The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 912: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (38)

  Chapter 912 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (38)

Xiaotao grew up with Su Qinghuan. She always thought that her own lady was a weak woman raised in a deep boudoir. But now she saw Su Qinghuan crawling to the height of the branches of the big tree. She only felt that she was a whole person. It's all bad.

   "Miss, come down quickly! The butterfly kite is where the lady's daughter is important!"

  If the master has a long and two shortcomings, she doesn’t want to live anymore!


  Unexpectedly, the woman seemed to have not heard her worry at all. She turned her head with a smile, leaning on the treetop, her beautiful eyes flowing in expectation, a bit lazy and comfortable.

   "Little Tao, don't be afraid, your lady will be fine."

  She heard System 233 say from a long distance that Su Rui was passing by Su’s Garden.

  Presumably, I climbed to such a high place to pick a kite. With his extraordinary vision, he should be able to notice it?


  Sure enough, Su Qinghuan soon heard another exclamation not far away.

   "Oh my God, look at the big man, is the lady climbing on the treetop the eldest?"

Because Su Qinghuan didn’t like people calling her a noble concubine empress, Su Rui was awkward, and quickly obeyed her, so that everyone in the whole government saw that she didn’t have to kneel down and worship, and she didn’t need to open her mouth. Called like that before leaving the pavilion.

  Su Qinghuan still appreciates Su Rui's understanding.

  Thinking of that man, Su Qinghuan looked at the place where the sound was coming from with his eyes seemingly imperceptible.

  Soon I saw the jade crown on his head, and the young man in a moon-white brocade robe was looking at her with a frosty face.

   "Qinghuan, what are you messing around, come down!"

The man seemed to be really angry, and the anxiety in his eyes almost overflowed. The last time he was in the study, he was obviously annoyed by her, but the whole person's expression was still faint, such as a faint pity and a faint sympathy. .

  Su Qinghuan doesn’t like to see him without waves.

   Seeing Su Rui like that, Su Qinghuan knew that the man just treated her as a dispensable sister. He had no feelings for the original owner, did not like, and could not be said to be disgusted.

  As for her, it is only limited to the sympathy for her encounter.

  Sometimes looking at a man’s pale face, Su Qinghuan’s heart will come up with an ancient verse, describing Su Jinyan as the best man.

  ——If the interpretation should be alluring, even ruthless and touching

  But she, the little fox, is the most greedy person. Even if nothing can make Su Rui's heart turbulent, she wants to try and stir the river.

  Let this man who looks like Gujing Bubo fall into the red dust and make ripples for her.


   "Qinghuan, you listen to what your brother said, just a paper kite, brother let someone else get it for you!"

An anxious shout came from below, but the girl ignored Su Rui's words, she climbed higher and higher, and even reached for the kite wrapped around the top of the branch.

  As she went to explore the kite, she turned her head innocently, unaware of how dangerous her current position half-horizontal in the air was.

   "Brother, this butterfly kite is very important to Qinghuan. I have to get it myself."

  The woman's voice is delicate and soft, so that others can't bear to be harsh.

   But Su Rui was sturdyly **** off by Su Qinghuan.


  The man tried his best to comfort Su Qinghuan, and now he saw that Su Qinghuan was not moved at all, and even Xianxin was there to explain to him, the anger in the man's heart was even more soaring.

  He has never bothered to speak ill of others, but at this moment, he really scolded Su Qinghuan.

  It's just a butterfly kite, where is it worth her desperation?

  She didn’t know that she was like this, would it cause others to worry?


  The man’s eyes are always calm, but at the moment they are full of worry and anxiety.

  Just when she saw the girl's slender body leaning against the big tree, her skirt was blowing in the breeze, her whole body appeared weak and weak, as if she would be feathered from the immortal at any time, and all Su Rui's anger was turned into worry.

  The dignified prime minister, who has one person under one person and over ten thousand people, now raises his head half imploringly, his posture is extremely earnest.

   "Qinghuan, be good, don't worry about the butterfly kite anymore. I can ask someone to re-make it for you. You can make a thousand or ten thousand."

   "But I only want this one, no matter how good the other is, it won't be it. Brother understand?"

  Su Qinghuan was holding the tail of the butterfly kite in her hand, but her eyes were extremely stubborn, just staring straight at the long jade man below.

  In this year of weak crown, he was already a young prime minister, and he was born beautifully.

   Even though his face was pale, his handsome face was still carved from the most beautiful cold jade in the world, and his thick black eyes looked like the best obsidian.

  It’s nice that he is staring at her anxiously.

  At this moment, Su Rui's eyes were only himself.


  Su Qinghuan feels sweet. She has always been a little fox with a face-controlled and very contented face, and she suddenly feels a little satisfied.

   And Su Rui saw Su Qinghuan’s eyes burning and the corners of his lips staring at her with a smile, and even felt that Su Qinghuan was not even talking about the butterfly kite.

  Instead, she was saying that he was the only one she wanted.

  This strange association is obviously extremely absurd, but thinking of Su Qinghuan’s way of trying to snuggle in his arms in the study on the day when he returned to the house, the man felt that the tip of his heart was stung by something.

  I should have felt very uncomfortable.

  But perhaps because of the girl's clear and bright eyes, it shocked the man, and was more at a loss.

  ——How could she like him?

  How can you like him?

  Since when did she like him...

  There are so many women in this world who adore Su Rui, even because he has never planned to marry a wife or concubine, and there are even some good men with broken sleeves to show him concealed goodness.

  But Su Rui knew very well in his heart that he didn't like men.

  But there is no woman he likes.

   So even if the daughter of the Marquis Mansion confessed to her personally, and even tried to undress and undress the two, Su Rui resolutely refused when they had to marry her.

   also fainted her in time with a faint needle, and asked a mother to **** her back to the house, so that the other side's thoughts were lost.


  Su Rui thinks that she has a thorough understanding of the relationship between men and women.

  With his body like a dead wood, it is impossible to give any woman a future.

   But now facing Su Qinghuan’s straightforward love, he was at a loss, even due to the identity of the two people, and worried that Su Qinghuan would encounter accidents when returning to the palace, and he could not bear to drive her out of the house.

  At the moment when the man's heart was a little messed up, only a crisp sound of branch cracking was heard.

   followed closely, and the subordinates exclaimed in horror.

  "Miss, be careful! Uuuuu..."

   "Oh my God, Missy stepped on empty!!"

  (End of this chapter)

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