The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 903: The imperial concubine has to climb the wall (29) 2200+ words

  Chapter 903 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (29) 2200+ words

Su Qinghuan stared at Su Rui with her eyes straight. She saw Su Rui's impatience, but when she saw the man standing in front of her for the sake of that medicine, and resisting his discomfort, the little fox felt that Su Rui It's a little cute under the old-fashioned appearance.

  The corners of her lips couldn't help but raised higher, and there was an indescribable sweetness in her heart.

  The little fox teased Su Rui deliberately.

  "Is my brother angry with Qinghuan? But it's just a change of name, and Qinghuan is just to bring you and me closer. That's all."

  Speaking of these two words, Su Qing’s smiley eyes seemed to reflect two lakes, which were clear and inviting.

  If it weren’t for Su Qinghuan who was Su Rui’s half-sister, otherwise Su Rui would have mistakenly thought that Su Qinghuan was the women outside who admired him when he saw the woman’s attitude repeatedly ridiculing him.

  However, this thought immediately made Su Rui feel absurd from the beginning of his life.

  Except for Su Qinghuan who stuck to him when she was young, but when she got to her, she became very cold towards Su Rui.

   Later, when Su Qinghuan entered the palace, even if Su Rui had never had a relationship between men and women, she could tell that her cheap sister, in her heart, admired the majesty in the palace very much.

  Even though,

   Helpless with Su Qinghuan’s identity and his own desire to live, the man who has always been cold and noble finally resisted the urge to walk away and treated Su Qinghuan kindly and authentically.

   "The Niang Niang is much younger than the Weichen, and the Weichen is not yet angry with the Niangniang over such trivial matters."

   "Oh, why did you call me a mother again?"

  Su Qinghuan glanced at him slightly annoyed, feeling a little bored.

   "You are not angry with me, I am going to be angry with you. I didn't tell you. I don't like the way you call me a mistress, and I don't like the way you take a mouthful of a minister in front of me."


  Su Ruijun frowned slightly. Seeing the woman in front of him acting spoiled at him, the man felt very absurd.

  ——If time goes back to when Su Qinghuan was young, this scene would still be relatively normal.

  After all, at that time, Su Qinghuan was still a yellow-haired girl. She always liked to chase after Su Rui's elder brother who was long and short. He also complained about how my elder brother ignored me and other children's petitions.

  But Su Qinghuan is not a yellow-haired girl after all. What's more, the eager eyes that Su Qinghuan sees at him now make the man feel nervous inexplicably.

  There is even a kind of feeling that she can't stand Su Qinghuan, and let her down.

  This feeling is very absurd, but the way Su Qinghuan looks at him, even if it is a little follower dating back ten years ago, it is completely dissimilar.

Constrained by a fixed mindset, although Su Rui does not spoil Su Qinghuan, the sister of the same father, and is even very indifferent to her, he never expected that Su Qinghuan had changed his core a long time ago, and he still embraced the kind of rebelliousness. thought.


   Seeing the man frowning and standing silently, Su Qinghuan looked at him sincerely, lowly.

  "It’s good for brother to call me Qinghuan. If brother doesn’t mind, can Qinghuan call brother’s words?"


  Today's Su Qinghuan is really weird.

  Under the sun, Su Rui fixedly looked at the little fox, her delicate and pale eyebrows had a gloom that could not be removed.

   "You want to call me as a kind words, why?"

   "What can't you do?"

  Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows, she lazily leaned against the window.

   "When you count, Qing Huan is also qualified to be called the brother's font size, right?"


  Su Rui was silent for a while.

  Generally speaking, the character of a man can only be called by family members, close friends, and future wives.

  It is not too much for Su Qinghuan to call Su Rui as Su Jinyan, but Su Rui didn't think that his relationship with Su Qinghuan was so good before, otherwise he wouldn't always be a minister.


  The atmosphere suddenly condenses.

  This kind of weird stalemate atmosphere can even be seen by the maid Xiaotao beside her, and she can't stand it in her heart.

  ——The eldest son is a weird person, and he still likes to make an ice cube face. Since the young lady, hasn’t she no longer liked chasing after the eldest son?

  Why did you start to entangle with the old man again today?


   Just when the two were facing each other silently, Su Rui flung his sleeves abruptly and stood aside.

   "Let's do it with you, the status of the empress is noble, and the Weichen dare not refuse."

   "Brother, I said, you should call me Qinghuan."


  Throwing out such a baggage that looked like an order and like a request, Su Rui suddenly couldn't understand what Su Qinghuan wanted to do.

  It's just that the woman's eyes are too blazing, and for a while, men don't want to look at her.

  I always felt that if Su Qinghuan stared at him a few more times, he would be burned.


  The man was silent for a moment, and finally no longer attached to the two names of Empress and Weichen, Su Qinghuan was also relieved, and quickly glanced at Xiao Tao with a smile.

   "Xiao Tao, since my brother is relieved, let's go down too, you take the snowy face flower well, don't fall and knock it."

   Hearing Xue Yanhua's name, the man who had turned around and was about to leave before turned and glanced back in an instant.

  I saw that Su Qinghuan didn't have the shelf of a concubine, and jumped straight from the carriage. The whole person was very refreshing, but the maid Xiaotao was holding the flowerpot with the snow-faced flowers, and was carefully helped down.


   After all, it is a drug introduction that is related to the life of the family. Su Rui couldn't help but look at the pot of Xueyanhua in Xiaotao's hand for a few more seconds.

  I saw the flower that should have been full of vitality, as if it had been drained of water, with a pile of dead branches and fallen leaves, and the whole plant was dying in the flowerpot, as if it would die completely in the next moment.


  The man has been ill for a long time. Although he did not completely look down on life and death, he did not have much hope for the century-old Xueyanhua that Su Qinghuan said.

After all, before the death of Yaosheng, he once said that the poison brought by Su Rui’s mother’s womb had been soaked in the bone marrow for a long time. His prescription was written entirely based on Su Rui’s condition. Wrote the antidote.

   Therefore, even if there is a hundred years of Xueyanhua as a medicine, it may not be able to completely eradicate the root of Su Rui's disease, but only prolong his life for a few years.


  It's just a hope after all. At this moment, seeing the almost withered plant in Xiao Tao's hand, the light in the man's eyes, instantly disappeared from nothing.

  He glanced at Su Qinghuan indifferently, somewhat smiling.

  "Is this the strange flower Qinghuan said? I was struggling to ask for it?"

  Su Qinghuan nodded without blushing.

   "Naturally, brother, don't look at it. It has no shape now, but by the time of Mid-Autumn Festival, this flower will be able to come back to life."

  Su Rui nodded casually.

   "That's it."

   Seeing the man's cold and indifferent appearance, Su Qinghuan thought that she had to bleed this broken flower every day, and her heart was both wronged and sad.

  And Xiaotao understood Su Qinghuan’s difficulties best, and she blurted out immediately.

  "Grandpa, you don't know how much the young lady paid for this flower."

   "Little Tao!——"

  Su Qinghuan stopped her eyes, and Xiao Tao quickly silenced her grievances.

  Why don't you let her talk?


  The little fox voluntarily bleeds and grows flowers, and doesn’t want to use this to complain to Su Rui.

  She fixedly looked at the man in the golden dress with her eyes fixedly, and a somewhat stronger spark burned in her eyes.

   "If you don’t believe this flower will live, how about a gamble with Qinghuan?"

   "If Qinghuan wins, my brother will have to promise Qinghuan one thing."

  (End of this chapter)

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