The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 945: The imperial concubine has to climb the wall (71) 2200+ words

  Chapter 945 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (71) 2200+ words

  Fortunately, behind Mu Sisi was a pillar carved with dragons and phoenixes, which did not make Mu Sisi fall straight to the ground.

Seeing Du Helian Mo Xuan's cruel and unfeeling appearance, Mu Sisi burst into tears on the spot.

   "Husband, you are so cruel, woo woo woo-"

  Helian Mo Xuan most disliked Mu Sisi, who had no talent but wanted to pretend, regardless of men and women, but this time Mu Sisi really stepped on his thunder.

  It’s no wonder that Mu Sisi clearly didn’t have so many bizarre encounters, but he could lie to him that he occasionally became a poet in his dream.

  It’s no wonder that Mu Sisi writes such crooked calligraphy with countless typos, but there are so many good sentences.

The more Helian Moxuan thinks about it, the more he feels disgusted. He likes real beauties and talented women to add fragrance to his red sleeves. Even Su Qinghuan's glamorous straw bags with empty skins are not good for him. How could he like Mu Sisi? A real villain who plagiarized other people's poems?

   "It's me...Is it true that I am cruel? If you didn't use those poems to deceive the world, how could I treat you differently?"

   "I didn't! I really didn't!"

   Mu Sisi didn't expect Helian Mo Xuan to push her, and even such abusive words were added, her legs began to tremble in fear.

After all, this is not a modern society. Helian Moxuan is an emperor, and he can command the world with a single word, saying that the desire of love is alive, and the desire of evil is death. Others just fantasize about it, but Helian Moxuan definitely does it. get!

  Thinking of this, Mu Sisi could only continue to cry, tears spilled on the floor like no money, and even very humblely hooked the man's arm, trying to win Helian Moxuan's little pity.

   "Husband, please don't be like this, okay? Sisi is really not like you think, woo woo woo..."

  Mussi was born good-looking, even if she was crying, it was still pear with rain. I felt pity, and her face was as bright as a bright moon, and she had an illusion of weakness and innocence.

It is a pity that Helian Moxuan is a character who is accustomed to seeing beautiful women in the world, and is the easiest to be flattered. He lacks the aura of a peerless and talented woman, and there is no so-called personal bonus for waiting for people. Mu Sisi is the only one that can rely on now. It was just a halo that Qingxueyuan encountered by chance.

  In the eyes of Helian Moxuan, the charm went straight from one hundred, and he fell and failed.

  The man directly waved his hand, and fell Mu Sisi to the ground again.

   "Oh, now I’m thinking about saying what I’m not thinking about? You go and read the collection of poems by yourself. Do you dare to ask yourself, did you write those things?"


   Mu Sisi trembled, she picked up the collection of poems with trembling hands, only to turn to the first page of "Jiang Jinjiu" with Li Bai's name, and Mu Sisi was struck by lightning.

How could this be?

   Isn’t this an overhead era?

  How can anyone know Li Bai?

  Waiting to see Du Fu and Su Shi later, even though Mu Sisi was mentally prepared, she felt that God was going to kill her.

   "My husband, I was wrong. I didn't mean it. I just wanted to please you. Just forgive Sisi for making a mistake..."

  To this day, no amount of sophistry seems to be useless.

  And Helian Moxuan is a dignified emperor, but Mu Sisi depends on Helian Moxuan's pity for food. What if Helian Moxuan beats her into the cold palace?

  In modern times, so many modern dramas are not for nothing. The real ancient times will only be more cruel and inhumane. Mu Sisi is really afraid that she will fall into that end.

  At this time, Mu Sisi began to regret, why did she have to provoke Helian Moxuan?

If she had been a little concubine in the Shou’an Palace obediently, although she was not the top concubine for food and clothing, she was the emperor’s woman after all, and she was not as exaggerated as being beaten into the cold palace, at least for food and clothing. Worry-free can be done.

  And now, a single thought has ruined half of my life!

  At the same time, Mu Sisi couldn't help but began to resent. Who on earth published this collection of poems?

  I heard passers-by say that it was distributed by the servants of Prime Minister Su's residence.

  Does Su Rui know that?

   or Su Qinghuan?

  No matter which one of their siblings, I’m afraid they are all the same as themselves. They are people who came from the post-modern era. They were born from the same root, so why bother with each other? Why do you want to hurt yourself to this point!

  At this time, Mu Sisi, whose head was full of fear, had completely forgotten how he blew pillow breeze to Helian Mo Xuan when he was just attached to this parasite, so that he was openly and secretly hostile to other concubines from good backgrounds.

How did    personally push Su Qinghuan into the water by the lotus pond.

  In Mu Sisi's opinion, all of this was just for self-protection, and she shouldn't be blamed, and Su Qinghuan and Su Rui's doing this would break her back. It was damned!

   Thinking of this, Mu Sisi cried to the ground on the spot, and she almost turned into a tearful person, which looked very unbearable.

   "Husband...I love you. Even if you make a mistake, husband, I just love you too much, oh oh oh..."



   Seeing Helian Moxuan treat Mu Sisi with such cold eyes, and act with such cold-blooded indifference, not to mention other spectators, even Su Qinghuan's eyes couldn't help but open slightly.

   "Tsk tsk, Tonger, this dog emperor turned his face too fast, I thought he would have a little more pity for Mu Sisi according to his special power to favor Mu Sisi."

  "The host, only a man like Helian Moxuan, who was originally a couple with Mu Sisi, each had a ghost, and each took what they needed. They weren't really in love."

"This is also true, even if it is not Mu Sisi, but Murong Sisi, Nangong Sisi, as long as the same performance is beautiful and talented, he will write various playbooks and carefully arrange countless encounters, like Helianmo People with such a macho mentality like Xuan would definitely like it."

   "It was originally."


  Su Qinghuan finished complaining with System 233, and felt that this good show was a bit boring.

  She pushed Su Rui's arm.

  "Really, shall we go?"

The man with the Kunlun slave mask on his face nodded gently to Su Qinghuan.


  It’s boring to stay here. Seeing Helian Moxuan like this, I’m afraid that Mu Sisi will be hopeless in this life.

  If she just plagiarized other people’s poems, maybe she was not too bad in her bones, but just vanity, but Mu Sisi, a woman who is both overt and secretly harmful, really made Su Qinghuan unable to sympathize.

  At this moment, a tall figure instantly stood in front of Su Qinghuan.

   is Helian Moxuan.

  Su Qinghuan was full of hostility in her heart, but since Helian Moxuan is still the emperor, she can only pay tribute to Helian Moxuan perfunctorily.

  It's impossible to give a big gift, anyway, Helian Mo Xuan is so embarrassed at this moment, I am afraid that she and Su Rui do not want to drop the vest in public.


   "Who allowed you to leave?"

  Helian Mo Xuan's face was full of frost, he looked at Su Qinghuan and Su Rui indifferently, inexplicably feeling that the harmonious atmosphere of the two made him look a little awkward.

  But the man didn’t understand it for a while, which meant he was already green on his head.

  The man looked at Su Qinghuan coldly.

   "Miss Su, I have a trouble with Sisi, are you very proud?"

  Su Qinghuan was about to fight back. Unexpectedly, Su Rui suddenly grabbed the corner of her clothes and signaled her not to act rashly.

  Su Rui looked at Helian Moxuan calmly.

   "Your excellency is serious, the relationship between the respected driver and the respected wife, the sister-in-law naturally does not dare to speak arrogantly."

  (End of this chapter)

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