The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 909: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (35)

  Chapter 909 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (35)

  Su Rui thinks that after Su Qinghuan Jinchan can live in Jiangnan after she escapes, she can even remarry, and her heart can't help but feel a little more joyful for her.

Unexpectedly, Su Qinghuan looked at him steadily and shook his head directly.

   "Brother, Qing Huan doesn't want to die, let alone live in this world in the name of someone else."


  Su Rui looked at the little fox in amazement, obviously not understanding why the little fox would say such a thing.

   "It's not that you are forced to marry for your brother. If you are frustrated with men in the world from now on, and just be a leisurely rich man in the south of the Yangtze River, I will send a loyal servant to protect you."

   "But if you don't change your name, your appearance will be a little bit eye-catching, and the name is similar, I am afraid that the sage will look it up, and it will be easier to find clues."


   Su Qinghuan was very moved when he heard the man plan for himself.

  Of course, she knew that Su Rui didn't like herself at all, but she was able to think about her so well, Su Qinghuan felt an inexplicable pride in her heart.

  The man she likes is really love and righteousness, unlike the purebred white-eyed wolf like Helian Moxuan.

  The little fox gave a light cough.

"Brother Qinghuan's kindness has been accepted in his heart. It's not that Qinghuan insists on being so pretentious to oppose his brother, but the brother thinks carefully. You plan for a long time and make a lot of arrangements. Isn't Helian Moxuan the dog emperor not even a bit? Are you aware of it?"

   "It's just that the other party doesn't have enough evidence for the time being, so it's not good to kill you all at once."

   "If this time, I happen to go back to my natal family to visit relatives, and I have an accident at this time, do you think Helian Moxuan is sensitive and suspicious, won't you send more people to inquire?"

   "Even if Helian Moxuan can't find me and Xiaotao, with his obvious investigation of the military deployment of the Su family and his elder brother, it will definitely cause greater hidden danger to the elder brother."


  The woman's analysis was almost eloquent. The man did not expect that at this time, Su Qinghuan could still stand in his perspective and consider him.

  Su Rui suddenly felt that her previous judgments about Su Qinghuan's mindlessness were completely too superficial.

  The ancients said that the scholars should treat each other with admiration for three days and sincerely do not deceive me.

  But at the same time, Su Rui looked at the woman's chattering brows again, and couldn't help feeling agitated.

  ——Presumably, a person’s growth is due to too much hardship.

  Before, when Su Qinghuan was in Su’s family, she was really a lawless little overlord, relying on her father to dote on her, and do everything. Why should we look forward to the future and consider the consequences of others?

  He stretched out his hand and flicked lightly on the woman's smooth forehead.

  "You, you, when did you start to have so many worries? You used to be, but you dare to think and do more now."

  "Doesn’t that brother think that Qinghuan has become better now?"

  Su Qinghuan didn't expect Su Rui to flick her forehead at all. This really didn't seem to be something a young man who has always been arrogant and estranged could do.

  The ear tips of the little fox are reddish, knowing that Su Rui has no other meaning, but there is a slight sweetness in his heart.


  Little Fox’s heart was pounding wildly. Before the system 233 could find out her own life experience, she did not dare to reveal her other thoughts about Su Rui, but she made a naive and charming face at Su Rui.

   "Why didn't my brother speak? Is this the default?"

  Perhaps infected by the girl's cheerful and cheerful look, the man's eyes can't help but soften a bit, even with unknowingly pampering.

   "Little clever ghost."

  "Well, you are the daughter of the Su family, so naturally you are the smartest and most likable."

   "...I hope I am not the daughter of the Su family anymore."

  Thinking that the two people might have a half-parent relationship, Su Qinghuan's bright eyebrows instantly drooped, she sat on the chaise longue with a sad expression, muttering quietly.

  But Su Rui could not hear the girl's words clearly. He frowned slightly, and when he wanted to ask a clear question, he suddenly thought of a more important thing.

  I was taken away by Su Qinghuan's thoughts before, and now I realized that it seemed like my cheap sister, the so-called dream of rebirth, the whole person was different from before.

  This is not just a change in personality.

  A person’s sudden maturity may indeed be due to a sudden encounter with something big and forced to grow up.

   But a person’s skill means can never be done overnight, right?


   Thinking of Su Qinghuan's pulse just now, the man's heart became tense, and he immediately looked at Su Qinghuan very seriously.

   "Qinghuan, don't deceive your brother, why did you suddenly learn to pulse? You used to dislike memorizing those boring things, and the knowledge of Chinese medicine is so vast that it can be accomplished in a day or two."

  Su Qinghuan knew that Su Rui would be curious about this, she coughed lightly, and made an excuse for herself with sloppy eyes.

  "My brother might not believe me. Since I had that dream, I have been able to understand myself without a teacher. I have not only learned medical skills, but even some superficial skills."

  The so-called brief introduction is naturally Su Qinghuan's self-effacement.

This body has not been trained in martial arts since childhood, and the body is delicate, unable to perform any light skills or martial arts that require strength, but she still can do things like acupuncture points, as long as she is not a martial arts expert, she is absolutely free to face ordinary enemies. Guaranteed.

  The little fox said like this, his eyes flickered, showing a somewhat sentimental look.

   "Perhaps it is God's pity that will allow me a weak woman to be able to protect herself."

  Su Qinghuan has never drafted a lie, but if she says that she doesn’t know how many levels of experience she has gone through, and that she has traveled to various identities, I’m afraid it sounds more like a lie.

Everyone will automatically find a good explanation for what he sees. Su Qinghuan believes that a smart person like Su Rui can accept his defeat in the future so quickly. Presumably, she suddenly opened up the second line of Ren and Du for her cheap sister. , It will not be so surprising.


  "Do you still have some superficial martial arts skills?"

  Su Rui glanced at Su Qinghuan in surprise.

  "Don’t you believe me? Then let Qinghuan show his ugliness."

  Su Qinghuan said, before Su Rui could speak, he suddenly stepped forward, snapped twice, and tapped the two big holes in front of Su Rui's shoulders.

  In an instant, Su Rui felt a little difficult to breathe, and he couldn't even lift his arms.

   "It turned out to be true?"

  Su Rui stared at the woman in front of her in a daze. She only felt that she had been living for more than 20 years, and she hadn’t been ridiculous at this moment.

  While Su Qinghuan knew that Su Rui was weak and did not dare to demonstrate for too long, he quickly opened Su Rui's acupoint.

   "Brother, did you believe me?"


  The man regained his freedom in an instant, his thin lips pressed slightly, and he stared at the girl deeply.

   "Is that why you want to go back to the palace?"

  (End of this chapter)

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