The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 892: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (18)

  Chapter 892 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (18)

In the courtyard, a woman in a Su-embroidered palace dress was born with a graceful figure, with eyes like apricots and eyebrows like distant mountains. Although she is a little bit inferior to the impeccable appearance of a little fox, she is still a pretty woman. Rare to be beautiful.

  This concubine is the master of Shou’an Palace, Mu Sisi.

Mu Sisi's looks like water and weak Liu Fufeng was supposed to be a gentle and gentle Jiangnan woman, but the act of smashing the shuttlecock directly on the maid at this moment undoubtedly added a bit of anger between her eyebrows and eyes. .

  Helian Mo Xuan was also shocked instantly when he saw Mu Sisi being arrogant to the court lady.

  ——The Mu Sisi in his impression was not like this. After all, Mu Sisi mistaken him for a little guard in Qingxueyuan at the beginning, and never treated him with any contempt.

   even calmly told him that all people are created equal, and there is no need to have any inferiority.

   But at this moment, the attitude of the woman towards the subordinate is obviously not the “equality” and “friendliness” that came at that time.


  Helian Mo Xuanjun's eyebrows instantly twisted, he lifted his robe and coughed coldly twice.

  "Who made my Wan Bing angry?"

   "The emperor... the emperor?!"

  Mussi turned her head back in surprise and joy. At this moment, she was not able to deal with the maids who bored her. She lifted the skirt in surprise, and fell into the arms of the man in a grievance and coquettish manner.

  "Your Majesty, why are you here? Sisi thought that your Majesty has forgotten Sisi and does not want to come to Sisi anymore."

  Although Helian Moxuan loved her, he naturally couldn't stay with Mu Sisi all the time.

Not to mention that Su Qinghuan was pushed into the lotus pond of the Royal Garden by her some time ago. In order to show his love for Su Qinghuan, Helian Moxuan deliberately placed such a ban.

  If it’s okay before, Mu Sisi can also wear the costume of a little **** or court lady to go to Helian Moxuan.

  But recently, a small concubine of Mu Sisi dared to breathe with the concubine. She was on the cusp of the storm. The eyes staring at Shou'an Palace during the day did not know how many pairs there were.

  Helian Mo Xuan placed Mu Sisi, unless Helian Mo Xuan secretly met her at night, otherwise Mu Sisi would not be able to go out.


Of course Mu Sisi knew that Helian Moxuan was trying to protect her, but she was not reconciled. She was obviously the one Helian Moxuan put on the cusp of her heart, but she lived in the shadow of Su Qinghuan all day long. It's like a little mouse hiding in Tibet.

   Even if it wasn’t Su Qinghuan, most of the other concubines had better family backgrounds and higher ranks, and she couldn’t afford to provoke them.


  The more he thought of this, the more aggrieved Mu Sisi, she didn't realize how much discomfort Helian Moxuan's behavior of smashing the shuttlecock on the court lady like before had caused him.

   And Helian Mo Xuan was surprised and delighted when he saw Mu Sisi, he was still a little dissatisfied with Mu Sisi in his heart.

  But he didn't say much, but took off his outer cloak and put it on Mu Sisi.

   "It's cold right now. Be careful of catching a cold. Let me enter the house and talk to me."

   "The emperor is so kind to his concubines."

   Seeing Helian Moxuan put on clothes for herself in such a natural way, Mu Sisi's eyes lit up instantly, she knew that Helian Moxuan loved her most in his heart.

  In addition to using Su Qinghuan as a shield in acting, I have never seen Helian Moxuan treat other concubines so much.


   Mu Sisi felt sour and swelling, she winked at the palace lady who had just been hit by the shuttlecock next to her.

  "Silver sticks, go and fetch the Yuqian Longjing, which is newly entered by the House of Internal Affairs, and make a cup for your majesty."

  The little maid who was hurt by the shuttlecock looked at her only fourteen-five-year-old, a little younger than Mu Sisi, because she had been treated like that before, and her eyes were still aggrieved.

  Only at this moment the master ordered, and she only agreed.

   And Helian Moxuan saw the little maid’s eyes full of tears but dared to be angry but couldn’t speak, and he thought of Su Qinghuan’s words inexplicably in his heart.

  The man lost his mind for a while, staring at the court lady Yinzhi for a little longer.

   Mu Sisi saw Helian Moxuan like this, and his heart instantly became vigilant.

  She inquired with a strong smile.

   "What did the emperor stare at Yinzhi's girl? Could it be that she saw that the concubine was born beautifully and wanted to be included in the harem, right?"

Although Mu Sisi is a modern person, she has seen many court dramas and knows that in this wicked ancient society, let alone the concubines and court ladies in the palace, even the ladies, the emperor can spoil whoever wants to be spoiled.

  Don’t say there is no owner, even if a woman marries someone, the story of the ruler and the courtier’s wife has been staged in history many times, and there are even Tang Minghuang’s wife who even his son will not let it go.


  Yinzhi is only fourteen or five years old. In modern times, she may be in junior high school or high school, but it was different in ancient times. Many 13-year-old women married.

   Mu Sisi suddenly regretted that she didn’t replace all the beautiful maids around her. What if she robbed her of her favor?

  The emperor is not an ordinary man, who can refuse this?

  Mussi had no idea that his thoughts were completely different from Helian Moxuan.

  Helian Mo Xuan saw Mu Sisi's anxious look, and glanced at her faintly.

   "Oh? In Ai Concubine's eyes, I am such an anxious person?"


Helian Moxuan rarely talks to Mu Sisi in such a serious way. After all, they first met as guards and imperial concubines. Helian Moxuan's figure was lower, and now he takes a mouthful of me. Let Mu Sisi's heart tighten.

  Mussi bit the corner of her lip, a bit of grievance from the little daughter's family appeared on her face.

   "How dare your concubine question your Majesty like this, but the concubine has been in the Shou'an Palace these days and almost thought..."


   "The concubine thinks, Your Majesty should stop thinking about it."

  Helian Mo Xuan swept past Mu Sisi's tearful face, somehow, Su Qinghuan was crying suddenly appeared in his mind.

  Su Qinghuan seldom cried in front of him, except for the death of Su's father when he entered the palace many years ago, so Helian Moxuan was a little surprised and moved.

  Today, Helian Moxuan saw a woman crying in front of her for the second time. She didn't look as good as Su Qinghuan when she cried, and it was not the first time that Mu Sisi was like this. She often habitually cried and cried, thinking she was a killer.

  However, the patience of men is always limited, especially Helian Moxuan is the emperor, usually watching Mu Sisi acting like a baby is a kind of fun, but after just coaxing a woman, Helian Moxuan is already very irritable.

  The man frowned, and shook his hand subconsciously, showing some impatience in his expression.

  "What are you thinking about, let me ask you, at the Royal Garden that day, did you satirize the noble concubine for not accepting favor, and even pushed her?"

  (End of this chapter)

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