The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 873: I'm a woman who worships gold (110)

  Chapter 873 I am a woman who worships gold (110)

  The atmosphere suddenly condensed, as if the mountains and rain are about to come and the wind is all over the building.

  Huo Jingzun’s eyes were scarlet, he stared at the messy grave, only to feel that he had been fooled by Qu Chengze!

   "What a Qu Chengze!!!"

  The man kicked the shovel away, and the man turned straight and grabbed the special assistant Li, who was responsible for the funeral ceremony of Su Qinghuan.

   "I asked you to stare at Qu Chengze before Qinghuan was buried, how did you do it!"

  "BOSS, I...I..."

  Seeing Huo Jingzun’s dark red eyes, Li Tezhu was almost scared to die today.

   Gu Chubai reminded him in time.

   "It's too late, leave the others alone, Qu Chengze went to southern Xinjiang only a few days ago. He must be gone with Qinghuan, but I think of a place where Qu Chengze will definitely go!"


  Huo Jingzun's mind was suddenly tense, he turned his eyes to Gu Chubai.

  The young man dressed in a plain Zen clothes closed his eyes and uttered a few words in a daze.

  "The place where Qinghuan was born, Jingbeishan Village."


  Hua Guo, border Beishan Village.

  This is a village in a small city in the middle of China, not as prosperous as the town, but not as remote as southern Xinjiang.

  The wind in the summer night should have been slightly hot, but because of the slightly higher altitude here, it is quite pleasant, with fluttering fireflies flying in the night sky, dancing to a brilliant brilliance.

  Qu Chengze hugged a woman who seemed to be asleep, lying affectionately among the blooming mountain flowers.

   "Sister Qing Huan, it turns out that this is the place where you were born. It's so beautiful."

  Qu Chengze really couldn't think of how anyone would be willing to abandon Su Qinghuan who was just born, she was born so beautifully, she should be an angel baby even when she was just born?

  Qu Chengze thought this way, and couldn't help lowering his head gently, scraping Su Qinghuan's delicate nose.

   "Sister Qing Huan, I'm so sad, Master Kongdu said that your soul is not in this world at all, and that you are not a human being at all. Would he be a liar?"

  The man said these things with a smile, but somehow, tears fell uncontrollably.

   Those bitter tears fell on the woman's beautiful eyebrows, and the young man took a deep breath and wiped her tears awkwardly.

   "Sister Qing Huan...but sometimes I really feel that you are not like a person, but like a sly fox, playing me around, is it funny?"

  The woman is no longer breathing, and naturally can't respond to the man's question.

  She leaned quietly in his arms, not noisy or noisy, and she slept peacefully, as if she was just sleepy. This scene made the heart of the youth melt.

  But the pain that accompanies it is indescribable.

  The man's heart tightened for a while, and the intense pain made it difficult for him to even smile, but the young man brushed Su Qinghuan's hand with his hair, still so gentle and delicate.

   "Sister Qing Huan, I really like it, I like you so much, more than anyone or anything."

   "Is it because I found out too late and made you unhappy, so you don't want to ignore me?"

   "I'm sorry, Qing Huan sister, I shouldn't bother you so much every day...but I'm so sad, my sad heart seems to burst every day."

  The young man took the woman's hand and placed it on his own heart.

  It really hurts.

  It was like a tens of thousands of needles pierced, like being hacked by a dull knife with rust.

   But no matter how you describe it, you can’t describe his real pain.


   "Sister Qing Huan, didn't you ask me if it was Huangquan Road in front of me, would I go with you without hesitation?"

   "Today, I still have to tell you the answer."

"I will."

  Qu Chengze said, bowing his head religiously, and dropped a soft kiss on the woman's forehead.

  He knew that a person like himself who was covered in darkness was not worthy of that woman who seemed to be shining all over.

  But how could he be willing to let her sleep alone in the ground?

  The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and there are fireflies dancing. Compared with the cold Huo's cemetery, Qing Huan should be more willing to be buried under the mountains and rivers of this hometown, right?

  The man thought this way, he took a deep breath, looked at the woman's peaceful and bright sleeping face, and finally laughed madly.

  ——Sister Qing Huan, I love you.

  This love does not require any response, as long as you can look at her quietly and stay with her, that’s enough.


  Two days later, Huo Jingzun and Gu Chubai rushed to Jingbeishan Village, because the car they drove was a Beijing brand six-eight G, and there were many uniformed operators accompanying them, which caused quite a stir in the local area.

  There are hardly many young adults in this village. The economy here is underdeveloped, and the young people basically go out to work in the village.

  So the old people and the remaining middle-aged people don’t have much culture, don’t like to watch TV and Weibo, and don’t know the identities of Su Qinghuan and Qu Chengze.

   Fortunately, Qu Chengze was born very beautiful. He often brought a woman with "narcolepsy" and a mask on her face. Huo Jingzun quickly found a clue.

  A middle-aged man accepted Qu Chengze one million yuan, and the request was to help Qu Chengze find a place with the most beautiful scenery and carry the coffin for burial.

  The middle-aged man was shocked when he saw the woman wearing a mask held by Qu Chengze, almost thinking that Qu Chengze had committed a crime.

  Qu Chengze said that it was his wife who died of illness.

  Having money can make ghosts punish, the middle-aged man didn’t dare to ask more, so he honestly took his brothers to divide the money and put the woman in peace.

  I just don’t know why, the coffin was extremely heavy during the burial.

  ——As if not one person is buried inside, but two.


  Huo Jingzun's face turned pale when he heard the trembling middle-aged man recruited.

   "Where did you bury the coffin?"

  At the moment when Huo Jingzun’s eagle eyes were frighteningly swept, the middle-aged man who took the lead felt that this young man would kill with his eyes!

  He was shaking with fright.

  "This big...big brother, we really don’t know that young man is like a criminal."

   "Did he break the law? He said it was his wife, and we were just helping him to bury it! But we really didn't kill that little girl!"

   "Who asked you this!"

  Huo Jingzun was almost half-dead by this uncle who hadn't answered the question and didn't say the point at all.

  The man almost wanted to do it, but he was still in a meditation suit, and Gu Chubai, who was holding the Buddha beads in his hand, stopped him.

  Gu Chubai looked at the middle-aged man gently.

   "Shao Qu did not break the law, that girl... is a very important person to us."

   "She... It was not Qu Shao who killed him. You can tell us directly, where did you bury them?"


  The middle-aged man raised his head in a muddled manner, and quickly began to explain.

   "No, we didn't bury two people. The handsome young man really disappeared after the burial, but the sky is clear, we really didn't kill him!"

  (End of this chapter)

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