The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 883: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (9)

  Chapter 883 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (9)

  System 233 looked at Su Qinghuan's slightly curious face, and couldn't help but cough lightly.

"Actually, what does Su Rui say? The luck is quite prosperous, but after all, he is weak. Although the Su family has been secretly visiting famous doctors for him, they still haven't been able to find out where the most important antidote is. "

  Su Qinghuan heard the words, and suddenly felt a little bit inside.

  Just before she had time to speak, she saw that the system 233 had already spoken out the answer she least wanted to hear.

"So the host, you know... While Su Rui was on his way to rebellion, he still unfortunately passed away. In fact, if he can find an antidote, even if he persists for another half month, it won't be a problem to conquer the imperial city, it's a pity. Luck is a little bit worse."

   System 233 said, as if thinking of something, it immediately added to Su Qinghuan.

"Although everyone has always thought that Su Rui did not like the original owner, Su Rui still did his best to the original owner. When passing by the tower, it was good for the rebels to take the original owner's head and body and stitch them together, and buried them in the Su family's cemetery. "

"And Su Rui, a young talent, is a good player in platooning and deployment, and everyone else is very convinced. After Su Rui's death, there is no leader in the group. Xuan was subdued."


  Su Qinghuan heard that Su Rui was dead, her heart was inexplicably sour, and what was more intense was the hatred of Helian Moxuan and Mu Sisi.

   "Then it's too cheap, Helian Mo Xuan and Mu Sisi are a couple of dogs and women. They really lie down to win."

"Yeah, I blame the Emperor Xian for guarding against the Su family. When Su Rui died, even if he was sick and boned, he still held on to command the horse, and when he was finally captured, he used a spear to prop up the ground, resolutely not kneeling. Wan Jian pierced the heart and died."


  Su Qinghuan can almost imagine the sense of the picture. The sickly young man dressed in white in the past was not a seedling suitable for the battlefield.

   "The Su family members are too miserable..."

  The little fox could not help but let out a sigh.

  Now she has completely received the memory of the original owner. After shaking her head and sighing, she began to inquire about her mission carefully.

   "Tong'er, what is the wish of the original owner in this plane?"

   has been wiped out, and two children will not be able to have children for life. Su Qinghuan does not believe that the original owner can still have love for the dog emperor Helian Moxuan?

  At the beginning, when he was accepting the memory and felt the grief of the original owner at the loss of the second child, Su Qinghuan felt that his scalp was particularly tight.

  Especially, the original owner even took all the faults on his body, thinking that he was not able to protect the dragon seed and that he should be sent into the cold palace. Su Qinghuan felt that Helian Moxuan's brainwashing skills were too awesome.

  System 233 sensed Su Qinghuan’s heartfelt voice, and immediately shook his head in disapproval.

"Host, in fact, what you think is wrong. In your opinion, the original owner is scornful, but in fact, for an ancient woman who regards the inheritance of the family as the most responsible woman, it would be a big blow to losing two children. !"

"Even if she is not in the royal family, in ordinary people's homes, divorced wives can squeeze women with no heirs. This is caused by the general environment. No matter how powerful a person is, it is often difficult to subvert the trend of the times. ."

  Su Qinghuan couldn't help but suffocate even more.

   "Yes, I am too narrow-minded. Even a modern person, without a child, I can't regenerate, I'm afraid I will regret it for life."

  The original owner has never received modern gender equality education, and has been instilled in various dogmas that women should obey the four virtues and regard their husbands as their heaven. What can she do?

  This is not just the tragedy of the original owner alone. Looking at the concubine in the harem, which one is not sad?

To share your husband with others, you have to pretend to be magnanimous, and you have to desperately give birth to a boy. It’s absolutely impossible. Even if you’re rich in clothes and food, every place in this harem says that you can eat two people. Character.

   Mu Sisi claims to be a superior transgressive girl, but if she is really a little bit compassionate, she won't do a lot of unreasonable things behind her back, slander and spread rumors to others.

  It is one thing to protect yourself, but what Mu Sisi has done has crossed the limit, which really makes the little fox disdain.


   Seeing Su Qinghuan's relief, the system 233 immediately began to release the task in earnest.

   "However, the original owner is still sober. After all, he paid the price of his life. After his death, he became an unjust soul and wandered in this huge palace for a long time, knowing that his father and brother died were the handwriting of Helian Moxuan."

   "The original owner's wish is not very complicated, but it is not easy to handle it. She hopes to protect the people around her, such as the maid Xiaotao, such as her brother Su Rui, after all, Su Rui has a feeling for her to collect the body."

  "She dare not say how much life can be extended for Su Rui. After all, it is the poison that has been infiltrated into the bone marrow since childhood, but it is best to prevent her brother from dying in vain at the age of twenty."

  The wishes stated by the system 233 were originally not stated by the original owner, and the little fox himself would take the initiative to do it.

  Su Qinghuan nodded, quite curious.

   "And what? She would never ask Helian Moxuan and Mu Sisi?"

   "Of course there is!"

  System 233 Guli gave Su Qinghuan a weird look, and that look immediately gave the little fox a bad premonition.

"Ah, regarding these two people, the original owner is also hated. First of all, she hopes that Helian Moxuan and Mu Sisi will turn against each other, so that Helian Moxuan can see that Mu Sisi does not have the innocent unloving power that she pretends. Then he made Helian Moxuan fall in love with him, but he couldn't ask for it."

   "...I can't ask for it."

  Su Qinghuan suddenly sprayed.

The word    is too familiar, almost no different from the previous plane.

   But Su Qinghuan also guessed it, she was in a genuine sense of interest.

   "As long as the original owner does not let Helian Moxuan and I have a happy ending with a scumbag, I will help her with this task."

   "Of course, the original owner is not so stupid that he wants to like Helian Mo Xuan being hurt by the scum man again."

   "Host, there is actually another task."

"and also?"

  This is too much, right?

  Su Qinghuan was taken aback and heard System 233 smile maliciously.

   "Host, the original owner still hopes that while you are bewildering Helian Mo Xuan, you better give him a green hat, and you will be pregnant with someone else's child and be able to grow up successfully and disgust him."


  Su Qinghuan suddenly got goose bumps all over her body.

  "Where can I find a wild man for her to have a baby?"

   "And Tonger, you know me. I am a person with a high aesthetics. I don't want to catch a man casually. I think it's okay!"

  Even if it is a borrowed seed, she has to choose a pleasing one!

  I can't see that the original owner was so docile to Helian Moxuan during his lifetime, but after his death, his thoughts were so violent!

  (End of this chapter)

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