The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 907: The imperial concubine has to climb the wall (33) 2200+ words

  Chapter 907 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (33) 2200+ words

  In an instant, the vigilance in Su Rui's eyes weakened slightly.

   But when he thinks of Su Qinghuan’s weird behavior, and the behavior of calling Helian Moxuan directly, or even cursing him as the emperor, the man feels very incredible in his heart.

  After all, the spies he sent out said that Su Qinghuan was very much loved in the palace, and he was extremely dependent on Helian Moxuan.


  Su Rui thought of this, her thin lips could not help but be pressed into a sharp straight line.

   "It's not that Su doesn't want to believe you, but that your behavior, words and deeds are innocent. The sister-in-law doesn't understand any medicine, let alone call the current saint like that."

"Su has touched your face before, and there is no human skin mask. It can be seen that your face is indeed that of a sister-in-law, but your various words and deeds are really suspicious. If it is not pretending to be someone else, it is an evil spirit possessed. ."


  The young man leaned on the desk indifferently. He actually didn't believe in the theory of ghosts and gods, but now, there is nothing more appropriate than the theory of ghosts and gods.

After Su Rui's reasoning, Su Qinghuan smiled subconsciously.

   "Tong'er, did you hear that? You deserve to be the man I like, so smart."

   "Host, why are you still complacent? You are not afraid of being **** by him and burned on fire?"

  You should know that most people in ancient times were superstitious, and they were also very taboo about the possession of evil spirits.

   "Don't worry, don't worry, Tonger, you have to trust your host's acting skills at this time."


  Su Qing smiled and applauded Su Rui.

   "Brother, your analysis is very reasonable, but brother can see Huan's body and everything, where is it like a ghost?"

   "And according to myths and legends, don't evil spirits generally fear the sun? Qinghuan stood under the sun before, but there was no umbrella."


  The little girl looked up at him with her head upright, with a lotus face, willow eyebrows, a beautiful figure, and everything was exquisite and beautiful.

  Su Rui knew that Su Qinghuan was born with a good skin, but in the past, he always felt that this sister was just a foolish straw bag.

  He had no intention of targeting her, but he didn't like to be close to her.

  Not to think that the beauty of the skin is confusing.


   But at this moment, seeing that beautiful face slowly burst into smiles, even if it was as cold as Su Rui, I couldn't help being amazed by the light and spring breeze.

  He frowned deeper.

  Could it be that the one with Su Qinghuan's body is still a yan-ghost?


  Su Rui clasped his fists in both hands and made a courtesy to Su Qinghuan.

   "Su Mou is just a mortal, I don't know where you came from, but if you do something bad with your sister's body, don't blame Su Mou for being ruthless."


Su Qinghuan couldn't help laughing suddenly.

  Seeing that Su Rui was still staring at herself vigilantly, she suddenly shook her head helplessly and funny.

   "Forget it, brother has to arrange Qinghuan like this, then Qinghuan will tell you the truth."

   "Some time ago, Qing Huan was pushed into the pond of the Royal Garden by the Wanmen in the palace, and after falling into the water, it was like the three lives of a big dream."

   "I dreamed that I was just a **** that the dog emperor used to cover up his love with Wan Man, and the elder brother was only a month later, and he took off."


  What the woman said was too shocking, but from the beginning of the man’s unbelief, to the moment when Su Qinghuan said he was rebelling, his eyebrows slowly tightened.

   "You said Su rebelled? What happened?"

   "My brother was dragged down by this sick body and was defeated, but I was frustrated and hung on the tower, not looking at me."

  Su Qinghuan's voice was faint, as if it was not his own business, but the business of others.


  The girl's expression was calm and calm, her eyes that should have been delicate and agile, but at this moment, she looked like a person who had lived for thousands of years, with the vicissitudes of life a bit far away.


  Su Rui pursed the corners of her lips.

   "A very interesting dream. Have you ever mentioned this dream to others?"

   "There is one more person."


  Su Rui's heart was instantly lifted.

This kind of thing is to be decapitated when you say it. The ancient emperors are ruthless, preferring to believe that they are untrustworthy. If Helian Moxuan knows, even if he has no intention of rebelling at all, I am afraid he will directly suicide them. The home is destroyed.

  Su Qinghuan naturally knows what the young man is worried about, and she has a faint expression.

"I only told Xiao Tao, but my brother can rest assured that Xiao Tao is most loyal to the Su family and to me. In the dream, she also died because of me. I originally wanted to give her a sum of money to find a good family to marry her. , But she didn't want to, she insisted on staying with me."

When the woman said this, she lowered her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes, as if it were just a water lotus swaying quietly in the lotus pond, calmly swaying, but suddenly, Su Rui had an inexplicable desire to comfort her. impulse.

  It’s just that he and Su Qinghuan’s relationship was not close. They weren’t close before, and it’s the same now.

"……I understand."

  Su Rui nodded heavily, and for a while, he didn't need to claim Su Mou, apparently slowly taking off his guard against Su Qinghuan.

   Strange power and chaos, Su Rui has always been unbelieving, but the facts are in front of her eyes, and men are not the stubborn people who don't know how to work, and soon accepted the facts.

   "Then why did you suddenly understand the pharmacology? You also went to find the century-old Xueyan flower for me."

  Su Qinghuan had already thought of the excuse, and she smiled slightly.

  "Because in my dream, I passed away before my brother. My body was hung on the tower, and my soul floated. I floated into the camp of my brother's imperial palace, and I had no time to sweep the prescription on it."

   "If there were those centuries-old Xue Yanhua who would resolve the poison for her brother, then the rebels would not have a group of dragons without a leader, so they would easily be defeated."


  The man heard Su Qinghuan talk about her ending with her, his eyes were silent, he has always been my pride, even if the ending is doomed, he will not sit back and wait for death.

  Su Rui stepped forward and scanned the woman's Jiamei face. He couldn't help but feel a little angry when he thought of the dog emperor's words that Su Qinghuan had used her as a shield.

  Su Qinghuan is a member of their Su family after all. Even if Su Rui doesn't like her, Helian Mo Xuan can't help but be so humble.

   "You said that the Lord did not spoil you after you entered the palace?"

  Su Qinghuan smiled lightly.

  "The secrets of these boudoirs shouldn't have talked to their elder brothers, but their parents are no longer there, and Qing Huan doesn't know who to talk to."

   "My elder brother may not believe it. Qing Huan has been in the palace for nearly three years, but for such a long time, I have been a perfect body."


  Even if Su Rui's personality is very good, her face can't help but be green at the moment.

  "Why should my brother break my mood for a bad person?"

   "There is something that makes my brother angry even more."


   Su Rui's heart was tight, and he saw Su Qinghuan expressing the most painful knot in the heart of the original owner.

   "Because I was getting older, Helian Moxuan knew that I could not be unfavored for the rest of the time, so he found a dark guard with a similar figure and took my body in the night for him."

   "Also let me fall into two children in a row, but I didn't know anything, but was abandoned and beaten into the cold palace."


  When the woman said this, her tone was still calm and okay, and there was no complaint.

  Even people like Su Rui who are accustomed to the storm, never expected that Helian Moxuan, as a dignified emperor, could do such a dehumanizing thing to his concubine!

  The man could no longer restrain his anger, and slammed an excellent wolf pen on the ground.

   "Being the prince of man, he has done such a bad deed, it is inferior to a pig and a dog!"

  (End of this chapter)

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