The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 941: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (67) 2200+ words

  Chapter 941 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (67) 2200+ words

   Mu Sisi stood beside Helian Moxuan, seeing the other person's eyes staring at the woman in the yellow skirt not far away, she couldn't help but frown, and became jealous a little unhappy.

   "Husband, how do you think other women are so selfless? Do you stand next to you without remembering Sisi?"

   is just a trip out of the palace, Mu Sisi began to call Helian Moxuan's name indiscriminately.

  Whether it’s a husband or brother Mo Xuan, she’s out of the palace anyway. She relies on Helian Mo Xuan to pet her and love her. She doesn’t care about being pets and spoils her at this time, so when will she have to wait?


   Helian Moxuan's heart returned to his senses when he heard the woman's soft and tender complaints.

   It's just gaze, but still subconsciously linger at the goose-yellow figure that has gone away for a few more times.

   "Sisi, is this jealous? Good, because her husband is just thinking about things, that woman...the back is a bit like Su Qinghuan..."

   "Huh?! Concubine Su?"

  Mussi was startled, always feeling impossible.

   Not to mention that she has been in the palace for a while, it seems that the imperial concubine has always disliked wearing goose yellow clothes, as if she said that the goose color made her look bad.

   "Husband, are you sure? How did Sisi remember that the imperial concubine did not have a hobby of wearing goose yellow skirts on weekdays?"

  "This is also...maybe there are more similar people under the heaven and the earth, not to mention, it's just a figure from the back."

  Helian Mo Xuan was startled for two seconds, and subconsciously began to convince himself.

  It’s just that he didn’t even know that Su Qinghuan didn’t like the color of goose yellow, because Helian Moxuan had never paid attention to what Su Qinghuan liked or liked.

   Whenever it is necessary to use this vicious and domineering woman as a shield, Helian Moxuan will give her all kinds of silk and satin at will, as well as countless pearls and gems.

  As long as the Liu Gong concubine's eyes become popular, it can be regarded as a man's goal achieved.

  As for Su Qinghuan’s true hobbies, who cares?

   Anyway, Su Qinghuan didn't have the courage to measure, and would throw out the things he had bestowed.


Just thinking that the girl in the yellow shirt was so close to the young man in the plain robe, and her fingers were tightly clasped, and even holding a sugar man of the same style in each hand, Helian Moxuan felt a little subconsciously in his heart. uncomfortable.

  It was as if Su Qinghuan had betrayed him.

  ——Even if Helian Moxuan has thousands of women, even if Helian Moxuan does not like Su Qinghuan, this does not mean that Su Qinghuan can do the same.

  After all, men and women are inherently different. He can have three palaces and six courtyards, but Su Qinghuan can't have three husbands and four waiters.


   "Husband, don't you really like the imperial concubine, do you?"

Mu Si thought of Su Qinghuan’s stunning face. As a woman, she felt a little too bright and brilliant. Fortunately, the woman was just a foolish idiot. This reduced her beauty by three points. Otherwise, she would be too worried about a woman. Beautiful and intelligent rivals.

   "I... ahem, how could I like such a domineering and arrogant woman!"

  Helian Mo Xuan almost subconsciously denied Mu Sisi's guess, but he didn't know why, but the dim tears of Su Qinghuan before leaving the palace appeared inexplicably.

  He never knew that Su Qinghuan would be so good-looking and pitiful when he cried, even Mu Sisi couldn’t match it.

   After all, Mu Sisi's beauty is much inferior to Su Qinghuan.

  If... Su Qinghuan is not the daughter of the Su family, it would be a shame that he could still spoil her.


  Helian Moxuan put aside the chaotic thoughts in his heart. At this moment, a shy little lady ran over and stuffed Helian Moxuan with a lotus flower.

   "If Lang Jun has the heart, then take the concubine's concubine lotus."

  Helian Mo Xuan was startled. Before he could get any idea, he saw a woman with a blushing face running away with broken steps. Before leaving, he didn't forget to cast a glamorous eye at him.


  The folk customs of the Daqing Dynasty are not as restrictive as the previous ones. On a series of good days such as the New Year’s Eve, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Qiqiao, most unmarried men and women like to come out to watch the lantern festival.

  Men and women can give each other some small things to show their hearts.

  For example, like the one encountered by Helian Moxuan this time, if the man is interested, he can accept the bouquet from the woman. If the woman is interested, he can also go and put a lotus lantern under the moat of the capital with the lover he likes.


  Mussi saw the lotus flower in Helian Moxuan's hand, and her mouth was crooked with anger.

  These shameless little hooves, didn’t you see that she, the righteous master, was holding Helian Moxuan’s hand?

   " can you receive the flowers of the quilt?"

   Mu Sisi feels wronged inside.

  "If I were also given flowers by another man, wouldn't you be angry?"

Helian Moxuan frowned. Obviously, he didn't expect Mu Sisi to be so jealous. She usually played a little bit of temper, but today he was going out of the palace according to her intentions. His charm was so charming. , Why not?

  "How can a man and a woman be compared? A woman cannot serve two husbands together, but it is common for a man to have three wives and four concubines."


Seeing Helian Moxuan still explain to her so seriously, Mu Sisi was so angry that she almost broke her silver teeth. She didn't expect that she would finally send the concubines in the palace. She didn't expect to be outside and still have to watch. Helian Moxuan was favored by other women.

  She suddenly regretted that she didn't wear a mask with Helian Moxuan.

  Because he knew that he would not be able to change Helian Moxuan's machismo thinking for a while, Mu Sisi had to endure the grievance and tried his best to let Helian Moxuan see how he was different from other vulgar fans.

   "Husband, don't you want to say to participate in this folk Wangjianglou poetry meeting? It should have started for a while, let's go."


  Helian Mo Xuan nodded, thinking that Mu Sisi was so talented and proud, he also put aside the original thoughts that Mu Sisi was jealous, and moved all his interest to the poetry club.

   "At that time, Sisi will win the top spot. I heard that Wangjianglou's first name will be given away with a pot of fine wine that has been collected for decades. For her husband, I will wait for Sisi's good news."

   "That's natural, I will definitely win."

  Mussi raised her chin proudly. She had already thought about it. Since it's Mid-Autumn Festival, she should use Su Shi's "Shui Tune Song Tou".

  She doesn’t believe it, who can beat Su Dongpo in this kind of Mid-Autumn Festival in a short time?

  It is difficult to compare with it through the ages, let alone in a moment.


   Soon, Mu Sisi arrived at Wangjiang Tower, and saw that there were already many literary talents competing.

  Mussi smiled calmly when she saw the mediocre poems hanging above.

   "My husband and I passed by this Wangjiang Tower by chance. The poems here are mediocre. I will write a poem on behalf of my husband. I hope you can taste it patiently."

   "What a arrogant little lady!"

  The few literati who praised each other in it, how could they bear the arrogant tone of a daughter of Mu Sisi.

  But Mu Sisi was not afraid at all, she looked around the few people proudly, and suddenly spoke quietly.

  "When is the bright moon? Ask the wine to Qingtian..."

  Unexpectedly, before she thought about it, she felt the eyes around her look strangely at her.



  Can't hear the whispers of those people, Mu Sisi wondered in her heart. Was she shocked by her own poetry?

  She was about to continue memorizing, but a fan scholar who didn't know where came out suddenly jumped out and stared at her unkindly.

   "Where is the plagiarism maniac, call me out!"

  (End of this chapter)

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