The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 939: The imperial concubine has to climb the wall (65) 2200+ words

  Chapter 939 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (65) 2200+ words

  Don't Mu Sisi like to show off his natural talents, and his articles will shine through the ages?

  At that time, the little fox really wants to see what is called a poem rollover scene.

  I don’t know at that time, could Helian Moxuan confess this beautiful and weak female writer?


  Thinking of this scene, the little fox couldn't help but bend his eyes with joy.

In the original owner’s wish, there is a hope that scumbags and women will look at each other. The little fox is not a bad person with the heart of the Virgin. Since these two people have offended the original owner so much, she doesn’t think she has this trick. What a shame.

   is at best called killing harm for the people.


  Su Rui saw Su Qinghuan's smile with crescent eyes, and couldn't help being lost for a moment by her beauty.

   "You, you, are you holding back what is bad?"

   "Shhh, if you know me, Mo Ruo would like to say that brother too."

  Su Qinghuan made a strange expression at Su Rui.

  Su Rui laughed helplessly, then took the collection of poems handed over by Su Qinghuan, and used it to symbolically spot the woman's forehead.

   "I think about some ghost ideas on weekdays. Sometimes I really doubt that you are a fairy. Otherwise, how come there are so many weird ideas?"

  "If I really become a fairy, then I would like to say...Will you still like me?"

  Su Rui smiled meaninglessly.

  "Why should I care about this? Many people used to say that since I was a little kid, I was in poor health, but nowadays it makes sense for a patient to match a fairy."

"Tsk tusk tusk, then I am at a big loss. It is said that all fairies need a man's spirit-qi to support, but I think you, brother, there is really no spirit-qi that can feed me this fairy. "

   "Why, you dare to dislike it so that your brother can't do it?"

  The appearance of Su Qinghuan’s hippie smiling face is really not right, but the woman was born too beautiful, even if she is so rascal, it is impossible to criticize her.

  Su Rui couldn't help but knocked Su Qinghuan on the head again with that collection of poems.

   "Hey eh, don't knock my head, I will not grow taller."

   "Your stature is enough now."

  Su Rui glanced at Su Qinghuan casually, and then consciously or unconsciously passed the front of Su Qinghuan’s clothes.

  Actually...Although the original owner was born beautiful, he still has a slender stature, which is definitely not the devil figure that some men love most.

  So after being teased by Su Rui's glance, Su Qinghuan couldn't help but his face rose to tomato red.

   She gave Su Rui a hum and hum, and hurriedly protected her with her hands.

  "Bah, I said Meng Lang before, but in fact, someone is the real prodigal son."


  The prime minister was crowned with such a reputation, Su Rui didn't know if he should laugh or be helpless.

  In fact, can he say that he really didn’t mean what Su Qinghuan said just now?


  The man shook his head, and finally picked up the book of poems casually, and flipped through it carefully. When passing some poems inside, the scene of the day in the Palace of Qinzheng appeared in the man's mind.

  At that time, Helian Moxuan and Wan Bing Mu Sisi were the best in this life.

  Unfortunately, I’m afraid it’s not Wanbi’s ink.


  Thinking about this, Su Rui couldn't help but chop off at Su Qinghuan, and he shook the collection of poems in his hand at Su Qinghuan.

  "Qinghuan, did you know that Wanbi was stealing poems?"


  Su Qinghuan sat on the edge of the bed indifferently, shaking her legs unconsciously, revealing a looming plain line.

  Although he had known that this girl had little shy of him in her boudoir, the man still had a distraction. He subconsciously looked away, and then coughed slightly.

   "In that case, why do you expose her when you are not in the palace?"

   Change to being someone else, facing a husband and love rival who murdered him in a dream, I’m afraid I can’t sit still, right?

How can    wait so long?

  If Su Qinghuan really took out such a collection of poems in front of Helian Moxuan, I'm afraid Helian Moxuan would not believe in Mu Sisi's rhetoric at all.

  Because this collection of poems has a wide variety of categories, and the lines are all the best of the ages, Su Qinghuan was also given the name of the author.

Even if those authors cannot know where they really came from due to undocumented reasons, but if Su Qinghuan wants to use this to claim credit, why bother to write their names so hard to learn from it, and take all of this into account. Isn’t it easier if you have it?


   "Because I just want to find an occasion where they can't come to the stage on the spot."

  Su Qinghuan gave a thief smile.

  She waved to Su Rui, the man was startled, and soon realized what the woman meant, and sat next to the woman following her heart.

"you say."

  Su Qinghuan leaned close to Su Rui's ear tip, she held the man's sleeve with one hand, and then whispered softly with her thin lips half-wiping the man's auricle.

"You think, if I also say that this is what I dreamed of in my dream, I'm afraid that Mu Sisi will have to argue with me, but if I say, this collection of poems is ours in the garden of the Prime Minister's house, unintentionally Did you turn it out?"

   "It's just because the paper is broken, and there is no meaning of plundering people, so I have specially reprinted thousands of copies for the appreciation of the people in the capital."

   "I'm afraid that Mu Sisi will be really angry by the time. We don't have to fight her hard at all. Other talents will stand out for us."

"Is it possible that when is Chunhuaqiuyue? She is the hatred of subjugation who knows how much of the past is. She is also the lofty ambition of hunger for meat, laughing and drinking of the blood of the Huns? "

"There are thousands of things in this collection of poems that she can't tell lies. It was originally the life history of others. She had a dream and easily plagiarized the talents of other people's poems. It was really cheap for her. She is still in Helian Moxuan. There is such a big show at the side of the scum..."

  Su Rui looked at Su Qinghuan's so happy appearance, the man was startled subconsciously.

   "Qinghuan... In your heart, do you still mind your Majesty betraying your deceiving you so far?"

  Su Qinghuan saw that the man Xu was sipping jealousy, she shook her head quickly.

  "Don’t get me wrong. I don’t have any good feelings for the dog emperor. I just want to watch them bite the dog.


   Even Su Rui couldn't help laughing out now.

  "You, even in private, how can you say your Majesty like this, what if you are heard by others? It’s better to be cautious."

   "You are not another person."


  A dazzling time, the Mid-Autumn Festival has arrived.

  What makes Su Qing happy is that feeding the Xueyan flowers by herself these days is really a miraculous effect. What makes her even more shocked is that the Xueyan flowers actually bloomed and bear fruit on the morning of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  It's just that the fruit is still very small. According to System 233, this plant is weird. If they are lucky, they will fully grow mature fruit when they return from the night lantern. But if it is not coincident, I am afraid that it will take half a month.

  System 233 said so, and Su Qinghuan could only hold back his inner anxiety, and pretended to go out with Su Rui first.

  Su Rui originally wanted Su Qinghuan to look so gorgeous in Beijing, and the women's clothing was too eye-catching, and planned to let her pretend to be her own servant.

   Su Qinghuan was unhappy, so she wore a skirt and a vicious Kunlun slave mask to hide her face, which made Su Rui slightly relieved.

   "Qinghuan, do you want to eat sugar people?"

  Su Rui also wore the same mask on her face, and smiled gently at Su Qinghuan, and Su Qinghuan was about to answer. Suddenly, she noticed the man and woman not far away...

  (End of this chapter)

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