The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 845: I am a woman who worships gold (82)

  Chapter 845 I am a woman who worships gold (82)

  Everyone is a human being. With many years of experience in society, he naturally refuses to believe that a big figure like Huo Jingzun will have time to spread rumors that he is engaged to an ordinary female celebrity.

  The explanation given by Su Qinghuan now is only to save his little reputation, and then he can barely make the next move.

  This kind of lie was also thought of by Su Qinghuan.

Many reporters took a tacit glance at each other, almost foreseeable, Su Qinghuan would say this, mostly relying on the Huo family as a top wealthy, and would not want his family to steal a pre-marriage-the man’s president’s wife, it is bound to be Lie with Su Qinghuan.

  But Su Qinghuan’s star journey ends here. She has offended Huo Shi and Huo Jingzun so much. She is afraid that according to Huo Jingzun’s personality that cannot tolerate the slightest sand in her eyes, she will completely suppress Su Qinghuan to death.


The reporters sighed in their hearts. They only felt that Su Qinghuan was really bold and stupid. After all, she managed to get close to the big tree of the Huo family. Why did she get married for a **** like Qu Chengze? Too yellow?

  But they thought that Su Qinghuan was too greedy. After all, they were not greedy enough to swallow an elephant. Now they also got the photos and interview materials they wanted. They didn't chase and block Su Qinghuan's door, but chose to leave with a smile.


   Seeing those people leaving, Qu Chengze felt that life was so powerless for the first time.

  I’m afraid that the moment he and Su Qinghuan first got out of the elevator, the so-called pre-marital "steal-love" video of him and Su Qinghuan that went to the woman’s home was already widely circulated on the Internet.

  He can indeed let his forces suppress those marketing accounts that upload news, but I’m afraid that we don’t need to read it now, and the hot search on Weibo has already exploded.

   will pass ten, ten pass a hundred...

  This kind of pre-marital gossip with aristocratic families and popular female stars has always been the favorite of public opinion audiences. The more they suppress, the more they will backlash...

  Qu Chengze seemed to stiffen up, and he leaned against the door of Su Qinghuan’s apartment in a daze.

  He stared at the doorbell at the entrance of Su Qinghuan’s apartment, and he never dared to press it.

  After all, it was he who caused the situation like this.

  Even this time, he was unintentional.


  ——Half a month ago, Su Qinghuan, relying on her own strength, survived the period when she was hacked to get out of the entertainment circle.

   But now because of the accident that he and an elevator failed, he once again plunged Su Qinghuan into the whirlpool of public opinion.

  Qu Chengze a little bit wanted to cry, his eyes were empty, and his fingers wiped his face, only to realize that he was really crying.

  Tears are salty and flow into the mouth, which is not delicious.

  Overwhelming guilt, and indescribable pain, directly attacked the man's heart.

   Even when he was punished and confined by his strange father when he was a child, Qu Chengze gritted his teeth and never cried.

   But this time, Qu Chengze really understood what is meant by self-commitment, and he is powerless.


  He stretched out his hand trembling and clicked on Weibo.

  Although the reporters on Weibo had long guessed how unsightly the relationship between him and Su Qinghuan was, when he actually saw it, the man’s eyes burst with red bloodshot eyes.

  "Shocking secrets! Girlfriend steals-person on the eve of the engagement ceremony, this bright green hat on Huo's head, absolutely!"

  The headlines of those news were shocking enough, and Qu Chengze didn't dare to click in.

  There were three hot searches on Weibo, all of which were about Su Qinghuan.

  Not only himself and Huo Jingzun, but also Gu Chubai’s Weibo that once apologized for betraying Su Qinghuan, the enthusiasm was once again captured.

  When Gu Chubai originally apologized, there was a whole lot of people sympathizing with Su Qinghuan and scolding Gu Chubai. They forwarded millions of comments.

   But this time, because of the bonus of this new gossip, it directly exceeded two million.

  Moreover, public opinion has also declined sharply, all of which have turned into cursing that Su Qinghuan is not a good thing, I am afraid that some methods have been adopted to confuse Gu Chubai.

  Even Ling Xian'er, who was originally scolded as a junior, took the opportunity to counterattack and frantically marketed that she was innocent.

  Who made Su Qinghuan’s incident really a sensation.

  Cuckold Huo Jingzun, the heir of the Huo Group, before marriage, and the object of theft was Qu Shao Qu Chengze. Can this not paralyze the entire Weibo?


   Seeing the words that were unsightly when those people spit at Su Qinghuan, Qu Chengze only felt that the picture before him was suddenly distorted.

  The man opened his blood-red eyes, and suddenly, a sharp smell of rust emerged in his mouth.

  He carelessly wiped the corners of his lips with his hands. As expected, under the light of the porch, it was all dazzling red.

  Short of breath, even to the point of vomiting blood, you should go to the emergency department of the hospital immediately.

  The man knows the answer in his heart.

  It's just that his two legs are too heavy to lift them up.

What's more, he just wants to guard Su Qinghuan silently now, not going anywhere.

  He has guilt in his heart.

  Su Qinghuan’s situation today was caused by him.


  Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

   Another mouthful of blood was spit out.

  Qu Chengze smiled as if he had lost his soul, but tears fell from the man's stinging eye sockets.

  He is sorry for her.

  He also had no face at the moment to look for Su Qinghuan.

  So, Qu Chengze sat at Su Qinghuan’s door on this summer night with a lot of mosquitoes, withered for the whole night.


  Su Qinghuan knew about this.

  System 233 had long told her about Qu Chengze staying outside.

  System 233 thought that Su Qinghuan had also pulled Qu Chengze's attitude in the elevator, and wondered whether Su Qinghuan was about to leave the world. Is her attitude towards Qu Chengze slightly better, so it asked curiously.

   "Host, it’s not good for Qu Chengze to sit outside like this, and he is vomiting blood, don’t you go take a look and let him leave?"

   "Why bother with him?"

  Su Qinghuan supported her chin indifferently. She was lying on the chaise longue, lazy and luxurious like a Persian cat.

   "Tong'er, Tong'er, Qu Chengze is so uncomfortable now. Isn't it the retribution he deserves? I didn't let him fight against the original owner, it was light."

  The corner of the girl's lips showed a trace of contempt.

  ——Qu Chengze gave the original owner such medicine, gave the disgusting old man, ruined her reputation, and indulged Ling Xian'er to kill the original owner.

  On sin, Qu Chengze now pays far less than one-thousandth.

   "...Host, it makes sense."

  System 233 is also concerned, but perhaps the skin is confusing, when it perceives the miserable and pitiful look of the man outside, it still can’t help but sigh...

  ——Qing Ben is a beautiful woman, but she is a thief.

  But there are some injuries, once done, they will never be able to make up.

  (End of this chapter)

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