The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 864: I'm a woman who worships gold (101)

  Chapter 864 I am a woman who worships gold (101)

  Huo Jingzun glared at Qu Chengze uncontrollably.

   "Qinghuan is my wife! Legally as well, why can't I wear it for her!"

   "Sister Qing Huan never went to get a certificate with you!"

  Qu Chengze burst into blue veins on his forehead. He pinched the rare colored diamond and threw it into the trash can in front of everyone.

   "In the eyes of Qing Huan sister, this ring of yours, she is not rare at all, and your so-called Huo Group president's wife status is just a restraint to her!"

   "What's more, if you really want to count on the law now, the deceased person can no longer have any relationship with you!"

   "You are wrong, she will be buried in Huo's ancestral grave, a hundred years later, she will be buried with me in the coffin."

  "Are you worthy?"

  Qu Chengze didn't expect to have reached this point at all. Huo Jingzun would even think of these things. Two adults, more than forty years old, went so far as to openly fight in the top three hospitals.

  Gu Chubai saw the scene of the two men fighting fiercely, and he only felt absurd in his heart.

  His eyes were sour. Taking advantage of Huo Jingzun's struggle with Qu Chengze, he stretched out his hand gently and gently, and drew the messy hair of Su Qinghuan's forehead behind his ears.

   "Qinghuan, do you really hate me so much?"

  The man looked at the plain white dress on the girl in confusion.

  In fact, if it weren’t for Su Qinghuan’s previous reminder, Gu Chubai would have almost forgotten it. He bought it for Su Qinghuan many years ago.

  When they were still in college, they used to be poor and white. Su Qinghuan may have been poor. Instead, she likes jeweled things. It's only material constraints. She never asked Gu Chubai to make any excessive demands.

  This skirt was originally chosen by Gu Chubai on the pedestrian street. The price was only more than two hundred. In fact, after the two became stars, there was no shortage of such a skirt, but Su Qinghuan stayed.

What is the reason for   ?

  Remember the past? him?

  The world is so affectionate, but what is hidden in the memory, once it is turned out, it often appears more hurtful.

  The man finally couldn't help it, silently holding Su Qinghuan's gradually cold body, buried his head on the quilt, and whimpered quietly.

  "Qinghuan...I'm sorry..."

  If everything can be done again, he will definitely cherish her.

   will never let her be a girl, blocking the front to shield him from wind and rain.

  She is a girl, she should have enjoyed a lot of pampering, she should have been protected by her boyfriend.

  He doesn't know how, under the guise of making a show, he is ambiguous with other girls and hurts his heart.

  He was wrong.

  After this lifetime, there is no way to save it.


  Sister Wang was heartbroken when she saw people crying or fighting in the ward.

  She filmed this scene and sighed at the friends in the circle.

  I don’t know how, these private photos and conversations were posted on the Internet.

   Suddenly, on the Internet, Su Qinghuan was called a vixen, and more people were dead and restless, and there were even clapping hands and cheering.

  However, it didn't take long for these Internet trolls to be jointly sued by the Huo Group, Qu Chengze and Gu Chubai.

  The rumors who forwarded more than 500 comments, from ID to IP address, and even real identity information, have been affected.

  And Su Qinghuan’s suicide note was also made public at this time.

  She didn't mention any emotional matters in it, only mentioned her future inheritance distribution.

  Su Qinghuan donated all the properties left by her original body, including the apartment, as well as some jewellery, big-name clothes and watches, including all the proceeds of her reality show, etc., to the charity foundation.

  In addition to these, in fact, after she crossed over, she has also invested in some stocks in the past two months, and she has also made a lot of money, and she also donated all of it.


  In the suicide note, Su Qinghuan also named the purpose of these donations, and a large part of it will be used for fundraising to Hope Girls’ School in the mountainous area.

  The remaining small part is used for women’s school loans that need to go to university. They are interest-free loans that can be paid off slowly within ten years of work, and the repaid loans will continue to be used to build women’s schools.

  Every sum of money will be notarized, and every charity expenditure, from construction materials to a bottle of mineral water, will be clearly marked.

  In her suicide note, she wrote such a sentence.

  "When I was in the orphanage, the dean’s mother said that I was thrown at the entrance of the orphanage with a note in it. If I were a boy, I would not be thrown away."

   "I really hope that all girls under this world have the opportunity and the right to be loved,"


  Netizens never expected that the gold-worshipping girl who has always been sprayed by netizens with the heaviest money and unlimited attention to money would one day make such a decision to give all of their wealth to girls from poor families in need.

  This is not like Su Qinghuan's style at all.

  Most of those who have scolded Su Qinghuan admitted wrong, and even publicly stated that they would donate one or two hundred yuan, hoping to help Su Qinghuan’s charity cause.

  There is only a very small part of the spray, and I have to lift the bar over there.

  "Why donate only to girls but not to boys? Are there no boys in poor mountainous areas?"

  This comment was put on the top, and it was forwarded by a very famous psychologist, who was heartbroken and authentic.

   "It is because of your smashing and spraying that such a good girl will be ruined step by step. Do you know that Miss Su was once my depression patient?"

   "How many antidepressants did she take during this year, do you know?"

  "If you love the boys in the mountains, you can donate money yourself, instead of spraying a girl who has taken all of her belongings to do good deeds here!"


  This psychiatrist’s Weibo was quickly reposted by hundreds of thousands.

  And the following netizens are all explaining for Su Qinghuan, and the following even cried out with their own experience in tears.

  "Some people say why not donate to boys in mountainous areas. Have you ever known the percentage of boys who drop out of school in mountainous areas than girls?"

"Do you know the percentage of people who are thrown away every year because they are girls? You might even think that men and women are the same. But my mother said that it was thrown away in the winter at the entrance of our village ten years ago. Baby girls, they can all line up!"

"You have never thought about the current gender disorder, is it really not a choice made by humans? Those girls who have been corrupted and thrown away, have you asked them why they are not boys thrown in the winter river. ?"

  For a while, public opinion was in an uproar, but in the end, most people began to admire Su Qinghuan's dedication.

  After all, the real money paid is much better than the keyboard man who can only play tricks.

  (End of this chapter)

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