The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 963: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (89)

  Chapter 963 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (89)

   "Your Majesty, there are still palace people watching, this is not proper!—"

  Su Qinghuan did not expect Helian Moxuan to be so bold, after all, it was still daytime, and she was hugged straight up in front of everyone!

   Feeling the scorching heat of the man's big hand on the waist, Su Qinghuan’s inner disgust has increased, but there is a bit of shyness on her face very naturally.

  The woman was born beautifully, the blush on the side of her face at this moment, like a blush, is undoubtedly more amazing.

  Even Helian Moxuan, who thought he was used to Su Qinghuan's beautiful face, couldn't help but miss a beat.

  Man's heart suddenly breeds countless possessive desires.

  He raised his head arrogantly.

  "How can it be considered inappropriate? I hug my own woman, so why does my concubine care about the opinions of others!"


  Su Qinghuan nodded, she was too lazy to perfuse Helian Mo Xuan, after all, playing the little white flower who admired this scum was also very tired.

  For the sake of simplicity, Su Qinghuan pretended to be embarrassed and buried her face on the man's shoulder. Only the soft and trembling voice proved the woman's throbbing at this moment.

   "Your Majesty... why are you so bad."

  The woman's voice was like a hook, and the scratching Helian Moxuan's heart tickled.

  But came immediately, but it was indescribable jealousy and heartache.


  Helian Mo Xuan really couldn't imagine that when the secret guard he dispatched last night and Su Qinghuan fell in love with Su Qinghuan, what kind of voice and demeanor Su Qinghuan would use to face that own stand-in.

  Although he planned this tragedy personally.

   But thinking about it now, Helian Moxuan has an urge to kill.

  The dark guard is already dead.

  If he switched to before, Helian Mo Xuan could not imagine that he would actually be willing to hug a flawed woman.

But at this moment, seeing the woman’s head buried low under his shoulders, and the graceful arc that draws her neck like a swan, clearly with his strength, gently pinch it, fearing the woman’s life, The account is in his hands.

   But Helian Moxuan found sadly that he seemed to be reluctant to bear it.


  Is it really just because Su Qinghuan was good-looking?

   Still because he knew that in this world, he once thought that Mu Sisi, who really loved him, was actually just deliberately welcoming him?


   During this period, Helian Moxuan not only let the Dark Guard nineteen come and Su Qinghuan round the room, but also because of Mu Sisi's previous performance in Wangjiang Tower, he began to have doubts about Mu Sisi.

  The man spent a lot of energy and began to carefully investigate the palace people who knew he would appear in Qingxue Garden at that time.

Under severe torture, some people could not resist the pressure and began to admit that the reason why Wan Bi went to Qingxueyuan in the first place was not because she was lost, nor because she liked to go to secluded places to enjoy flowers, but because She bought the palace, knowing that Helian Moxuan has this hobby!


   is really a wrong step.

  Helian Mo Xuan now understands that he, who claims to be extremely smart, is actually being played around in the palm of a little woman.

  From then on, Helian Moxuan began to hate Mu Sisi even more, if it weren’t for the fact that she still had a child in her stomach, she would just be killed.

   But even so, Mu Sisi's treatment was extremely uncomfortable. The Shou'an Palace where she lived was originally not far from the Cold Palace.

  In addition, Mu Sisi is now pregnant with a baby but can't get good care of it. In fact, it is Helian Moxuan's meaning to let her fend for herself.

  Unfortunately, this woman Mu Sisi still has the last glimmer of fantasy about Helian Moxuan. After all, they have been so affectionate. Helian Moxuan personally promised that if she had a child, she would make her son a prince.

  Even if the two people are now at this level, Mu Sisi still has hope, fantasizing that Helian Moxuan can pick her out for the sake of the child and promote her.

   But all this is destined to disappoint Mu Sisi.

  Even Helian Moxuan coldly placed the palace maidens, and he was not allowed to take extra care of Mu Sisi who was pregnant.

The people in the    palace are the ones who meet the windshield the most. Now, the number of cases in the Mu Sishou's palace is more than one-third less than usual.

  If this continues, I am afraid that her treatment will be reduced to almost the same as that of a court lady.


  Helian Moxuan was quite satisfied with this situation in his heart, and even had a kind of retaliatory pleasure. For him, he did not give this woman to death, it was already an extravagant favor.

  In contrast, Helian Moxuan suddenly felt that a domineering and arrogant woman like Su Qinghuan was at least not as annoying as Mu Sisi's hypocrisy.

  People didn't cherish anything at the time, but now there is an emotional gap that they want to fill.


  Su Qinghuan knew in his heart that Helian Moxuan came to see her at this moment, and he was more or less hit by Mu Sisi, and he meant to empathize from then on.

The little fox was very disdainful. She was not very worried that Helian Moxuan would really go crazy for a while and what to do to her. After all, as everyone knows, Helian Moxuan is a man with an eye above the top. He is the emperor, so where can he be spoiled? She is no longer "clean".

  But for Helian Moxuan's snake essence disease, Su Qinghuan still left a trace of caution in her heart.


  Wait until Helian Moxuan hugged him under the tent, Su Qinghuan raised his eyes shamefully and shook Helian Moxuan's arm very carefully.

   "Your Majesty, it's still daytime. You don't want to be with Qinghuan...that way?"

   "But your majesty, you were too mighty yesterday, you are like a real dragon. The concubine was really tossed and broken by your majesty last night. Your majesty, can you let your concubine take a rest?"

As    said, the woman raised her head a little embarrassedly, and stared at Helian Mo Xuan with her eyes for an instant.

  Her eyes were originally born beautiful, but at the moment when the sun shines through the window, it is even more radiant, more attractive than the scorching sun in the sky.


  Helian Moxuan originally meant to be jealous and angry. At this moment, being awakened by a woman like this, she and the Guardian nineteen had something indescribable last night.

  Helian Mo Xuan's thin lips tightened, and there was a storm in his eyes and then gathered again.

  However, his mouth is extremely tough.

   "If I think about it now? Isn't Ai Concubine willing to share the joy of fish and water with me?"

   "...How could the concubine not like your majesty favoring the concubine? But the concubine was really tired of being tossed by your majesty yesterday."

  Su Qinghuan said, pulling open his sleeves aggrievedly.


  I can only see under the silk and satin of the sleeves of the undergarment, there are very irritating red marks on them.

   made it clear what she had endured last night.

  Oh, of course the little fox wouldn’t admit it, these are all her boring pinch out of Mo Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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