The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 899: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (25)

  Chapter 899 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (25)

  Because of a woman's intuition, and Mu Sisi had studied facial expression psychology before, Mu Sisi's heart was held tighter.

  She originally wanted to blow a few words of pillow breeze to Helian Moxuan, but seeing Helian Moxuan like this, she was afraid that the more she mentioned Su Qinghuan, the more men would pay more attention to Su Qinghuan than herself.

   Isn’t that sending the man to the rival side?


  Music was afraid to do such a stupid thing, she pouted, and subconsciously wanted to change the subject.

   "It turns out that the emperor was to go out of the palace to play with his concubines. That's because Sisi is too petty, so please don't take offense to the emperor."

  Although he was full of jealousy in his heart, on the surface, Mu Sisi still held up the spirit and put a smile on Helian Moxuan.

   "Emperor, how about we go out of the palace in the dark tonight? Since entering the palace, the concubine hasn't been to any fairs. I think the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and the capital will be fun."

In fact, Mu Sisi is really interested in going out of the palace. After all, she has been in this gorgeous palace since she woke up, but it must be a life of ordinary people compared to the palace like a golden silk cage. There is smoke and fire.

   "Okay, but Concubine Ai, will your hand be affected a bit?"

  Helian Mo Xuan looked at Mu Sisi's hand worriedly. The white cloth had been pierced on it, the blood had stopped, and the original wound could not be seen.

  But the way Mu Sisi was injured before really scared him.

  Mussi shook her head and smiled softly.

   "The concubine said, as long as you are with your majesty, even if your body is in pain, the concubine will only feel as happy as having eaten sugar candy."

  The woman's eyes were soft as moonlight, and Helian Moxuan was moved in his heart for an instant, and he only felt that the Mu Sisi he was familiar with was back again.

  Perhaps the scene he saw when he first entered the Shou’an Palace was really just a coincidence.

  Helian Mo Xuan gently held Mu Sisi, but he didn't know why, deep down in his heart, he always subconsciously thought of Su Qinghuan's face.

  He had always felt that Su Qinghuan, this woman was spoiled by the Su family, and her behavior style was too domineering, and she would never act recklessly whenever she wanted, and let other imperial concubines fearlessly.

  However, Helian Moxuan had inadvertently seen Su Qinghuan interacting with her little maid, Xiaotao, on several occasions. It was very friendly and harmonious. Although he was not a sister, he was far better than an ordinary master and servant.

  After all, in the eyes of many concubines, the court lady eunuchs are inferior characters. They don't have to be treated as human beings. They are free to play or kick.


  Helian Mo Xuan's eyes darkened gradually.

  Speaking of...The woman Su Qinghuan is arrogant and arrogant, and she is very good to her own subordinates.

  From the materials worn by Su Qinghuan's close maid, Xiaotao, many of the rewards were given to Su Qinghuan by Helian Moxuan, and they were all tributes. However, unexpectedly, they fell on a little maid instead.

  This was a bit presumptuous at first, but due to Su Qinghuan’s favor, the other concubines couldn’t say anything.

Before Helian Moxuan, he had never heard the rumors that Su Qinghuan was embarrassed by eunuchs, court ladies, and guards. There was one time when the peonies were in full bloom, Su Qing quarreled with other concubines while enjoying the flowers, but did not take anything. The subordinates exasperated.


  Thinking of this, Helian Moxuan's heart was messed up for a while.

   And Mu Sisi suddenly raised his head, glanced at Helian Moxuan cowardly, disturbing the man's mood.

   "Your Majesty... Then when it comes to the people, can you let your concubine call you as your husband? The concubine knows this presumptuous, but..."

Before Mu Sisi finished speaking, Helian Moxuan blocked her lips with her hand.

   "Of course, Sisi, in my heart, you are my wife."

  Mussi lowered her eyelashes, suddenly feeling a little bitter in her heart.

  Yes, she regards a man as her only husband.

  Unfortunately, even when Helian Moxuan spoiled her most, he often stayed overnight with other concubines.

   is really...ridiculous.

  Even in order to protect her, she can't even have a little more reward, and she has to stay in this cold and remote Shou'an Palace, just like the humblest concubine in the entire harem.

   Mu Sisi had a bit of resentment in her heart, but when she looked at Helian Moxuan, she had to smile and endure it.

  As long as she is pregnant with a child.

  At that time, Helian Moxuan promised her, he completely took care of the Su family, and made her the queen and the child as the prince.

  At that time, even if there were Yingyingyanyan beside Helian Moxuan, she was already under one person at that time, and the entire harem would be crawling under her feet.

  Who would dare to look down on her?

  As for the concubines and wombs that I can't understand, I don't have to be forbearing like before, just let the close mother slap her over.

  As for that arrogant and domineering Su Qinghuan...

   Mu Sisi gritted her silver teeth tightly, her eyes revealing a vicious look.

  —After breaking the love between herself and Helian Moxuan in the Palace of Qinzheng, this **** not only didn't withdraw, but also humiliated her, she must make this woman kneel in front of her, crying and begging for mercy.

  Thinking of that kind of scene, Mu Sisi's whole person finally became much lighter.


In Mu Sisi's eyes, Su Qinghuan was able to enjoy the superficial treatment of her concubine today, and it was her blessing. If the emperor had not chosen Su Qinghuan as their shield, Su Qinghuan would have such a good life. pass?

  At this time, Mu Sisi seemed to have forgotten that Su Qinghuan had indeed received many material rewards, but her dignified general’s daughter and her brother is also the prime minister, how could she lack this reward?

  On the contrary, the bright spears and dark arrows in the harem were all taken by Su Qinghuan as a shield, so sad.



   Feeling that someone was speaking ill of her secretly, Su Qinghuan, who was sitting in the carriage of the palace, couldn't help but sneezed.

   "Niang Niang, what's wrong with you? But you have a cold?"

   Xiaotao, who was in the same carriage, looked at Su Qinghuan with concern, and subconsciously handed the outer cloak to the woman.

  Su Qinghuan smiled at her and shook her head.

   "No, maybe someone is scolding me."

   "... Niangniang Jinzhiyuye, who dares to scold Niangniang."

  What else Xiaotao wanted to say, and Su Qinghuan quickly shook her head.

   "Little Tao, I'm out of the palace, you should call me Miss, your mother is panicking."

   "...Okay, mother...Miss."


   Just as the master and servant were talking, suddenly, the carriage stopped.

   "The Prime Minister's Mansion is here!"

  Su Qinghuan subconsciously wanted to lift the curtain, but unexpectedly, someone stepped ahead of her, and a slender and gentle hand stretched out.

   "Chen Gong invites Niang Niang back to the house."

  A male voice brushed his ears, saying a respectful speech, but it didn't mean the slightest respect.

  The sound line is like broken ice splashing jade, and also like Lingling guqin, so cool and elegant that makes people's heart sway.

  I don’t know what kind of face it should be to have such a natural voice...

  (End of this chapter)

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