The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 930: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (56) 2200+ words

  Chapter 930 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (56) 2200+ words

  Su Rui heard Xiaotao’s surprised and surprised voice, a ray of light flashed across the man’s eyes, but his footsteps stopped subconsciously, and he listened carefully to Su Qinghuan’s response.

  Soon, under the window, a female voice like a clear spring slowly sounded.

   "The weather is getting warmer now, but I would like to say that he is embarrassed. Whether it is cold or hot, as long as the wind blows his throat, he will easily cough."

  "This sky silk satin is the most silky, and it is warm in winter and cool in summer. If you wrap it up, it won’t feel too thick in summer."

   "...Miss, you are really thoughtful of the grandpa."

   Xiaotao sighed seriously.

"If the eldest son learns about your affection, he will definitely have a better and better impression of you. I used to see you two being brothers and sisters, not to mention arrogant swords, but also coldly like a stranger, now it's better. NS……"

  Su Qinghuan smiled faintly.

   "Little Tao, if you like someone, you are definitely willing to do anything for him."

   Seemingly thinking of something, the little fox silently added.

  "Of course, Xiaotao, you must not give it foolishly in the future. If you are the only one who pays forever, then you are reluctant to be together, and you will definitely not be happy in the future."

"I like to say that it is my business. If he doesn't like me, it is his business, but I believe in his character. In the future, if there is a man who knows that you like him, but he will not respond to you or treat you well. , But instigate you to pay for him with witty words, then this kind of person will be rotten to the root."

   Xiaotao looked at the woman who was in the female red under the Linghua window in a dumbfounded manner.

   "Miss, how do I think you are insinuating your Majesty?"

   "Puff...not to mention him, of course, it is not impossible for you to say that. After all, Helian Moxuan's guy is really scumbag."

  Su Qing laughed and joked with the round-faced little maid.

  Because Su Qinghuan is now calling Helian Moxuan a dog emperor in private, and calling him by name will no longer make Xiaotao feel anymore.

  She is only worried. If the lady returns to the palace, will she be accustomed to her and can’t change her mouth for a while?

  That would be terrible.

  Thinking like this in Xiao Tao's heart, she saw Su Qinghuan indifferently.

   "Little Tao, but I remember that the dog emperor has some good things on his side, I guess we will have to deal with it for a while."

"Some time ago, the East Turks offered a warm jade and a cold jade, and they were all placed in the treasury to eat ashes. The former grows warm in the winter, and it is not too hot, and the latter keeps it fresh in the summer. Cool temperature..."

  Before Su Qinghuan finished speaking, Xiaotao was excited and authentic.

  "Miss, I see, when you want to go back to the palace, ask your majesty for the two jade pendants for the grandson? If you give them to the grandson, it must be of great benefit to the grandson's body."

   "But Xiao Tao, you have learned to learn from other things by analogy now."

  Su Qinghuan looked at Xiao Tao in surprise, only to feel that this little girl had been following herself in the recent period, but she was quite clever.

   And the system 233 saw that Su Qinghuan was so narcissistic, and couldn’t help teasing it.

   "Host, don't you allow others to become smarter? You have to get some light in it."

   "...Tong'er, so did you."

  Su Qing responded with a grin.

"I hope that Xiaotao will get smarter and smarter. After all, she will have to be 18 years old. In ancient society, if a woman had not negotiated marriage after her 20s, it would be more and more difficult for the rest of her life. "

  "After all, Xiaotao has not experienced any modern thinking. I think this Nizi is also looking forward to a good relationship. If there is a suitable young offspring in the future, she can be introduced to her."


   "Host, you don't worry about Xiao Tao chasing you every day. Even if there is the kind of young man she likes, but because you are good-looking and attractive, what should you do if you turn to love you?"

   "Puff...this assumption is too boring."

  Su Qinghuan made an analogy.

"First of all, people who like you can't empathize because other people look good. If that's the case, then they don't really like it, because no matter how beautiful the skin is, there are those who get old and wrinkle in this earthly world. one day."

  "If Xiaotao really meets such a man, then I will never let her make a mistake. With such an object, it is better to cut off the root of love as soon as possible."

"Moreover, there are many kinds of likes in a broad sense. They can also be the appreciation and worship of idols or decision makers, and they are not mixed with men and women. Just like Xiao Tao is my fan girl, he may be my fan in the future. Brother, often wave the flag to me and rebel together?"

   "Host, I can't refute your logic."

  "This is right in the first place. The type that I most mourn the misfortune and anger is that I have been injured and I have to make excuses for my empathetic scumbag."

   "Let’s make an analogy. For example, he was very good to me before, but he hit me when he was not awake for a while after drinking. Didn’t he kneel and apologize afterwards?"

"For another example, it was only because I was pregnant in October that it was inconvenient to have **** with him, so he went out and contaminated those dirty girls, or found some third party. In fact, he cares most about the family, and the man will go home. Enough."


  Su Qinghuan sighed lightly.

   "In fact, these people may also have their own difficulties."

"Perhaps it is financially dependent on the man, or even if she earns more money than the man, but she has not been weaned emotionally, is very dependent on the man, or her native family cannot be the backing, giving her the support of a clean break with the scum, and Or reluctant to let the child become a divorced family."

   "That's why you said the host, mourning its misfortune, and angering it?"

  "Yes, and what I hate most is that after these people do this, they say that they are for the sake of their children, and they blame their children for their bad lives."

   "Or, go and persuade other girls to be forbearing and forbearing, and saying that it’s good to be forbearing. All men in the world are like this, and this life will pass."

Girls have higher moral standards for girls, or the society has higher moral standards for girls. If a woman has also done this kind of behavior of abandoning her husband and abandoning her son and wandering around in a romantic place, she is afraid that she will be drowned by the spit star, who will wait for her Return to the family?

  Maybe this kind of probability exists, but it is obviously much smaller.

  The more tolerant society is towards male principles, it will only further reduce the living space of all girls.

  Every girl who does this may feel that she just can't help it, but this can't help it, it hurts herself, children, and more people.

  Under the world, how high is the probability that a scumbag can reconcile after a problem of principle, be a loyal and good husband, and be a good father?

   Anyway, Su Qinghuan feels that this possibility is very slim.


   Just as Su Qinghuan's thoughts were chaotic, she accidentally stuck a needle in her hand.

  "Oh, miss your hand..."

   Xiaotao hadn't finished her words, and suddenly, anxious footsteps came.

   "What happened to Qinghuan?"

   "The big man?"

  Little Tao looked back in amazement, when did the eldest son come back?

  How long has he been standing here?

  Thinking of her previous conversation with the lady, Xiao Tao was a little happy in her heart. If the eldest son knew the lady’s heart more precisely, it wouldn’t be so difficult for two people to be together?

  Thinking about this, Xiaotao walked out of the house very intimately.

  (End of this chapter)

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