with a meaningful smile of the winner, and she pointed to her arm a little apologetically.

"It's another day. I actually like singing. Maybe I will switch from acting to singing in the future. But under the overpass, I was bitten by mosquitoes too badly. Now I want to remove my makeup and apply some makeup. Something itchy."

   "Are there mosquitoes under the overpass before?"

  Qu Chengze raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  Why didn’t he feel it at all?

  Although it is quite hot in the overpass, it is not exaggerated to the point where it is all mosquitoes, right?

  The young man's eyes shifted slightly, and he quickly noticed that Su Qinghuan’s thin porcelain-white arms were already covered with red mosquito masses.

  Besides, Su Qinghuan is wearing a umbilical dress today. At first glance, you can tell that the piece of willow waist has been bitten by mosquitoes a little bit pitifully.


  Seeing the red patches, Qu Chengze's eyes widened slightly.

  "What strange physique is this? I have never seen someone bitten by mosquitoes so easily."

   "...It may have something to do with blood type."

  Su Qinghuan smiled helplessly, turned around and took a bottle of cooling oil and comfrey cream.

Although   cooling oil is only two yuan, it is very old, but it is really useful.


  When he saw the little fox, he wanted to start applying cooling oil to the mosquito masses on his body. Qu Chengze frowned and took the cooling oil from her almost without thinking.

  "You first take a shower and remove your makeup, and then I will apply it for you. Otherwise, what is the use of applying it now? And many places are on the back, and you can't see clearly."


  Qu Chengze regretted this as soon as he said this.

Although there are many men and women living in this villa, this house is after all Su Qinghuan’s single room alone. He is a big man, and he blurted out to let the other person take a bath, and now it’s a bit late, it will inevitably make people feel unbearable. Imagine together.


  Plus, Qu Chengze knew that his reputation was not very good either.

  Accurately speaking, Qu Chengze is not a good person, otherwise his nickname for the **** would not come in vain.

  Just looking at the little fox's mottled face at the moment, the eyes on that face are like black grapes, especially bright, and Qu Chengze has an indescribable guilty conscience.

  There is even a faint regret.

  ——Did he say the wrong thing? Would Su Qinghuan think that he wanted to do something bad before making this request?


   Just when the man was not standing or sitting, Su Qinghuan gave him a very natural look, with a touch of gratitude in his eyes.

   "Okay, please wait for a while, I will just rush it soon."


  The woman's expression was too smooth and silky, Qu Chengze was stunned on the spot.

   And Su Qinghuan, in the gap of his surprise, took the silk nightdress and ran to the bathroom.

  Because this is a private villa rented by the director team alone, it is not a hotel. Fortunately, the bathroom door is not the kind of translucent frosted glass, otherwise Qu Chengze will have to come in embarrassment.


  It’s just that after all, the bathroom and the master bedroom are connected, so the soundproofing won’t be so good.

   Hearing the faint sound of water behind the door, Qu Chengze's throat slid unconsciously.

  He glanced at the door slightly, in fact, he couldn't see anything, but thinking of Su Qinghuan's beautiful figure in a velvet skirt, it really makes people think about it.

  Qu Chengze felt for the first time that waiting for a woman to take a bath can be so anxious.

  It’s not that he doesn’t understand anything about men and women. It’s just that the women in the past are basically just discarded objects after playing with them.

  It’s too late for those people to please him, so how can they make him bother?

   But Qu Chengze knew very well in his heart that the reason why he teamed up with Su Qinghuan as CP was because there was someone else in their hearts.

  He likes Ling Xian'er, while Su Qinghuan has a love-hate relationship with Gu Chubai.

  This strange state made this **** feel restless for the first time.

  He scanned the beautiful pocket watch in the master bedroom and watched the pointer go round and round, but the ripples in his heart could not be calm.

   Just when Qu Chengze felt a little uncomfortable, he suddenly heard a click in his ears, and the bathroom door was opened from behind.

  Qu Chengze subconsciously stood up from a bounce on the velvet sofa.

  He didn't know why he had such a stunned movement, making him look like the second stunned child who came out with a woman for the first time, but Qu Chengze couldn't restrain himself.

  A slender hand suddenly appeared behind the door.

  Qu Chengze has long understood that Su Qinghuan is good-looking. After all, there are so many good-looking people in the entertainment circle, but Su Qinghuan’s beauty can be said to be gorgeous.

  But Qu Chengze never imagined that Su Qinghuan's bare face could be so touching.

  The beautiful figure of the girl is wrapped in a silk nightdress, her figure is slender, and the waist is full, as if he would break with a light grip...

  (End of this chapter)

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