The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 966: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (92)

  Chapter 966 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (92)

  There are many treasures in the treasury, but Su Qinghuan is not interested in those gold and silver jewelry. She specifically asks the dog emperor Helian Moxuan for this grace, but she is just preparing to find cold and warm jade for Su Rui.

   After all, even if the blood of the little fox is mixed with the effects of the centuries-old snow face flower fruit, it will only slow down the fetal poison in Su Rui's body, but it is not easy to return to a normal person's health.

  That’s why the little fox thought that if Su Rui wears cold jade and warm jade all the year round, he can also feel a bit of warmth and coolness in the heat and winter.


   Just as Su Qinghuan was about to look for it carefully, Xiao Tao beside her suddenly fell over.

   "Little Tao, are you okay?"

  Su Qinghuan turned her head in amazement, and when she was about to support Xiao Tao, Xiao Tao suddenly excitedly picked up a picture of thick dust in the corner.

   "Hey... Master, how does the woman in this painting resemble you?"

  "Is there any? Let me see..."

  Su Qinghuan frowned her eyebrows slightly. Before she approached, she felt that the scroll should be a little old, and it was not very well preserved. The surface of the scroll had already appeared strong dark yellow.

  Moreover, the dust is too much to count, almost covering the surface of the beauty picture, except for the woman who has a pair of bright, moonlike phoenix eyes exposed outside.

   looks vaguely, somewhat similar to Su Qinghuan.


  After all, in reality, there are many elders who have beautiful eyes, but not many beauties with phoenix eyes.

  Su Qinghuan glanced at Xiaotao jokingly.

   "Xiao Tao, you can see that such a dirty painting is similar to your lady, and your eyes are too vicious."

"That is, Master, I grew up with you since I was a child. Of course, I should be familiar with your voice and smile, but I feel that the woman in this picture has to be more feminine and feminine, unlike the master. Often like a child..."

   "Puff, you with a small mouth are not afraid to offend people..."

  Is this a compliment or what?

Su Qinghuan laughed dumbly. She took the picture scroll in Xiaotao’s hand and realized that the painting was dirtier than she thought. Fortunately, Xiaotao carried a silk paw with him, and Su Qinghuan wiped it out little by little, and finally let the picture scroll. Revealing the finished appearance.

   "It seems to look a lot like me..."

  To be precise, it looks very similar to the shell of the little fox.

  But as Xiaotao said, the beauty in the painting is more feminine at first glance. Even a static painting can not help but think of the slender and delicate steps of the intricate and unparalleled poetry.

   And those pair of horizontal waves and wonderful eyes, more like Yingying Qiu Shui, people can't help but blush when looking at a painting.


  Relatively speaking, Su Qinghuan’s temperament is closer and more beautiful, cold and beautiful, which makes people feel that they can only be seen from a distance and not be indecent-play.

  And the woman in this picture is more affinity in itself, and coupled with that beautiful face, there is a kind of mature beauty with branches and leaves.

  If you must use the peony flower as a metaphor, the little fox is more like the peony flower that has just bloomed on the branch. Although it is beautiful and beautiful, the flower heart still has a slight blue color.

  And the woman in this painting is already in full bloom, beautiful to the point of thrilling, but it also makes people start to think, prosperous must decline, such a beautiful person, will there be a day of old age and withering?


  And the most special thing is the dress of the woman, although it is also a skirt, but looking at her brows, and the gold hem of the skirt, we can know that this does not fit the current Daqing women's outfit.

   is more like...

  Su Qinghuan became more and more frightened as she watched it, and she instantly closed the picture.

   "Little Tao, where did you pick this up?"

   "Master, what happened to this painting?"

   Xiaotao suddenly realized something from Su Qinghuan’s serious eyes.

  Since knowing that Su Qinghuan is not the real daughter of the Su family, and has no blood relationship with Su Rui, Xiaotao has been thinking about what kind of person is needed to give birth to a young lady who is so beautiful.

  Although Su Qinghuan and Su Rui do not look alike, they are both good-looking, and they also have an extraordinary dignity, so most people will not be so careful to distinguish the difference between Su Qinghuan and Su Rui.

  After all, Su's mother passed away early, and everyone will only think that Su Qinghuan and Su Rui, one is more like a mother who died young, and the other is like General Su who is also dead.


   "Looking at the old look of this painting, it is very possible that the woman in the painting is related to me, maybe even my dearest relatives."

  Su Qinghuan sighed slightly.

"Unexpectedly, it takes no effort to break through the iron shoes and find no place. During the few days in the Su Mansion, I have been working hard with Jinyan to find my life experience. After all, I and he are also afraid, even if I and Jinyan are not the same father. The relationship with the mother, what if it is a distant relative?"

"But at that time we searched the entire capital city, as well as some distant relatives in nearby cities. We never found out who lost a daughter 17 years ago. What's more, my appearance is similar to that of the Su family. Among the relatives, there is no similarity with more than three points."

   "Now I came here by chance to look through the collections in the palace, but I found such a painting, such a dusty thing, and Xiao Tao gave you a glimpse of it. Isn't this fate?"

Su Qinghuan also passed by the painting before, but there are too many jewels here. There are also a lot of various landscape paintings and beauties. A painting buried in the corner of the corner is full of dust at first glance. Can't provoke Su Qinghuan's interest.


  Xiaotao also has grief after hearing this.

   "Master, that's why God is destined to let you know your life experience."

  "The slaves and maids were turned from here, master, come and take a look. In addition to the picture of beauty just now, there are also several paintings of flowers and birds, freehand brushwork, and it seems that the styles of the works are different."

  Su Qinghuan picked up a few landscape drawings and meticulous flowers and birds at random. She patrolled the inscription carefully, and Xiaotao on the side couldn't help but interject.

"Master, according to the slave-maid's view, although the woman in the previous painting looks simple in dress, judging from the golden hairpin on her temples, the golden thread peony on the skirt, and the flowers on her eyebrows, she should be from a family background. It's expensive."

  Su Qinghuan listened to Xiaotao's analysis and nodded approvingly.

   "Yes, I think I have roughly guessed the identity of the woman in this painting."

"who is it?"

   Xiaotao widened her eyes curiously.

  Su Qinghuan smiled and hooked her lips.

  "You see, the inscription on each of these paintings is Gu Tingjun. Maybe you don't know this person, but this person is a famous court painter in the previous dynasty."

   "So the beauties in the painting are mostly concubines from the previous dynasty."

  (End of this chapter)

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