The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 925: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (51)

  Chapter 925 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (51)

  Su Rui thought of what Su Qinghuan had said to herself in the past two days, her eyebrows and her eyes could not help but smile softer.

  "Hold your Majesty, I haven't seen him in a few years. Weichen saw this sister again. Although she is now promoted to a noble concubine, her personality is much more interesting than the previous two years."


   Seeing Helian Mo Xuan looked surprised, Su Rui's lips became more and more unconcealable.

   Isn’t this fun?

  The beautiful woman, now so interesting that she wants to be green, and then kill you with her own hands.


  These words, Su Rui naturally did not say to Helian Moxuan.

  But when Helian Moxuan heard Su Rui commenting on Su Qinghuan like this, but didn't give any specific examples, the man couldn't help but suddenly became interested.

   "Su Aiqing's words are even more curious."

   "The imperial concubine has been in Su Mansion these few days. What hasn't happened to you? Can Aiqing comment on her interesting temperament? This does not fit her tricky personality."

Before Su Qinghuan entered the palace, Helian Moxuan had already inquired about Su Qinghuan's position in the Su mansion, as well as his relationship with the Su family's father and son.

  General Su naturally loved Su Qinghuan, his only daughter, in every way before his death, but Su Qinghuan and Su Jinyan, the older brother, did not have such a close relationship.

  It is said that these brothers and sisters can't understand each other very much. Even Su Qinghuan and Su Rui are not as intimate as her and Xiaotao.


  Because of this, Helian Mo Xuan was relieved to insert Su Qinghuan into the palace.

   After all, the Su family is already strong. Although General Su is dead, another Su Jinyan temporarily propped up the sky, and the reputation of the power in the DPRK continued to increase.

  If Su Qinghuan and Su Rui get along very well again, I'm afraid that from the front to the harem, the eyes and ears of the Su family are everywhere.

Facts have proved that the news that Helian Moxuan had previously inquired was correct. Helian Moxuan had never heard Su Qinghuan mentioning Su Rui’s elder brother after having been in the palace for so many years, but sometimes he would mention General Su who died young. His words were full of words. Resentment and attachment.


   "Does your majesty think that Weichen’s sister has a tricky personality? Weichen is deeply panicked."

  Su Rui thinks of Su Qinghuan’s flying eyebrows. Indeed, she is a very proud person, but she hasn’t looked so domineering recently.

  Even if you are self-willed, you should be aware of everything and only make you feel cute.


  Su Rui glanced faintly at the bowl of soup that Helian Moxuan had put on the book table, and suddenly sighed.

"Speaking of which, in the early days, the Weichen had a deep rift with the noble concubine empress. At that time, the Weichen was addicted to his illness, and was depressed all day long. Naturally, he had no time to worry about the feelings of a younger sister than himself. ."

"Unexpectedly, my father has been away for so many years. This time the imperial concubine and the imperial concubine’s mothers returned home to save their relatives, but the relationship between the imperial concubine and the imperial concubine was invisibly narrowed. After so many years, the imperial concubine was a bit regretful. She cares a little bit."

   "As a result, the empress has been in the palace for a long time, and the Weichen and her are not as close as the brothers and sisters of ordinary families."


When    said these words, Su Rui had no trace of acting.

   And Helian Moxuan knew these things a long time ago, and didn't think there was any problem, he patted Su Rui on the shoulder lightly.

   "Aiqing doesn't have to be too sad. In any case, you and your concubine are close relatives, disconnected from bones and tendons, so they are all a family."

   "Yes, Weichen and noble concubines will inevitably be a family for a lifetime."

  Su Rui’s lips and smile widened.

Isn't    a family?

   was originally the righteous daughter adopted by his father, but in the future, I am afraid that if the relationship is further improved, the two will become the pillow people.

   Thinking of this, Su Rui looked at Helian Moxuan again, unconsciously bringing out a bit of inexplicable jealousy.

  The man knew that Su Qinghuan liked Helian Moxuan that much before. If he didn’t like it, I’m afraid he would not foolishly wait for the emperor in the name of Shou Xiao for two or three years.

  Even, in the track of that dream, two children fell for the dog emperor. The saddest thing is that those were even the wicked species brought out by an unknown guard.


  As the prince of man, the husband of man, no matter which one, Helian Moxuan failed at all.

  Su Rui's originally pleasant smile gradually turned cold, and he faintly lowered his eyelashes to hide the cold dark light in his eyes.

   "Speaking of it, maybe after entering the palace in the past two years, the imperial concubine has gradually become sensible, not as self-willed as she was young."

   "The empress has been telling Weichen these past two days that she regretted that because of a momentary anger, she begged her to withhold that Wanyi."

"Now the back in the sixth house is empty. As a noble concubine, sister Weichen should be an example in the sixth house. She should be more benevolent and generous. Your Majesty, why don't you lift the ban on that wan 嫔 today? Royal order."

   "So many days have passed, the courtier sister feels that the punishment for Wanbing is enough. After all, she just accidentally pushed the courtier sister into the water. They also serve your majesty, so they should feel like sisters."

   "If you hurt your harmony, or if you are considered by other concubines to be a concubine with a small temperament and a silly temperament, I am afraid that she will not be able to convince people with reason in the sixth house in the future. This is bound to be bad."

  As soon as Su Rui's voice fell, Helian Moxuan was a little startled.

   "The concubine did she really say that to you?"

  In the Qiwu Palace that day, Su Qinghuan really hugged his waist, and somewhat pitifully said that she was too temperamental at the time. Since she was her own concubine, she should be magnanimous and virtuous.

  But at that time, Helian Moxuan just listened to a few jokes. He always felt that Su Qinghuan had thought of another means to fight for favor, and even specially pacified her after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the two of them rounded up.

Helian Mo Xuan originally thought that after returning to Su Mansion, even if Su Qinghuan and Su Rui's relationship were colder, after all, she represented the face of the Su family. I was afraid that she would have to play with her temper and let Su Rui give Mu Sisi in the future. My parents have tripped.

  Unexpectedly, what she said was the same as the day she left the palace, and she even wanted Wan Man to lift her foot restraint.

  Is it...I really misunderstood Su Qinghuan?

   Although her character is a bit domineering, but she is not the kind of real femme fatale.


   Helian Mo Xuan was stunned, and a face with allure appeared in his eyes in a daze.

   Plain white face, dark hair, everything is so breathtaking.

   "Your Majesty... Your Majesty?"

  Su Rui reminded Helian Moxuan in a timely manner that the Dog Emperor suddenly returned to his senses.

  Helian Mo Xuan gave a light cough.

   "Also, since the imperial concubine feels that the ban is too strict, then I will pass the order and immediately lift the ban."


  The people of the palace are quick to do things. Mu Sisi was bored in that Shou'an palace, and he heard such good news.

  The woman ecstatically thought that Helian Moxuan was touched by her true emotions. She took a photo in the mirror and said that she had no shortage of makeup, and immediately asked the palace man to lift the sedan chair and lead her to the Palace of Qinzheng.

  (End of this chapter)

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